a/n: sorry for the month late update... but for some reason I had a lot of problems with this chapter, so please forgive me. I'm really not happy with what I have right now, but you - my dear readers- deserve an update. The humor seems to have taken a vacation in this chapter... so I hope it's not too bad. Thanks to you four amazing people who reviewed last chapter! You're BEYOND awesome. ;)

Disclamer: I do not own Inuyasha. If I did, I wouldn't be wasting my time trying to get my muse to listen to me.

Chapter 35:


In moments I'm out the backdoor, ignoring the curious shouts that emit from the kitchen as I sprint across the small expanse of lawn towards the bushes in which the bright pink of her t-shirt sticks out like a sore thumb among the dark evergreen of the bushes, and where she has carelessly 'hidden' herself fro view.

Oh dear.

"Sango?" I question cautiously, as I tower over her sitting figure, raising an eyebrow at the pile grass that has been torn from the ground by her own ruthless hands.

Her hair – still showing remnants of whatever she blew up in the kitchen- catches in the breeze for a moment and whips out behind her as she abruptly turns her head to look at me, her sharp eyes meeting mine in a defiant glower.


"What the hell do you want?" She grounds out, more like a threat then a question, as she tears yet another strand of grass out of the earth and adds it to the large heap of already brutally murdered plant life.

"I just came to check up on you." I reply honestly as I settle down on the ground behind her, staring aimlessly at the sky.

"I'm fine thanks." She replies coolly, shoving at me, no doubt willing me to go away.

Unfortunately, as she should have learned by now, I am not easy to get rid of.

"No can do, sweetheart." I laugh patting her hand in a semi-comforting fashion, "I'm afraid you're stuck with me."

I've always commended my own persistence; my way of staying put… there is no way that I'm going to budge from her side until I decide it for myself.

She sighs in exasperation, and tries to move away, but doesn't get too far because I'm still holding down her hand.

"Damn it, Miroku. Let go!"

I don't want to let go. A strange anxiety begins to build in my chest, making it hard to breathe. I don't want to be left behind. I don't want her to leave.

"Sango..." I state quietly, leaning back against her and closing my eyes, in an attempt to calm my rapidly beating heart, "Let's… just sit here for a little while more."

A small snort is all she gives as a reply, but she soon relaxes against me, her breathing slow and constant…

Why can't moments like this ever just… last?


I should have known. I should have known, I should have known, I SHOULD HAVE FREAKING KNOWN!

Glaring at Inuyasha as I wipe down the counter, I frown in disgust.

'Help'? My ass.

There he sits. Plain of day, leaning against the table, surveying us with the upmost disconcern, lazily rolling his eyes while freaking eating his freaking bowl of ramen.

Someone kill me now, or give me better judgment. Seriously.

I mean really. I've never claimed to be a genius – but I should have been able to see through those words.

Hah. Help.

With a glower in his direction, and a small low growl of displeasure, I finish my task, and lean back against the counter, frowning.

"What's wrong 'gome." He grounds out around a mouthful of noodles.

Disgusted, I look away, grimacing.

"Nothing." I respond tightly, gritting my teeth, and rolling my eyes, "Absolutely nothing."

There's a pause, and a clatter of chopsticks.


"Some help YOU are, Inuyasha." I snarl at him snidely, finally snapping, as I duck out of the kitchen, sighing to myself.

Quick footsteps follow behind me, and a hand grabs my shoulder.

I struggle to shake it off.

"Are you ok, Kagome?" Ayame questions anxiously, emerald eyes concerned, "Why are you so-"

"Upset?' I laugh quietly, "I have the right to be, don't I? 'Help'? More like sit around doing nothing."

"That's nothing to get angry over." Ayame chides, slapping my back companionably, "Just calm down."

"Maybe I don't want to." I reply, in a sort of whine, turning and frown at her.


"No." I respond hastily, with a wavering smile, "I… have to go home."


"Just…" I clenched my hands and sighed, "Give me a while ok?"

