Hello all. No, I didn't fall off the face of the planet or even get kidnapped by the Yautja. But one can always dream. I have been slowly working on this chapter to get where it is now. And I can say that I am now very happy with it that it has been placed up for your viewing pleasure. Not only that, I even managed to get this up with a broken middle finger. So you can sense the pain that I am in. So because you have all be patiently waiting for this newer installment, read and enjoy it.

Luv4Uncas: Yeah, I am the same. Gotta love the different ones. Glad to see that I am standing out. At least one of my poor stories had too. Cheers and thanks for finding out the fault with the name mix ups. That was totally embarrassing when I discovered it.

Iamluck: Sink ya teeth into this.

So I own nothing but my clothing and my. . .Well, okay, I own nothing that is worth mentioning but my plot and characters. So me being sued is futile. Cheers and don't forget to review.

Chapter 16

Stupid, stupid male! Seg'tauna growled deeply at himself. He would only have himself to blame when this finally blew up in his face. Tossing his head as he moved quickly down the corridor. He really needed to have a cold shower and some rest. This entire planet is getting to me, he thought as he slapped his palm down onto the scanner. A whooshing sound the only indication that the door was opened as he stepped through it into his bare living quarters. Glancing around it as his shoulder heaved with a lungful of air. Forcefully exhaling the air as he moved over to the hidden indentation on the wall.

Stabbing at it as the thin metal cover slid up to reveal the holding platforms for his armour as he swiftly dispense himself out of it. Placing them where they should. Greatly relieved to have the extra weight off. Even if they did not wear a lot of it. It still weighted a tonne but you would never hear any of them complain about that. It was some thing that was silent acknowledged by every warrior. Pressing the button again for it to slid down. He moved next to his weapons hatch and activated the opening sequence for his mask stand. The air hissing as he quickly pulled his hoses out of their connections. Placing his hands upon his mask as he gently worked the suction from his face. Stretching his mandibles out when they finally cleared the metal. Ah, this feels better! He thought as he placed it on the stand.

Swinging upon his heel as he stalked towards the door on the left as it silently swooshed open at his approach. Quickly dispensing himself of his only other garment as he stepped into the shower cubicle. Purring at the sensation of the water spraying thin needles along his spinal column as he arched it upwards. Enjoying the much needed massage as he shook his head at his own stupidity. How could he have laid a claim against the female like that. Growling low in the back of his throat as he reached for the liquid soap. Quickly finishing his washing as he flicked the shower off. Glancing around before he shook his massive body to get rid of the extra water.

Finding his drying cloth as he moved quietly from one room to the next before standing in front of another wall. Pushing the indentation as it revealed his clothes. Reaching forward as he snagged a loin cloth before wrapping it around his hips. Now if he could only get her off his mind and only then, he might be able to get some much needed sleep. His mandibles opening wide as he yawned, looking longingly at his bed.

Rebeka lids flickered for a few moments as she felt some thing warm but familiar curl up next to her as she rolled over to gather the fur into her arms. Smiling softly as she heard a faint purr before a board wet tongue touched her chin to temple. Almost giggling with the sensation as Rebeka buried her head deeper into the purple fur. Partial had come back to her as she settled once more into a deep sleep.

Kitrual glanced around as he seen a streak of purple and black stalk into the clearing. Readying his spear as it steadily move towards the sleeping female. He could feel his muscles bunch together under his skin as it tentatively nudged her hand with it's massive head. He did not want to be the messenger if the female was attacked. One could only think what the Elder General would do in his anger. Keeping his eyes steady as the animal glanced around before staring directly at him. It's eyes shone a golden colour in the moonlight as it opened it's massive jaws to hiss at him in warning.

I am not going to hurt her. Sliced through his conscience as he let out a surprised bark at this intrusion. Blinking rapidly behind his mask as he continued to watch the purple beast in front of him. Having no idea on what he was going to do as he settled back down in his position of watching the sleeping female. He was most curious on what it would do now.

"High Elder?" The young blood glanced down at the floor as he shifted upon his feet. "There is trouble in the fighting hall." He mumbled before quickly glancing up at the long-suffering sigh.

