Chapter 1

Cammie POV

I walked down the hallways and touched the smooth gray stone of Gallagher Academy, wondering what was going to happen this year. I stopped short when I saw Mr. Solomon and my mom talking,

"I know! We can't let her know!"

"But I think she's ready to know the truth,"

"No she isn't! She's just a kid!"

"That's what she's to you Rachel, but in class she's a spy. Think about it."

Mr. Solomon came coming my way. I quickly ducked behind one of the curtains and held my breath. He passed me without taking a glance at me. I waited five seconds before I dared to look out form behind.

I snuck back out and looked at where my mom and Mr. Solomon once stood. My mother was in her office, door closed as usual. I tiptoed past her door and sat down by one of my favorite spots in the school.

I curled up on the seat and leaned back into the fluffy plush pillows. I looked out the window and observed the landscape, that would soon be filled with newbies and returning students.

I sighed quietly and got up, ready to go back into my room and look at this year's uniform. It was just like the others except this time the color theme was purple. It was okay, but on me, it wasn't very flattering.

I ran up the stairs and opened the door. I jumped onto my bed and stared up at the ceiling. I squinted slightly and noticed a sticky note that was not there before. I grabbed it and read it silently:


You know what to do


I stared at the note that distinctively had Zach's handwriting on it. I gasped and wondered how he got here and into my room. I searched the room and found five bugs. I crushed each one with my finger and hoped what was going to happen.

That night, I laid in my bed wearing shorts, tee, and sneakers instead of my comfortable pajamas. I hopped out of bed around midnight and made my way through the halls of the school. I ducked into one of my secret passageways that Zach and I share.

At the end of the passage was a light. I hid in the shadows and sure enough there was Zach standing there holding a tiny flashlight. He was anxiously pacing back and forth.

I giggled internally and thought how funny he looked. I smirked and jumped on him. He gasped and I held on tight, whispering in his ear, "Blackthorne Boy." He let go of my hands and replied with a, "Gallagher Girl."

He held the flashlight away from his face when I tried to hold it up. I frowned and wondered why I couldn't see his face. I decided to play a little game called Art of Seduction.

I gently kissed him on the lips and the kiss deepened until I got a hold of the flashlight. I held it away from him while he stood there trying to get it back from me. I pushed him away from reach and shined the light on his face.

I gasped, almost dropping the flashlight. His face at the end of last year was empty of cuts and bruises but this time it wasn't. He had a black eye, a bump on one of his cheeks, and a closed cut on his lips.

He breathed loudly and took the flashlight from me, but I held on tight determined not to let go. He finally stopped with the struggling and turned away from me. All was silent and it felt a little awkward.

I opened my mouth to say something when I didn't know what I was going to say. I tried again but nothing came out. Instead, I dropped the flashlight and grabbed his hand.

He half turned so I could only see the good part of his beaten up face. I took his face in my hands and kissed his wounds one by one. He put his arms around my waist and we slowly rocked back and forth.

"What happened?" I asked, curious

"Nothing important."

"Really? You show up looking like you got hit by a truck and that's not important?"

"Yeah, besides you weren't supposed to see me like this."

"Zach, I don't care what you look like! I only care that you're okay."

"Cammie, I--,"

"Shhh, stop talking."

We sat down on the ground and slowly fell asleep together on the ground. The next morning I woke up to Zach. My head was on his chest and I could feel his heartbeat and his chest rising and falling.

I got up slowly, careful not to wake him. I looked at his sleeping figure and kissed his forehead. I left the passageway but not before leaving him a note on his well defined chest in black eyeliner Macey had given me.