
Ch 1

Loose My Sanity

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, etc. blah blah blah, cuz if I did then it would be rated M and pure yaoi XD bwahahahahaaaaaaa

AN: So this is my new story. A LeonxCloud fic *wink wink*

Mommy!" a small 6 year chocolate haired boy yelled as he pitifully sat on the grass in the backyard. Tears were freely flowing down his face.

"Sora, what's the matter?" a tall sunshine blonde man asked as he rushed over to th little boy. He scooped up the child into his strong arms and wiped away the tears with his sleeve.

"I fell off the tree and my arm hurts." sniffed the child.

Cloud gave a quick examination. Sure enough Sora had a long gash on his right arm, his knee was scrapped and bleeding and to top it off the boy was covered in dirt. The blonde man sighed.

"This is why I said not to climb the tree but you're a stubborn one." Cloud didn't even get to start to scold his son when Sora pulled his famous 'I'm-so-cute-so-let-me-get-away-with-it' look. Big bright cerulean eyes looked into narrowed cyan ones.

"Oh no you don't. You're not gonna get away with this one. You could have seriously injured yourself. You-"

A small whimper cut Cloud off. The man closed his eyes and groaned.

"Forget it. Ima let your dad deal with this. He has a heart of steel. Let's just get you fixed up."

Cloud carried the boy back inside and headed for the master bedroom and into the bathroom. He sat the brunette on the sink's counter and rummaged through the cabinets until he found the first aid kit. Swiftly he undressed Sora down to his boxers.

"This isn't going to work."

"Huh?" Sora cutely asked while tilting his head slightly.

"You need a bath."

Bright cerulean eyes widened.

"No!!" the little chocolate haired boy yelled as he tried to jump off the sinks counter, but his momma was quicker. Cloud caught the child in mid jump and held the squirming body closely and firmly as he undressed him completely and prepared the bath.

"Please mommy! I don't want to take a bath!" the 6 year old cried.

"You're dirty. You need one. If you don't then your wounds might get infected."

"No the water will hurt me!"

"The water can't hurt you."

Sora kept on stuggling, "You'll let me drown!"

Surprised at his sons words Cloud's grip loosened and the child freed himself from his mother's arms and ran towards the door never minding he was completely naked. The little brunette hastily opened the bathroom door and ran straight into a pair of black clad legs.

Sora landed on his butt on the cold tile floor and looked up into his father's steel blue eyes.

"'re home."

From behind Leon's legs popped out a little golden blonde haired boy with Sora's exact eyes.

"Leon." the blonde whispered.

Said man looked over to Cloud and saw the pain, sadness and shock etched into those beautiful cyan eyes and watched those emotions replaced with worry as those eyes fell on the small blonde haired boy.

"Roxas. You shouldn't be up. Go back to bed."

Leon moved forward and bent down to wrap a towel and lift up the youngest of his two sons while Roxas stepped out from behind his dad's legs.

"I'm feeling better mommy. Don't worry." the small blonde moved to stand in front of Cloud and lifted his arms up signaling he wanted to be picked up. The blonde man complied and lifted his oldest son into his arms. The steel blue eyed man walked over to his spouse and froze when the older man flinched away as his cyan eyes fell on the towel wrapped childe. Leon narrowed his eyes and quickly stepped forward and wrapped his free arm around the blonde man's waist.

He whispered low enough so that the twins couldn't hear.

"I'll talk to Sora. He didn't mean it. Don't take it to heart. I'll finish up here." With a peck to the lips and a caress to the cheek the russet haired man sent his lover and oldest child out of the bathroom. Cloud gave a weak smile and swift nod and exited the bathroom with Roxas in his arms.

Once Leon was sure the two were out of earshot he turned to look at his youngest tear streaked and dirty face.

"First off, I didn't get my welcome home kiss and hug from you yet. How come?" the steel blue eyed man asked with a slight smirk to lighten the mood.

Sora's lips pulled themselves into a small smile and wrapped his arms around his dad's neck a gave a big wet kiss on the man's tanned cheek.

"Now you mind telling me why you are covered in filth and scrapped up?"

The room was silent until a whispered "Uhh, well I fell." rung in the room.

"Oh? And were did you fall?"

"In the backyard."

The russet haired man smirked. The chocolate haired twin was avoiding answering the main question. He could play along as well.

"Were in the backyard?"

"...Near the tree."

"Did you stumble over a root?"


"Then how?"

Sora buried his face in his dad's shirt.

"Sorry. I couldn't hear your answer. Care to repeat that?"

