~Amu's House~

It was saturday morning around 11 and Amu forgot there was a guardian meeting and so was sleeping peacefully till...Ran decided to ruin it. ''Amu-chan! wake up you have a guardian meeting remember? amuuuuu!'' Ran shouted but she got no reply.

''Amu-chan, ran is right the meeting is in 10 minutes we need to hurry'' Dia stated softly and still got ...

(No Reply)

''AMU-CHAN'' Miki shouted. Amu was not a morning person but she never slept in this long before, Her chara's were sick of shouting so they pulled the covers off of Amu. ''EHHH?' they all screamed.

~Royal Garden~

All the guardians were at the green house waiting on Amu so they could start the meeting and that was meant to be at 11. It was now half past 11. Sitting at the table was Tadase, Rima, Yaya and Nagihiko. Kukai and Utau was there too because they were going to tell the guardians that they were boyfriend and girlfriend but wanting Amu there too so they can tell them all.

More time had past and there was still no Amu. ''Amu-chan sure is late, this isn't like her at all?!'' Nagihiko was starting to worry.

''yeah...AMU-CHI HURRY UP!'' Yaya cried out, throwing herself on the floor.

''where are you Hinamori-san? could it be that stupid black cat did something'' Tadase angrily muttered.

''Now what about a sexy black cat?'' a voice said from behind them, then guess who pops out of the bush with blue hair and blue eyes with a big smirk on his face?!

''TSUKIYOMI IKUTO!'' the guardians said well not including Tadase who had more like screamed it.

''Yo kiddy king and his servents...aw wheres my little strawberry'' Ikuto said with a mocked sad face but inside was really sad to see Amu wasn't here.

''we are so worried...I rang her loads but got no ans...'' Rima was cut off by Miki and Ran.


Just as the guardians were about to answer came in though the green house doors was a little girl around Ami's age with pink bubble gum hair, large hazel eyes and two red X-clips putting her hair in cute ponytails. The guardians, ex-guardian and ex-easter workers looked at the little girl confused till Ikuto was the first to click on and broke the silence.


The girl let out the most cutest giggle and said in the most cutest voice ever. ''hop stwp jamp'' with that tiny pink wings appeared on her little wrists and ankles,Then jumped on Ikuto with a big smile hugging herself to his chest


''Amu...thats really you?'' Ikuto said dumbfounded. The little girl giggled again and pointed at herself.

''Ywep himamori amu'' She said in her cute little voice.

Then everyone else cracked. ''EHHHHHHHHHHH!?'' they shouted with shocked faces.