The Changed Timeline
by Teddylonglong

All recognizable characters belong to J. K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story.
I am not a native speaker of English. Please excuse my mistakes.

COMPLETELY AU! Partly OOC! Time travel!

Beginning of memory

He was still small, maybe six or seven years old, and was seated next to his sister of about five years. A simmering cauldron was standing in front of them, when Julia suddenly threw something in the potion and he heard his father cry 'get down', before Severus jumped onto his kids and forced them under the table to save them from the exploding cauldron.

End of memory

When the dream ended, he found himself back in the kitchen of their quarters. He put his head down in his hands, breathing heavily. Severus got up immediately and knelt in front of Harry. "Was it a memory?" he asked, and when Harry nodded, he said, "Come, let me take you back to your room." He accompanied him to his room, followed by Lily and the girls, who were glancing at Harry worriedly. Severus helped Harry to drink a potion, which had a slight taste of strawberries and told him, "I've just invented this potion for you; it's kind of a special headache potion."

Julia asked worriedly, "Harry, what happened?", and Severus told her to come back to the kitchen, and he would explain everything.

Lily hugged Harry fiercely and stayed in this position until he was asleep. When he woke up an hour later, he felt much better and left his room to look for the others.


Julia was sitting in front of the large fireplace doing Transfiguration homework. When she saw Harry, she called him over immediately. "Oh Harry, good that you're awake. Can you help me?"

He shrugged and said, "Sure, what do you have to do?" as he sat next to her on the floor. They worked on her Transfiguration homework for about an hour, until their mother entered the room with Marina in tow.

The little girl disturbed the calm and shouted, "Harry!" and threw herself onto him.

Lily's face showed an expression of absolute relief upon seeing her two older children quietly doing homework together, as it always had been. Now Harry was hugging his little sister and was whispering into her ear making her laugh merrily. While Harry had been asleep, Severus and she had explained to the children as much as they would be likely to understand about his journey into the past to save her life and his resulting memory problems. Both children seemed to have understood that he was still the nice, adorable brother he had always been, and that he would be unwell when a memory returned, so that they had to help him and call Severus or her immediately.

It was almost dinner time, when Lily addressed Harry. "Harry, what are we going to do with you? Should I take you back to the hospital wing, or do you want to stay here should Poppy let you?"

Harry thought for a moment and said, "If I'm not too much of a burden, I would like to stay here".

Lily gave him a stern look before asking, "Am I somehow similar to Petunia? You are not, nor will you ever be a burden to me. Alright, let's get ready for dinner."


After dinner, Harry and Julia retreated to Harry's room.

"Harry, is it true, that you don't remember anything of us?" Julia suddenly asked, seeming anxious.

Harry gave her an assuring smile. "You know, Julia, I'll be slowly getting all my memories back. But what is much more important, I have my feelings; and I feel that you and Marina are very close to me and I love both of you very much." With that, he blushed horribly, and Julia laughed with tears in her eyes. Then he continued, "Julia, please help me. I know you aren't allowed to tell me a lot, because the memories have to come back by themselves, but there are a few things I need to know, all right?" Julia nodded enquiringly. "We're both in Merlin House, right?" She nodded. "I'm in 6th year and a prefect and Quidditch captain; you're in 4th year?"

"Yes Harry," she said smilingly.

He thought for a moment. "Have Quidditch tryouts already taken place?"

She shook her head. "We don't need complete tryouts this year, because only the Keeper was a 7th year, and the Keeper of the reserve team is on the first team now. So we only need a Keeper for the reserve team."

"Ah, all right, so we always have two teams, like I had in the past. I'm also captain of the Hogwarts' team, right?"

"Yes, but the situation is similar. So, I don't think tryouts have to be your first priority," Julia explained. "I'm on both teams, Merlin on the 1st, Hogwarts on the 2nd team, and we've always talked and planned together, so I'm quite familiar with your plans and tactics." She gave him an encouraging glance, and Harry relaxed a bit.

"Oh, that's good," he replied, sighing in relief. "So I'm not missing anything important. Do you know when the first games will be?"

