Huntzberger's Girls

This will eventually be a Troy. Everything in the show happened except Rory said yes. Professionally she still writes under Gilmore but she took Logan's name. They had a wonderful life until two years before Logan and their 14 year old daughter were home during a burglary, Logan was killed and their daughter assaulted. Rory was back east because Emily was sick. I wont go into details about what happened to their daughter but she went from being very out going and always laughing to being very timid and shy. Rory sales the house in Palo Alto and moves home enrolling her daughter in Chilton with Paris and Doyle's kids. That should cover most of it.

Chapter 1 Another Mary!

Rory thru her car in park and jumped out of the car her heart racing. She completely ignored the fact she was in the teachers parking right next to the main door. When the school called they said they couldn't talk to anyone but Logan's mother but there was an emergency and Rory was needed at the school. Rory broke about 5 traffic laws and a few Gilmore girl rules on exercise getting to her daughter. She was in a complete panic as she hit Ass. Headmaster Medina's office door.

"What happened to my kid Max!" Rory rushed as she tried to stop her momentum and slammed right into Max almost falling. Causing the two teens in the office who had been previously glaring at each other to start laughing.

Rory turned when she heard her daughter laughing. She was surprised by the blood on her shirt. "Oh MY GOD. What happened to you?" Logan looked down and shrugged.

"Max what's going on and why is my daughter covered in blood?" she gave him an accusatory look.

"Let's head to Head Master Charleston's office, sorry Rory but this has to be official." Max said leading Rory out of his office. Then turned back to the teens who had resumed there glaring. "You two no fighting!"

"Don't tell me." the blond muttered "Tell Mary over here to keep to herself."

"Go to hell, bottom feeder." Logan snapped back.

Rory was almost into the Headmasters office when she head her daughter causing her to look at Max raising an eyebrow. "Thank you for coming in Ms. Gilmore. Please have a seat while we wait for the other parent to arrive." Rory rolled her eyes as she sat down, she had long since learned that it would do no good reminding the man her name was no longer Gilmore, he never remembered her new name. He did the same thing to Paris when she had to come talk to him. Some people always remember you by your maiden name.

She was attempting to get Max to tell her what was going on when she hear a loud voice from the outer office. "I can't believe I'm here on you first day Chrish you are so close to military school! You don't even know!" Rory smiled at the frustration she heard in the mans voice.

Rory was turning her phone off when Head master Charleston stood up and shook hands with the man coming into his office. "Glad you could join us please have a seat."

"What could he possibly done it's his first day." the man asked. Rory looked up at the familiar sounding voice and gasped. The man turned towards the sound, surprise evident on his face. "Mary?"

"You would think after all this time you could remember my name correctly." she said mildly amused. Under different circumstances she would find his facial expression funny.

"Sorry, Rory that was rude of me. Old habits." he smiled apologetically.

"Now that everyone remembers everyone. Let's get to the matter at hand." Head Master Charleston said lacking all amusement.

"So there was an altercation between your kids today and they have both been suspended."

"What!" Rory almost yelled she looked at Max "Mr. Christian fix this Logan has never been a problem. A suspension! How will that look to Yale!!!"

"Ms. Gilmore, there will be no mutiny. You need to calm down." Rory gave Head master Charleston a dirty look.

"Huntzberger! I haven't been a Gilmore in 16 years. Just because my husband is dead doesn't miraculously change my name back!" Rory growled annoyed turning to Max "This is why I deal with you. He's friends with the dark lord."

Tristan put a hand on Rory's arm to calm her. "How about we find out what happened before you start planning another HMS Bounty."

"Wow I'm surprised you caught the reference." Rory snapped

"How about I take this ." Max said trying to defuse Rory's temper.

"We have a no fighting policy and there are no exceptions, its an automatic three day suspention. That being said Logan punched Christian multiple times and broke Christians nose. Christian elbowed Logan in the face."

