Title: The Beast Within

Author: ahhpleezeninja

Rating: M, Sexual Context and Language

Author's Note/ Spoiler Alert:

Disclaimer: If I owed any of them, I'd be really happy But I don't so, I'll just borrow them. :D

Kahlan woke up with a pounding headache. Her muscles were sore and her face hurt. She didn't want to open her eyes but she knew that she

had to in order to think clearly. Then, with a jolt, flashes of the previous night appear into her head.

Zed and Cara had gone to sleep. Richard taking the first watch. Kahlan stayed awake listening to the pacing of Richard. He always paces when he's tired she thought. Looking up at the stars, listening to Richard's feet go to and fro, Kahlan begins to drift off to sleep. Then, against the stillness of the air she hears the ring of the sword of truth pierce through the air. Zed and Cara where knocked out, not hearing the commotion or feeling the danger surrounding them. Kahlan rises up and runs to Richard to help him in the battle. Nine hooded men come running into the clearing, some with daggers, the others with ropes. It was clear, they meant to capture them. Kahlan took the men to the left since The Seeker was battling the men on the right. One man comes towards Kahlan.

"Well, well well isn't the Mother Confessor just a joy to look at" says the man, just before he charges forward, with a look of menace on his face. Kahlan blocks his attacks and nearly has him defeated until another masked man comes behind Kahlan and manages to put the rope around her neck. Kahlan uses her dagger to stab him in the leg which makes him go down, loosening his hold on the rope. The previous masked man comes back, trying to keep Kahlan down in her moment of weakness but before he can strike, the Mother Confessor has a hold onto his neck. The world stops and there is no one but the Mother Confessor and the masked man. Kahlan releases her power feeling it consume and destroy the man's soul. Kahlan let's go of his neck and feels her body get a little weak.

"Command Me Confessor" the masked man says.

"Go help the seeker" Kahlan says and getting back into the battle. Kahlan is in one on one battle with another man who has a sword. They engage in battle when she feels a rope wrap around her wrist. A man with a rope managed to wait until Kahlan had an open spot to capture her wrist. She turns 360 degrees trying to pull the man forward so she can let loose his hold o n the rope but another man with a rope comes and manages to wrap the rope around her waist, pulling until the Mother Confessor falls to the ground with a thud. Kahlan struggles but then the world goes blank after she is hit across the face with the hilt of a sword. The last words that reach Kahlan's ears are "Mistress" and the sound of Richard calling her name.

Fully awake now, Kahlan looks around the room. She is in a dungeon, with the only light coming from a square in the ceiling covered with bars.

By the angle the sun hit the filthy room, Kahlan knew it was mid-day. She didn't know how long she been there, or who were captures. Kahlan

wondered if Zedd and Cara knew that she was taken and if they were searching for her. She wondered what happen to Richard, if he was alive,

he was with Zedd and Cara, How long it would take him to find her. Kahlan didn't want to think whether or not Richard was still life. Her body

was already sore, obviously her captures weren't so caring with her while she was passed out. She felt like she been kicked in multiple places

and dragged a long distance for a long period of time. Worst of all, she was raised 12 inches from the ground, shackled by chains, naked. Blood

was dripping down her arms from the metal cutting into her wrist. It reminded her of when Richard was captured by the Mord'sith. He had told

her of how he was suspended just as she was now, and how he would be suspended like this all day, beaten over and over again. Kahlan just

hoped that she didn't have to endure beatings, she was already sore and in pain.

The dungeon smelled of grass and sweat, obviously she wasn't the only victim to see the ugly inside of this dungeon. There were blood

handprints on various places on the walls. Metal chains came out of the walls. There was no question about it Kahlan Amnell, the Mother

Confessor, was in a torture chamber. Before Kahlan could begin to wrap around the situation and how she was going to begin to get out of it, a

loud bang comes from the other side of the door. The dungeon also seem to be very well locked and protected it, just another obstacle that

Kahlan would have to go through in order to get out. The dungeon door opened and in walked a man, a man Kahlan had hoped to never see