"Hogwarts team has a match against the teachers on the first Sunday in October, which will be in two weeks' time. Do you think you'll be able to play?"

"I will play," Harry said in determination. "Do all the students know what happened to me, by the way?"

Julia let out a long sigh. "No Harry. Mum has talked to Merlin House; they all know; and she has told them that you need to get a few memories back, before you will be able to join them. She also told them that you've already taken your NEWTs in the past, so that it might be that you'll join them for Quidditch practice or in the common room even before you're going to attend classes."

"All right, I want to hold Quidditch practises as soon as possible. Is the team training without me?" Harry enquired.

Julia shook her head. "No Harry, but you could first of all ask Mum when you may go and attend practice, and secondly you can write a parchment for me to put on the wall in the common room about resuming the practice. And if you're not allowed to fly or even to observe, I'll tell them that we just have to train on our own for the time being," she suggested, giving Harry a questioning look.

"Yes, you just play first team against second team matches, and the second team's Seeker can replace the Keeper until I'll be back. When should the first match be?"

She laughed. "You know we have a very meddling great grandfather, don't you?" Harry smirked. "Our first game is not before the end of November; I'm sure he knew why he fixed it that way."

Suddenly their conversation was interrupted, when Lily entered the room. She smiled from one to the other and said, "I'm so glad that you get on so well in spite of everything that happened – I'm very proud of you, my children."

Harry blushed and asked, "Um… Mum, eh… was that why you came here, um… I mean just to tell us that?"

Lily and Julia laughed. "No, Harry, I just came to discuss several items with you. Do you feel well enough to come out to the living room?"

"Oh sorry, yes, of course Mum," Harry said and followed Lily into the living room.

Harry sat down on what seemed to always have been his favourite spot on the sofa, directly in front of the fireplace, and looked questioningly at his mother who had watched him and was smiling lovingly at her son. "What are you laughing about, Mum?" he queried, quirking an eyebrow.

"Do you know that this spot has always been your favourite place?" Lily asked in apparent amusement.

"Yes, I know, but I'm not sure why I know it," Harry admitted. "It's not as if I had seen a memory, I just have that feeling." He cast an unsure glance at Lily, who had sat down next to him on the sofa putting an arm around him.

"Alright my dear. First, Poppy has allowed you to stay here if you feel well enough and are comfortable here. However, she wants you to come down to her office once a day for about an hour, just to talk to her. You know that Albus made her study psychology, so that she would be able to help you with possible mental problems, when you came back from the past. Of course, you can talk about everything with Severus and me as well, but she might be more able to help you than us. Is that all right with you?" she enquired, giving Harry a sharp look.

"Yes, of course," Harry replied, shrugging. "When do I have to go, I mean at what time?"

"She suggeted that you should come during lesson time, for example straight after breakfast; or any time between breakfast and dinnertime," Lily replied, pensively, only to add, "at least as long as you're not attending classes."

"All right," Harry agreed, before asking, "Do I have to eat breakfast in the Great Hall with you?"

Lily let out a long sigh. "Harry, I've thought about it. The fact, that you get along so well with Julia will help a lot I think, especially as you're in the same house and have always been sitting together. Now, do you remember Anna and Ginny?"

"Anna as in Anna Lupin? I don't know her, because she just didn't exist in my old time line. And Ginny as in Ginny Weasley? Of course, she was a very good friend, as were Hermione and Ron."

"Then you'll have to meet Anna as soon as possible, because she's your very best friend, and I think it would be better to meet her alone the first time, as you'll definitely need her help."

"She's in Merlin House with me, right?" Harry enquired. "And Ginny, Ron and Hermione are in Gryffindor?"

"No Harry, Ginny is in Merlin, Hermione in Ravenclaw and Ron in Hufflepuff," Lily explained, causing Harry to stare at her, wide-eyed.

"Wow" he managed to say. "So when can I meet Anna? I want to join the others as soon as possible, although I'm not confident that I'll be able to do so for a whole day, but at least for some time every day; and I want to play Quidditch as soon as possible, too."

