The soft pounding beat of bass as red and purple lights danced across a wooden stage, a silver pole in the center just waiting for long tantalizing limbs to encase it, love it, rape it with the only desire to fulfill the fanciful lusts of an overexcited crowd. This would be his last night as a stage dancer. It was time to move on, to continue a journey he'd started more than three months ago to find that damned devil hunter Dante.

Nero checked himself over in the mirror one last time, he licked his lips feeling the steel of the snake bites, the rings adorning each corner of his lower lip. So much had changed in the two years after the Fortuna incident, some for the worst and some for the better. Kyrie leaving him that could be considered both. He adjusted the lone ranger mask and a quick flick of eyeliner, flipping his hair to cover the strings of the mask. A long black glove pulled tight to cover the excited blue glow of his Bringer, he let the fingers of his human hand slid up the length of the glove giving it another pull. His eyes shifted to the ribbon like blood red tattoo swirling twice around his bicep before lazily marking its way down and around the rest of his arm gripping his wrist tightly it ended in the center of his out stretched palm giving the illusion that the color sprouted from the flesh. The mesh shirt clung to his ripped body like a second skin, the black leather pants hung rather low, gripping his hips, that sexy 'V' showing a little too much. But that's what the crowd wants to see right?

His hips swayed unconsciously to the music as he strapped on the black feathered wings, the leather straps hugging his shoulders and under his arms, crossing in an 'X' across his chest. Every angel needs his wings and thus his stage name Fallen Angel,

"Nero get your ass out here the crowd is going crazy, I don't want my joint torn apart damnit!" Brake hollered from somewhere.

Nero half smirked half sighed, "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." he made his way from the dressing room to the stage and everything went black giving him ample time to get into position. His back to the room, head bowed, and even though they couldn't see it his fingers clasped together.


His regulars knew the routine, they'd get what they want soon enough. The lights started again in time with the music, flashing against his pale skin. The steady buzz, steady clapping as the audience joined with the beat, Nero stood stock still.

I think I'm drowning
I want to break the spell
That you've created

He rolled his head back along his shoulders, eyes closed, smile playing on the corners of his lips, body starts rocking from side to side, jutting his hips. His hands begin slid up his hips as his movements become more erratic. Nero loves the music, the way it fells makes him forget…everything…everyone.

He turns to the audience, enraptured by the sight of these people, men and women wanting him…well his body anyway. Nero smirked.

You're something beautiful
A contradiction
I wanna play the game
I want the friction

Nero wrapped his human hand around the pole, arched his back, grinding his groan into the steel igniting wolf whistles and howls from the crowd. He trails his bringer down snagging the button of the leathers. His pale skin contrasts nicely against the dark fabric. The trail of white hair almost unnoticeable. The pole between his knees, he swings gracefully around, releasing the pole sliding to the edge of the stage. A few try to grab for him even more tossing bills, Nero gave them a bit more love.

You will be the death of me

You will be the death of me

He rips the mesh from his body, sweating now, the lights shine off his body, his human hand slides across the slickened skin. Teasing the people playing with a nipple, hands lower releasing the zipper.

Bury it
I won't let you burry it
I wont let you smother it
I wont let you murder it

A flash of red caught from the corner of his eye. Nero immediately turns his head exposing that long column of flesh he calls a neck. The sudden movement throws him off beat, but catches himself as if part of the act. He tries scanning the audience but to no avail.

(Earlier that Evening)

The great devil slayer Dante sliced through his last lust of the night. The sun had set some time ago. Dante sighed rolling his shoulders. 'Another job done, more money in my pocket.' He grinned at the thought then the image of Lady sneaking into his office to steal his little nest egg made him sneer.

"Time to go collect my money." Dante swings Rebellion over his shoulder stalking towards the mayors mansion. First he rang the door bell, waited a minute and rang again. After a few minutes he began pounding relentlessly on the oak door until someone finally answered. A woman dressed in a white robe pulled open the door, "Do you have any idea what time it is, what do you want?" Dante cocked his head to one side, checking his watch only a mere 11 p.m. His gaze fell back to her, the blonde stood with her arms crossed,

"I'm here to collect my money from the extermination job."

"Oh, right, you're Dante, come back tomorrow." She almost had the door closed before he stuck his foot inside, "What do you mean come back tomorrow?!" She open the door, leaning against the wide frame,

"Look, I'm really sorry about this, but my dad isn't here, he's down at Brake's place. It's Fallen Angels last night, he wanted to see him, in the whole month he's been dancing my dad hasn't missed a show…maybe you should go check it out, might be worth while." Dante raised an eyebrow, how can this girl talk so nonchalantly about her own father watching another man strip. Of course he had nothing against it but this guy apparently has a family, "Here you'll need this, that place is bound to be packed, he's really popular." She handed him a ticket. A ticket for a strip joint, must be some show.

The girl pointed Dante in the right direction. From the outside the place resembled a small warehouse, nothing spectacular but once inside is another story. Three stage set up, hanging cages from the ceiling complete with dancers, disco balls and lights and noisy as fuck. Dante was in love. He smirked sliding up to the bar, a perfect view of center stage,

"Hey, you picked a great night for your first time, what's your poison?" He ordered a beer and a shot of Jack.

"You have got to be Dante." The voice said from his right. Dante turned his head, a mane of black hair and green eyes greeted him, the guy was a few inches shorted than he.

"Yeah, and you are?"

"Brake, this is my place, guess you heard about our angels last flight, he'll be leaving us tomorrow."

"Just heard a few minutes ago, thought I'd check it out, guess he's pretty popular."

"Pretty isn't the word, the kid is fucking amazing, came by about a month ago looking for work said he'd do about anything save for whoring himself out, not that he'd have a lack of customers or anything…started him off as a bus boy, saw him swinging his hips to the music one night and asked him if he'd like to try out the stage. He was a little shy at first but he got over that real quick, kids a damn natural."

All of a sudden the lights went out and a low thrumming beat started. Dante grinned 'I know this song' the lyrics started and so did the lights and Dante caught that white hair and those fucking blue eyes that nearly matched his own. Dante heard a snort from the man,

"Looks like he has another fan."

"You said he stopped through just for work, did he say where he was headed or anything." Brake shook his head, Dante couldn't take his eyes off the stage. the fluid movements of the lilthe body beckoned not only to his human side but also his inner demon started drooling 'oh fuck me is that really Nero?' Dante quickly told his devil to shut the fuck up.

"No, only thing he mentioned is he was looking for a guy he meet a couple years ago but didn't have a phone number or even an address. He's working here long enough to get up a bit of money and be on his way again." the hunters gaze finally went back to the man beside him.
"Did he mention a name?" Brake shook his head.

Dante's eyes turned back to the stage watching the spectacle, that defiantly was not the same kid he left back in Fortuna. Piercing, tattoos, he almost laughed when the kid ground against the pole, but holy hell he was getting turned on. And the demon in his pants is getting a bit big to cover up. He jumped to his feet heading towards the bathroom.

The night finished for Nero in a haze, he didn't even realize when the song ended. Once back in his dressing room he sat with a heavy huff. That flash of red was just all too familiar. Sure he was looking for Dante but he didn't want the elder to see him like this. It was just to embarrassing. Nero rubbed his nose.

"Well I see one thing that hasn't changed…"

Nero's eyes grew wide, that voice, ".."

Okay, there's not much i can say right now, i have a few ideas where i want this to go. anyway let me know what you think...thanks