With a sigh, I stalk into the hallway, and lean against the wall, taking a few deep breathes. So much for a fun night- everyone seems so… out of it today. Wrong.


Kohaku is sitting on the floor, looking up at me curiously, as he closes his book with a light snap, "Are you ok?"

I force a smile. "Fine, thanks. How about you?"

He gives a shallow laugh. "I'm good. Everyone else seems to be at wits end though."

"You think so too?" I ask, raising an eyebrow, "What do you suppose did it? The popcorn?"

He gives me an amused look, before getting to his feet, with a knowledgeable nod. "Well, we are teenagers. It's only natural for us to be snappy, reckless and bipolar idiots. We have a reputation to uphold, don't we?"

With a wry smile, he passes by me, and starts up the stairs, leaving me to think.

Since when did he get so… mature? Seriously. Inuyasha could take some lessons from him.

But I suppose he has a point. I have no real reason to be mad at Inuyasha – It can't be ENTIRELY his fault he's a nonsensical idiot at times.



"What is UP with everybody?" Ayame mutters crossly, as she shoo's Inuyasha out of the kitchen, with the promise of baked goods, "They all seem on... edge."

"Let it be." I tell her gently, patting her on the back as I throw a paper towl in the garbage, "Just give everyone some time, ok?"

She sighs, and runs her hand over her well kept red hair. "I just wanted… I just wanted to have fun today, you know?"

"Shall we go join Kouga in the living room?" I suggest with a small smile, as Ayame's eyes light up at her adored one's name.

I hope everyone else can cheer up soon as well – it would be nice if we could all just… get along for once. Have fun without drama.

Ayame drags me into the living room, ignoring Inuyasha's whines of "What happened to the baked goods?" as she finds a place to settle down besides Kouga to watch the ending of the movie.

Silently, I settle down at the foot of the couch, and rest my arms on my knees, smiling as the calming atmosphere takes over.

But as always the peace is shattered within moments.


"Shut it, will you?" Ayame snaps at him, with a roll of her eyes, "For goodness sake, Inuyasha! Be a man and go buy your own pastries, why don't you?"


"I don't give a damn what a real man would-"

"Would you just-"

"I-I'll go buy some!" I volunteer, breaking into the conversation, with a nervous laugh, as they both stare at me in surprise. "The bakeries not that far away..."

"But Rin…" Ayame begins, looking sad.

"You're my savior!" Inuyasha cries out dramatically, looking at me with the most pathetic puppy dog eyes I've ever seen.

I vaguely wonder what Kagome must see in him…cuz she has to see something in him, to look at him so oddly all the time.

Not that I don't like Inuyasha! It's just that I don't find him appealing in THAT sense.

In other words, he's not my type, I guess. Not that I have a type.

As I get to my feet, my eyes rove to the corner of the room where the ever silent elder Youkai boy stands, stalk still, as he checks the time on his phone.

"I'll just be going then." I tell them with a faint smile, grabbing my jacket and scarf from off one of the chairs, and putting them on, "I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Be careful!" Ayame calls after me, with a warm look on her face, relief etched into her expression, as she scoots not so subtly closer to the ever oblivious Kouga, "You never know what kind of creepers you may run into."

I wince at this, as I wind my scarf once more around my neck, and head towards the door.

There's a light sound behind me, and as I turn, I find myself gazing into a pair of amber eyes, his breath warm on my cheek, as he inclines his head in a sort of nod.

"I'll come with you." He states, tone his usual monotone.

My heart gives a sudden jolt, and face flushing I turn away, as he comes to stand beside me, putting on his shoes, "A-alright then." I manage to choke out, refusing to look him straight in the face, as he glances towards me.

How am I supposed to survive in a moment like this?

a/n: I'll try to fit the other guy's into the next chapter... sorry that Miroku's the only one with a big appearance so far. -.- I'll make sure to veer towards Inuyasha next time. Either him or Kouga. Don't expect many long chapters from me in the future - however, I will be working on getting everything back in gear for this story. Thank you for your time! Feel free to review~ (please do!)