"I was climbing he cherry blossom tree and slipped so I fell." mumbled the 6 year old.

"I see. Now didn't your mother and I tell you not to?"


Leon let out a sigh.

"Let the pain in your arm and knee be your punishment bit no more climbing that tree. You understand?"

A small nod was the reply.

"Moving on. Why were you giving you mother a hard time?"

"I-I didn't want a bath."

"Sora you have to get over your fear of water. It's been months since the incident at the pool. Besides, who was the one who rescued you and made sure you didn't drown?"



The russet haired man kneeled in front of the tub and lowered his youngest into the water feet first. Small hands grabbed onto Leon's shirt with a iron grip and the small body began trembling.

"It's okay. I'm right here."

Leon lowered the sun kissed body completely into the tub while keeping an arm firmly against the small back. Shaking hands held on tight to the supporting hand placed on the boy's belly.

"Just relax Sora." the russet haired man took the smaller hands and lowered them till they touched the tub's bottom. Sora's shoulders remained above the water.


Bright cerulean eyes opened at the sound of Leon's voice. The chocolate haired boy blinked and looked at himself, at the water and then at his dad.

"How come I'm not drowning?"

The steel blue eyed man laughed and said, "Because you can't drown in the tub, it's too shallow."


"Not every drop of water can harm you. Your mom and me are going to teach you and Roxas how to swim so you won't need to worry about drowning anymore."

Knowing he was safe at the moment and his dad was there to make sure nothing happened to him, slowly Sora let go his grip on his dad and sat by himself in the now murky water. Leon smirked as he watched his son carefully test out the water in the tub.


"Yes?" the older man answered as he lathered soap into chocolaty brown hair.

"I upset mommy didn't I?"

Water splashed the shampoo away.



"You hurt you mother's feelings."

Bright cerulean eyes widened. The russet haired man continued washing his son.

"I didn't mean to-"

"One fear a parent has is having their own child fear them. I bet that's how your mom feels. Your mom cares about you so much like you will never understand."

"I was just scared mommy would drown too." By now the little brunette had tears running down his face. Leon rinsed the boy off and lifted him up out of the tub and wrapped him in a fluffy towel.

"I know but maybe you should apologize."

Sniffling, Sora's wet head nodded in agreement. A genuine smile placed itself on the scarred man's lips.

"Maybe a big wet kiss too. Your momma loves those."

A goofy grin spread across the child's teary face. Leon cleaned the wounds and dressed then in bandages and dressed his son in a big navy shirt that reached the boy's knees, hung on his small shoulder and covered his chubby hands followed by white briefs.

"Let's go find your mom and brother." The steel blue eyed man lifted Sora into his arms and headed downstairs.

Meanwhile in the kitchen Cloud was preparing dinner as Roxas sat on the counter watching his mother.


"What is it, baby?"

"You know Sora didn't mean it, right?"

The blonde man stopped his task and turned to his oldest son.

"What do you mean?"

"You looked sad when Sora said that you'd let him drown. He's just scarred-"

"I know."

Bright cerulean eyes looked into cyan ones.

"It just hurt to know he thought like that." A cool hand placed itself on a small warm forehead. Before Roxas could comment on his mother's previous words, Cloud said, "Your fever has gone down a bit. That's good. A bit more rest and medicine and you'll be back to your healthy self."

Cloud took a few steps back and smiled at his son. Both blondes turned towards the door as a set of brunettes entered the kitchen. As soon as the spiky chocolate haired boy's feet touched the ground, his bright cerulean eyes watered up as he saw his mother's face sadden when looking at him. Running as fast as his feet could carry him, Sora launched himself at Cloud.

Surprised, the blonde man barely caught the brunette and was almost sent falling on his back as well. Cloud caught Sora with one arm and balanced tem both with he other.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.." wailed the chocolate haired child.

Cyan eyes blinked as the mind processed what was going on. A small smile spread across the man's face.

"Shh Sora. It's okay. You didn't do anything wrong." he rubbed the sniffling boy's back and smoothed chocolaty spikes away from the tear stained face.

"Crybaby." muttered Roxas, earning a glare from his mother, making Leon chuckle.

"I" hiccup "didn't mean" hiccup "what-"

A kiss to the sun kissed nose silenced the child.

"I get it, baby. You're sorry and didn't mean it. You were scared, I know."

"But I-"

"Mommy says he forgives you, so shut up and don't say stupid things like that again."

"Roxas!" scolded Cloud while Sora gave his goofy grin and replied, "Kay Roxy."

