Title: Don't Need My Wings To Help You Up

Author: PlatinumRoseLady

Disclaimer: Like I have the talent to come up with these characters – please, they're Kripke's and we know it.

Challenge Word: "Shoulder"

Word Count: 100 words. *Gives the Word Count Feature a cookie.

Players: Go to Enkidu07's page, and you'll find all the usual suspects. Resistance is futile – you will be drabbleized. We're like the Borg, only cuter.

Spoiler Alert: The unseen conclusion of "My Bloody Valentine". Some angst for 88Ivories' Birthday.

He walks by me, opens the door to the panic room. Still I stand outside the door… something within me tells me to follow would be intrusive.

I stand there watching as he helps Sam to his feet. The worst is over, but the man is so weak now, he sways against his brother, threatening to send them both crashing back down on the bed.

I walk inside, place myself between both men, an arm around each shoulder.

Both are trembling, breathing heavily with exhaustion and pain.

"I will help you bring him upstairs, Dean. Then you both must rest."

Author's Notes: From the Winchesters and Castiel and me – Happy Birthday, 88Ivories!