I do not own Twilight...Just my own imagination

"Bella honey! Have you seen my phone?" I heard my mother calling up the stairs to me. I loved my mom, I really did. She was my best friend in every way. Its just been the two of us since the day she left my dad twelve years ago. She is flighty, forgetful and alwayslosing things but she is absolutely wonderful. And she is breathtaking beautiful. So its understandable when she found a new guy so quickly. They've been together ever since. It was only a year ago when his son, Vane, came to live with us.

"Mom...check on the table by the front door." I called back to her shaking my head.

I heard the front door open and a voice drifted up to me. Phil must be home. I knew he would find the phone even if she didn't. I wandered to Vane's room to see if he was ready to leave. Its Friday and we had plans with the gang to catch a movie in town. We are the same age and get along so well that we have the same friends. And being that we live in a small town in Maine, everyone knew each other.

I found him ready in his room, just listening to music. He patted the bed for me to sit by him. I wandered over and sat on the edge but he pulls me up to his side. I almost fall off because he's big. At 6'6 and well muscled he takes up the whole bed. We sit there for awhile, he just looks at me every once in a while, like he is expecting me to say something. So we sit there listening to music then it dawns on me. The music. I listen closely to the singer. Its Vane!

I start smiling at him and he laughs "Finally! I thought we were going to have to sit here all night."

I elbow him in the ribs. Ouch! I know better than that.

"Its awesome! When did you make it?" He is always creating something musical, but its the first song hes sung. I love it, he sounds great!

"Last night while you were sleeping." He replies. He jumps off the bed and pulls me up with him. He throws me over his shoulder and races downstairs. I have to close my eyes. As the air rushes by me I pray he remembers to duck through the doorways.

We enter the kitchen and see mom and Phil sitting at the table. Mom gets up and hands me a plate of food. She loves to cook and its always creating something new. It smells good so I start to eat immediately. Yep really good. Vane grabs the newspaper and looks for the movie times. I finish eating and put the plate in the sink. I head to the living room and turn on the TV. I flip through the channels waiting to leave. My mom and Phil come into the room so we talk about our plans for the night. They are headed out too.

I hear a car pull up and call to Vane to get a move on it. He walks in and I had to stare for a minute. I'm so used to his appearance that I hardly ever notice it anymore. I turn and open the box on the table by the door. I point to his eyes. I toss the box to him, he grins sheepishly and dashes out of the room. I can't help but laugh. I can hear my parents laughing too.

I think to myself...

Gah he is such a vampire!