Disclaimer: I do not own characters of Kimi Ni Todoke

Dream Come True

It's been months since they first met. Her personality was bottled up and his was carefree and outgoing. She had yet to grasp the different views of life, and no one understood her. In her world, everyone judged a book by its cover, and did nothing to change that.

Her appearance was quite frightening, although she never intended it to be. Her soft spoken voice would be misjudged as cursed words. She has always been alone and was content with her surroundings; yet her kind heart yearned for a smile, a smile other than her parents.

Kuronuma Sawako. Mistaken to be 'Sadako', yet that didn't bother her. However one day, she met him. The first person not to escape in fear of her presence, Kazehaya Shota. Sawako admired him, and blindly fell in love with him.

As the days went by their friendship grew stronger. Connected eyes caused hearts to pound, nerves caused their stomachs to whirl and over thinking caused everything to go numb. Together, they were both blindly in love.


Sawako, softly mumbled as she opened her eyes halfway, her breathing was even and her eyelashes caressed her cheeks. She felt a warm touch against her shoulder and turned her head to find someone standing beside her.

"Kuronuma…wake up."

His voice was so dreamy, she thought she was still asleep until she finally realized who was speaking to her.

"Huh!" She immediately sat up, startling Kazehaya.

"Oh!" He chuckled nervously. "Sorry if I shook to hard." He gulped and could feel his heart pounding against his chest as he pressed his palm against it.

"K-Kazehaya-kun." His name quietly escaped her lips.

"It's almost 5:00, I forgot my bag here after helping with the school committee and found you fast asleep." He smiled, running his fingers through his dark, shaggy hair.

Sawako's big brown eyes gazed at his smile as it lit up the whole room.

Kazehaya noticed her giving him a blank stare and sat down in the seat beside her and buried his face in his arms.

"Hm? Kaze-"

"Don't look at me…" He mumbled, embarrassed by Sawako's blank expression.

"Um…Thank you for waking me up…I-I didn't realize how late it was…and if you hadn't told me…I might've slept here the whole night…" She hesitated between words, pointed both her index fingers at each other and blushed, averting her eyes down to the floor.

Kazehaya turned his head a bit and peeked one eye at Sawako, then his eyes widened.

"Th-Thank you." She repeated and expressed one of her rare smiles.

Kazehaya hid his smile in his arms, then got up and held out his hand.

Sawako stared at his welcoming hand, then looked up at him.

"Come on, let's go home!" He smiled. Sawako almost felt her heart stop, then she relaxed herself and gently placed her hand in his.