
Previous chapter:

'Dad!' I said as I opened the door.

What a surprise. I jumped and hugged him.

'What are you doing here? You were supposed to be back next week.'

'They let me go earlier… To spend time with my girls…'


Sam's POV

Mom came down and greeted dad with a long kiss.

'Hello! Child in a room!' I said annoyed.

'Sorry kiddo.' Dad said to me.

'So, Lucas, how did your new book do?' Mom spoke as we all set in the living room.

'Great. Better than any book before. At least I think so.' Lucas Scott, my father, answered.

'The tour is finished?'

'Yes it is. Finally.' When he said that I went to my room.

Dad is always on road and I really want to spend time with him, but I didn't feel like it right now. Not long after I left living room, came the knock on my door.

'Come in'

'Hey Sammy.' It was dad.

'Hey dad.'

'What's on your mind, sweet girl?'

'Nothing much. Just… nothing.' I decided not to tell him.

'I see you haven't forgotten last year. When are you going to stop blaming yourself for what happened?'

'Never. It is my fault that he died dad!'



'Come on with us Anthony.'

'I'm scared Sam.' Came the reply of little Anthony.

'Oh come on… You'll have lifetime to be scared. Come on in the water.'

'Oh okay…'

Just then Anthony ran to the lake and being a klutz he tripped and fell straight in the lake. Unfortunately, he hit his head straight into a big rock that was in the lake. Sam swam quickly to him, but it was too late. He lost too much blood. When the ambulance came he was already dead…

End of flashback


Lucas's POV

Last year was so hard for Sam. First her brother and then her boyfriend. We all miss Anthony, but Sam blames herself for everything.

'Sam you did not kill him!'

'Yes I did. If I hadn't made him to come to the lake, he would be here now!' She said as she left her room.


Sam's POV

Dad was trying so hard to convince me to forget about Anthony. I know I didn't kill him, but it was my fault that he jumped. And do you exactly forget about your little brother?

'Where do you think you're going?' Mom said, breaking my thoughts.

'To sit on porch. I need some fresh air.' I answered as I closed the front door.

I'm still grounded, so I can't go for a walk.

Last year I used to come out here a lot. I could think with no one to interrupt me.


Brooke's POV

'What happened?' I asked my husband, who just got out of Sam's room.

'Oh, nothing… I brought up Anthony…'

'Again? Lucas you know that that is something she wants to forget!'

'I know… It jut seems that every time we talk it comes down to that… '

'I'll go talk to her…' I said as I left the kitchen.


Sam's POV

'Hey.' Mom greeted me.

I didn't answer. I am not in the mood to talk right now.

'Sweetie, I know the last year was hard for you, but you got to talk to someone about that… '

I was still silent. It's hard for me to talk about it.

'And if you don't want to talk with me or your dad, you will have to go to the therapist'

'Whatever.' I muttered.

'I'm serious Sam.'

'I know you are. I just don't want to talk about it.'

'You have to. It's not good for you to keep it inside of you'

'I know, mom, but It's just hard.' I replied in a low voice with tears in my eyes.

'You got to deal with that sooner or later honey. It'll be good for you, I promise.'

Now, I was starting to cry. I don't know why, but I did. Mom hugged me…