The golden blonde haired twin mumbled an apology to his mom and grumbled about the wretched nickname.

"You forgot one thing Sora." Leon said as he pointed to his cheek and walked over and picked Roxas up off the counter and into his arms.

"Oh!" the chocolate haired boy exclaimed as he wrapped his short arms around Cloud's neck and planted a big wet kiss on his mother's cheek.

"Eww! Sora!"

"Now Roxas, it's not disgusting. Right Cloud?"

The blonde man gave his husband a look that could kill and burn but then an evil glint flashed through those cyan eyes and a smirk placed itself on the fair face.

"Not at all Leon."

Saliva glistened on the man's cheek as a fair hand wiped it away. Cloud stepped forward and stood in front of the scarred man.

"Cloud." Leon warned, "what are you-" The russet haired man didn't get to finish his sentence as the smaller man ran his tongue up the warm skin, leaving a trail of saliva.

"Cover their eyes."


Sora's eyes were covered by his momma's hands right away, although catching a glimpse of Cloud's mouth attaching itself to Leon's. The scarred man quickly covered Roxas' eyes when he felt a tongue plunge into his mouth.

"Hey! What's going on?" yelled the twins in unison.

Their question went unanswered as Leon took control of the kiss. He was never one to be dominated over. They broke apart when their lungs cried out for air. The steel blue eyed man wrapped his free arm around the blonde man's waist and brought him close to his body as he laid his chin atop the spiky sunshine blonde hair trying to catch his breath and breathe in his wife's strawberry and vanilla scent. Cloud buried his face into his husband's neck, breathing heavily as he tried to catch his breath as well and leaned on the man's taller figure.

"Why are you out of breath?" Roxas asked as he removed his father's hand away from his face. Sora looked at his parents in confusion.

"You'll know why when you're older." said Leon as he smirked making Cloud chuckle.

"Grownups are weird." stated Sora.

"Yup." agreed Roxas.

The twins were let down and told to go play or do something while dinner was being finished. As the two boys left the kitchen the blonde man turned to look at his husband and asked, "What did you tell Sora that made him cry like that?"

"The truth." shrugged the scarred man as he helped his wife finish preparing the food. Cloud stood over the dining table setting up the plates and utensils when he said, "And what is the truth to you?"

"He hurt you with his words."


"What!" Said man turned his back to the stove to look at the other. A small smile played at his lips as he looked at the smaller man. Cloud had his hands on his hips, standing in a very feminine stance, a pout on his lips but his cyan eyes looked worried.

"You didn't."

"I did."

"You're a bully Leon. He's only six, he doesn't mean what he says most of the time."

"But you believed what he said."

Cloud flinched and looked away. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and began bitting his bottom lip. Leon sighed and walked over to the man.


Cloud shook his head.

"It's fine, forget it. You're right."

The steel blue eyed man placed a quick kiss on his partner's lips earning him a smile from the smaller man.

"You're just one big baby Leon."

"Well you bring the child in me out." the russet haired man smirked. Cloud rolled his eyes.

"Call the kids. Dinner is ready."

With another quick kiss, Leon left the kitchen to go and hunt down his sons. Cloud shook his head and let out a chuckle.

"I'm going to loose my sanity with those three around."

He braced himself as he heard the happy screams of his children and the idiotic roaring of his husband coming just around the corner. The blonde man smiled to himself.

'Oh well. I would trade everything, even my sanity to be here, with them.' he thought as he was tackled by two giggling boys and embraced by his Lion.

Nana: Here we are again with another story, only this time it's mostly about Leon and Cloud.

Leon: Finally.

Nana: Aww is the poor Lion not getting enough time with his Blonde Angel?

Leon: *growls*

Cloud: Settle down Leon. Nana don't tease him like that

Leon: *lowers head*

Nana: Fine

Sora: Umm so Cloud's our mom?

Nana: Yup

Roxas: And Leon's our dad?

Nana: Yup

Sora: *thinks* You know Roxas does kinda look like Cloud

Roxas: Well Sora can definitely pass off as Leon's son.

Nana: That's what I was thinking so it was a perfect opportunity for me to write this story. Now get to practicing your parent act.

Leon: No way! I don't want kids *looks at adorable Sora and Roxas* Well i could live with those two as my kids. But only them.

Cloud: I knew you had a soft side *kisses Leon* Can we adopt them?

Leon: Whatever you want babe.

Nana: Now that's what I call wrapped around a finger.

Sora: Cool! We get a mom and a dad!

Roxas: Hmm, if it's them then it's fine

Sora: Yay!

Nana: Laterz