"Can they not deal with it by themselves?" He growled as he flicked his talons against each other. Tilting his head as he heard a roar through the ship. "Is that who I think it is?"

"Yes, Elder." He bowed as he shifted to the side as Stegl'tank stood to his full intimidating height. His mandibles curling upon themselves in disgust as he heard the roar again. It seems that he would have to rescue the young ones after all. Unhooking his mask from his hip as he placed it upon his face. Growling deeply as he swept from the room.

Seg'tauna knew he wore a demonic face as he threw, yet, another challenger at the wall. Flexing his claws as he stared at the warriors that stood around him. Daring them to step forward and filled the beaten opponent's spot on the mats. Chuckling evilly when no one moved to stand in front of him. Disappointment spearing down his body as he shrugged his shoulders before roaring out his next challenge.

"I accept." Stegl'tank stepped through the open doorway as he slowly shredded some of his more prominent weaponry. Leaving him with only his gauntlets attached to his forearms. Making a murmur go through the young bloods that had stayed to watch this wrestling match.

"No weapons?" Seg'tauna mocked as he spread his arms out to the side. His chest heaving with each breath that he took. Not exactly what he was looking for but it would have to do. Maybe he will get so tired that he could sleep.

"Hm." Stegl'tank offered softly as he slowly stalked onto the mats. Arms hanging to the side of his massive body as he tilted his head to the side. Some thing was not quite right with his pup. His mandibles touching the pressure points in the mask to change the viewing screen. Almost chuckling at what he was seeing. So, it has begun! He snorted as he got into his battle stance and roared back his own challenge.

Dante sat back in her seat as she pulled her youngest into her lap for a cuddle. As a mate to the High Elder had its advantages but none of them would work now. Sighing as her head slumped backwards and closed her eyes, only to get whacked in the jaw by Heif'gale. Her eyes narrowing down at the pup in her lap.

"You know better then that!" Dante cooed as she rubbed at her jaw. She could already feel the bruise that was starting to show pigmentation on the skin. She could only pray that Stegl'tank would not noticed the damage to her fair skin but that would be very much wasted thought indeed. Settling the little one against her breasts as she slowly rocked to sooth her pup.

"Mother. Mother, where are you?" Ren'tah screeched as she stomped into the room. Making Heif'gale howl at the sudden intrusion as he jumped awake.

"Look what you have done now, Ren'tah." Dante scolded as she tried in vain to settled him down enough to get him back to sleep. "You know that he has not been sleeping well." She hissed as she rocked her body.

"I'm sorry." Ren'tah bowed her head, she had not realised that Heif'gale was also in the room.

"Now what do you want?" Dante whispered as she jiggled the warm body against her.

"Did you talk to father?" Ren'tah bounced upon her feet.

"Yes, I did. He will make his decision when we see him next. But I think that you are still too young to take a mate." Dante looked at the young female in front of her. Clearly her father had spoiled her as she stood there and sneered at his decision.

"I am of age." Ren'tah growled deeply as she narrowed her eyes at her adoptive mother. "And all my friends have mates. Some with pups on the way."

"And that's meant to make it all better, now!" Dante shook her head as she slowly stood and stilled when Heif'gale grunted at being moved. "Do you think that you have the skills to keep a male happy?" Dante spat out in hopes that would atleast wake the stubborn female up to her actions.

"You manage to keep father happy enough." Ren'tah shrugged her shoulder as Dante stared in disbelief at the manipulative little female.

"What me and your father does, is none of your business." Her patience finally snapping. Anger flashing through her system as she glared up at the female. "I have help raise you. And that is the attitude that you throw at me." Dante grounded her teeth together. "OUT!" She snarled as she pointed towards the door.

"Do you submit?" Stegl'tank held Seg'tauna in a head lock as he tighten his arm. Both were bleeding from the match. It had been a while since someone other then his mate that drew blood from his form.

"Never!" Seg'tauna snarled as his own claws dug deeper into the flesh. He could feel the encroaching darkness as spots danced in front of his pupils.

"You were always so stubborn." Stegl'tank shook his head. Even when his heart swelled with pride for his pup and his defiance. Lifting his elbow to slam it into the back of his head. Seg'tauna body slumped forward as he was knocked out.