Tristan told Rory sarcastically, "Yeah, your kids an angel."

"What happened to Logan to cause that reaction." Rory asked visibly shaken.

Max squatted down in front of Rory taking her hands. "It started innocently enough. Other than some teasing by Christian. Christian tripped simple enough and literally fell into Logan. At first Logan reacted out of fear and started swinging and if that is all it was neither of the kids would be in trouble. But it's not that simple in the scuffle Logan took an elbow to the face. Then it went from fear to anger Logan then punched Christian in the nose breaking it, that's where the blood came from. So while Christian was on the ground Logan kicked him in the balls and yelled at him for calling her Mary and faking the fall to cope a feel. Christian got pissed knocked Logan to the ground. Logan's got a big knot on the back of her head."

"Wait a minute your kid is a girl!!" Tristan yelled, "I'll kill him. That's it he's going to military school! I'm sorry Rory I'll take care of this."

"Wait, Tristan. Max, you really think it was just Logan being scared?" Rory asked

"I really do. It also looked like when he elbowed her it was an accident, he was trying to push her off. He is in trouble for purposely knocking her feet out from under her which he immediately regretted when she got hurt I honestly believe he was just trying to knock her on her but, but with as clumsy as she is…" he let his sentence hang.

"She got hurt." Rory said rubbing her face in her hands and groaned. "Tristan leave the kid alone he has to live with the fact since he couldn't hit her back she kicked his ass."

"Mrs. Huntzberger" Head Master Charleston said sounding almost sympathetic "We realize that with what Logan has been thru between the way your husband was killed and her rape she is understandable sensitive when it comes to physical contact from men and boys. We have seen it on multiple occasions but no one has ever been hurt before. I wish I could just let this go but such an extreme reaction after so long requires attention. As well as the suspension she has to start counseling to be able to remain here at Chilton. She is showing signs of being a danger to others or possibly herself."

Rory looked at Max in anger. "I can't believe you told him! When Logan finds out people know she is going to be mortified. I told you that in confidence!" She stood up and grabbed her jacket throwing the door opened she looked at Logan "Get your things and get in the car." Then she turned back to Max "I'll deal with El Douche from now on. I'll take Logan with me to go see Finn for a few days have your things out of my house by the time we get home."

"Rory stop calling him El Douche. He needed to know what happened I was hoping it would keep her from being suspended." Max pleaded with her to understand.

"And I need to be able to trust the man living with us. But I guess both of us were hoping for just too much." she stormed away.

Tristan was standing in the outer office looking at his son's nose. Having heard Rory go off on Mr. Medina he laughed when Mr. Medina sank down the wall and hit the back of his head on the wall three times. "That was brutal the way she kicked you out. She's got a point though from a teachers stand point maybe Charleston should be privy to that info so he can better protect her and others but as her mothers boyfriend you should have not said anything and if you believe she needs help dealing with what happened to her you should have talked to Rory about it, tried to persuade her to get professional help. What she went thru it's a family issue not scholastic. Chrish car now!"

Mr. Medina looked up Tristan surprise evident on his face. "Other than you assuming she's my girlfriend you seem to understand the situation pretty well. Were roommates."

"Chrish's mom was raped. After time we thought she was doing better she never got counseling and ended up killing herself. There is a level of shame the victim carries with them, and a feeling of helplessness it sounds like Rory's daughter is trying to keep herself from being a victim that's why she lashed out a Chrish the way she did. I've seen it before. Here's my card have Rory ask her counselor if she thinks it will help, I'd be willing to teach her self defense and how to read body language. It might help her feel less helpless and be able to gauge if someone means her harm."

"Christina Dugrey Rape Recovery Center." Mr. Medina said reading the card.

"I just teach self defense but there are a lot of great counselors there to help the whole family. I'll make sure Chrish doesn't call her Mary anymore. I don't know where even heard it from. He's too much like me sorry about that." Tristan said with a smile heading for the door before his son got into more trouble.