"Very well then, if it's all right with you, I'll invite Anna here for breakfast. Normally we all eat in the Great Hall, but I'm sure Albus will excuse us this time. Ginny won't be a problem, because you know her, and when you manage to assimilate to Anna as easily as to your sisters, you'll be able to commence eating meals in the Great Hall during the next few days. And then Quidditch won't be a problem either."

Harry nodded, wearing a hopeful expression.

"The third point is," Lily continued, "that Granny and I have something to discuss with you, but we'd like to have this talk when you're lucid and well enough. So at the next opportunity when you really feel fit in the evening, we should call her here for a discussion."

"We could talk now. I – am – lucid," Harry insisted, causing Lily to frown.

"No Harry, well enough means without a headache, which you still seem to have. Maybe tomorrow; it is a very important discussion, so I'll decide when we are going to have it." Harry gave her a curious glance and nodded dully.


In the morning, Lily deemed Harry fit enough to have breakfast with his friend Anna, herself, Julia and Marina. After floo-calling Dumbledore to excuse herself and the two Merlin students from breakfast, she floo-called Amelia to invite Anna for breakfast and was considering calling Dobby for breakfast but decided to make breakfast by herself.

Harry was very excited. He had slept very well, because he had only received one new memory late in the evening, when his father was still up to calm him and give him a potion, so that he felt quite fit when he woke up. However, as he did not have any memory of his friend Anna so far, he could not remember her at all. Hopefully, he would be able to get along with her. However, his worries were completely unfounded. When Anna arrived, his positive feelings, which came up the moment he saw her, helped him to overcome his anxiety towards the unknown girl, who on her part tried to behave as if nothing had happened.

When Anna asked him, "Harry when are you going to come back to Merlin and to classes and everything else?" Lily answered for him.

"He'll have to stay here with us for a while. Concerning classes, we still have to decide several things, but joining you for dinner and maybe Quidditch practice should be possible during the next few days. It depends on his condition, as he still needs to get lots of memories back."

Harry nodded his consent, giving Anna an apologetic look.

"All right Harry, don't forget that I'm waiting for you, and if you ever need me to come here, send Julia to get me." She beamed at him, obviously happy to have her best friend back.

"I'll do so Anna. Maybe I can even join you for lunch today," Harry replied, casting his supposed-to-be best friend a broad smile.

"Harry", Lily interrupted him, "Today I want you to go to Poppy's office, when we go to classes in a few minutes, and stay there until I come and get you. I have a free period during second class, so I will stay here with you and Marina. If you want to attend lunch in the Great Hall, we can do so of course. In the afternoon, Albus is going to stay here with you. Normally I have Dobby looking after Marina, but considering your problem, I want an adult to be near by and not only a house elf. All right, Anna and Julia, are you ready? What do you have first?"

"Potions," Anna said, and Julia replied, "Transfiguration."


During his time with Pomfrey, Hrry recieved his next memory.

Beginning of memory

Harry was circling above the Quidditch pitch looking for the Snitch, which was hiding between the low-lying clouds, when he suddenly saw a boy falling off his broom. Harry raced down in a blink and gripped the boys' arm to pull him onto his own broom, but at that moment, a Bludger hit the end of his broom, so that finally both of them tumbled the last few meters down to the ground.

"Harry, are you all right?" he could hear his mother's voice and was just going to say 'no', because he had the impression everything hurt, when he remembered that he had still to catch the Snitch and replied affirmatively. He climbed back on his broom only to grasp the Snitch a few minutes later. The memory ended with Dumbledore handing the Quidditch Cup to Harry, who then gave it to his mother.

End of memory

Poppy asked about the memory and about the others, which he had already received, and Harry spent an hour talking with the healer about his experiences.


When they arrived in the Great Hall, Marina took Harry's hand and turned to her mother, "Mommy, I'm going to have lunch with Harry today. See you later." With that, she pushed Harry in the direction of Merlin table. Arriving at their house table, Harry was pulled into simultaneous embraces from two sides, while his house-mates began making a rucus.


Thank you so much for your continuous kind comments on this story! Please continue letting me know what you think.