A/N: I don't own criminal minds. Never have, never will. Any mistakes are mine. And no, I didn't get the names at the end wrong if you're wondering. And yes, it is shorter(i think), but at least I updated, right?

"You all right kid?"Morgan asked me s we walked up the steps to the lobby. I nodded nervously.

"You'll be fine."Penelope reassured me. I was about to respond when I heard them.

"Spencer?!"My parent's voices nearly yelled. They ran towards me as fast as possible.

"So tell us about the suspect."Morgan pressed. Would they think of me any different if they thought my Dad was a murderer?

I kept my gaze carefully away from them as I admitted it,"The truth is... I don't know anything about him."

I glanced to Rossi to find he was still paying attention.

"Hes my father."I said. Shock flew across both their faces as they looked between each other.

The next thing I knew I was in the arms of my mother and a suspected murderer. Yet Morgan and Rossi were completely relaxed.

Was I wrong? Either way, I had to figure this out. I pulled away, leaving both my parents surprised.

"Spencer, is it true?"My father asked,"You don't remember anything?"

"No."I shakily answered. What if he had killed someone? Oh my God.

"Reid!"Hotch called from faraway. I opened my eyes to find Hotch and Morgan kneeling next to me.

"Hotch, what-"I broke off when my realization came back to me. Where was he? I jerked away from Morgan and Hotch and stood. The traitor that left my mother and I was trying to calm her down.

"Don't you touch her!"I hissed. He looked up at me in suprise, like I was the one doing something wrong.

"You heard me!"I strode toward him to be stopped by Penelope.

"Spencer, stop!"She ordered. I knew she just wanted for things to work out. I rubbed my eyes and tried to piece everything together.

"Did he kill anyone?"I asked Morgan. He looked confused for a second, then said,"No Reid, you were wrong."

So he wasn't a killer, but he had left us. Why was he holding Diana like they were together again? Were they?

"Spencer."My mother whimpered with tears in her eyes and came forward. Everything, the pain and broken promises, was worth it for this moment. I knew just how much I meant to her now.

"I love you."She whispered,"So much."

I knew if I spoke they would know I was about to cry. I spoke anyway,"I love you too."

I pulled away gently and she gave me a sad smile,"Thank God you're alright."

Everything about her flooded back to me in an instant, my letters, how scared she is off flying, the way she would read poems to me. I loved her more then I could've ever realized.

"Mom, I want you to meet Penelope. We're engaged."I waited for their responses. My dad looked shocked, like I thought he would, but my mom smirked.

"Well its about time."Diana said. I was puzzled. How would she know that? She must have seen my confused look, so she continued,"Shes all you would talk about in your letters."

Penelope blushed and looked at me,"Is that true?"

"Wait,"William was obviously still processing this,"Weren't you kidnapped?"

No one spoke and the silence dragged on awkwardly.

"William."Hotch gestured for him to go outside. Didn't I have the right to know? I let him go with Hotch anyway, because I probably didn't want to know.

I sat down with Garcia and my mom and the others left. We talked for a little, then William came back.

We talked for a good hour, going over everything. As soon as they explained something, a memory would come back. It hurt to relive my childhood, but I kept it together. The more I remembered, the more I wanted to go back to normal.

"Visiting hours are over."A nurse finally said. I glared at her, but she didn't leave.

"Reid, we'll be here tomorrow."William reassured. We rose from the couch and said our good byes.

"Spencer."My mother murmured,"I'm so proud of you."

"I'll be back tomorrow."I vowed,"As soon as I can."

"I know."She replied. I left as slowly as possible, but too soon I was back in the lobby with the team.

"See you tomorrow?"William offered. I nodded, knowing he meant no harm.

"Come on kid."Morgan said. We walked out to the car. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay all night there and talk.

"You get shotgun."Morgan shot me a grin as everyone else piled into the back. I heard ragged breath, and then I was there, looking at her.

"Reid!"Elle shouted,"Leave me, I can take it! Save her!"

"Elle, I can't."I whispered. She winced again and held her ankle tighter.

"Listen to me!"She hissed,"Hes going to kill you and her. Me and Gideon will be fine. Get the hell out of here and get help. Go!"

"I will be back."I promised. It nearly killed me, but I did it. I gave her once last glance and left her behind. Garcia was trying to hold it together like me when we heard Elle's scream in the distance.

My heart pounded, but I couldn't stop. I had to keep moving. My chest hurt, but I couldn't stop. I had to get her out, even if I died because of it.

I had to.