"What is wrong with him?" One of the unblooded asked as all eyes shifted over to him.

"Be warned that the mating bond has started." Stegl'tank warned as he rolled his pup over onto his back knowing that he would have the all-mother of headaches. But at least the aggression and sleep deprivation would be worked out of his system now.

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"It means that he will kill anyone who becomes too close to his mate without his permission." Stegl'tank growled deeply as he stood up sharply as he turned to glare at the young one. Shaking his head as he remembered his own experience with that particular situation and the ensuring battles that he had to deal with. Moving towards the opening before turning around and flicked his gaze to the downed Yautja warrior. "Make sure that he is found in his room. Or there will be hell to pay this day if not." Making everyone glanced at each other before two burly males stepped forward to pick Seg'tauna up into their grasps before marching him down the corridors until they reached his doorway. Practically throwing him into his room as they grunted at each other. Not looking forward to the next couple of week, if they had any choice in the matter.

"Ah, just the male that I was looking for." Natren peeled himself away from the wall as he dove his hands into his pockets. He could already feel the weight of the world upon his shoulders. And with good reason, as he continued to stare at the Yautja High Elder.

"What is it that you want, pup?" Stegl'tank barked as he came to a stand still from his march. He needed to get to Mairk and warn about the time that his clan ship would be here. Silently cursing his own foolishness from not doing it any sooner.

"Where are you heading?" Natren frowned at the term of address not sure if he should be so insulted by it or not. Huffing his breath as he turned his glance to the night sky.

"I wish to see your father." The Yautja blinked behind his mask as the small male rubbed at the back of his neck. If, he did not know any better, he would have said the male was nervous. His interest piqued at this emotion that the younger had displayed. His head tilting to the side as he studied the body language.

"That is what I need to tell you about." Grateful that the warrior had kept his mask on. Since he did not know how his reception would be received by the bad news that he was to tell. Deeply inhaling before forcefully exhaling the breath.

"Is every thing fine, pup?" Stegl'tank clicked his mandibles together before shaking his massive head. "Maybe we should take a walk, hmm?" He uttered nonchalantly before swinging upon his heels and walking back towards the door.

"Yeah, that might be best." Natren needed to sort out on how he was going to tell and if the High Elder wanted to take a walk, and then, he would take that walk. He just hope that it did not end with him being unable to protect Rebeka.

"Finally, I have found you." Triw'per muttered as he jumped lightly onto the branch above Kitraul's head. "I was slightly alarmed that you were not in your quarters last sleeping cycle."

"I was busy elsewhere." Kitrual shrugged his shoulders as he scanned the area once more. His muscles starting to feel tight from the cramped position that he had held all night. He was looking forward to his sleeping pallet.

"Well, you missed an excellent show last night." Triw'per trilled as he swung down onto the branch that held Kitrual on. "It was between the Elder General and none other then, the High Elder, himself."

"Must have been a brutal match." Kitrual curled his mandibles in as he shook his head. Not believing for one moment that the General went against his father. "I thought he was contented with the position that he held." tilting his head sideways as he mentally tried to study the situation.

"I think that he is." Triw'per smirked as he turned towards the beast that laid next to the young female in the clearing. "But it has some thing to do with her."

"That would not have surprised me at all. His was rather forceful with his demand." Kitrual tilted his head to the side as he slightly shook it from the memory that had surfaced. His fingers dangled between his knees as he shifted upon his toes. What he really needed was a good stretch and maybe followed by a massage before a long hot soak in the mineral baths. "Do we know when the clan ship will be here?"

"Not yet." Triw'per continued to stare at the purple beast that was gently purring to the young female. "I think the the High Elder had to speak to that male first. But it should not be long now." His mandibles tapped lightly upon themselves.

"We were lucky to be picked for this mission." Kitrual sighed as the cramp within his knee was distracting away from what he meant to do. Namely, watch Rebeka as she slept. The night air touching his skin as the early morning dew clung to him.

"It would not have anything to do with our bloodlines, now would it?" Triw'per trilled as Kitrual rolled his eyes. Shoving the warrior back as he grunted his agreement.

"Yeah, there was a few for the running." Kitrual smirked as his eyes danced with bedevilment in their depths making Triw'per snort.

"Even when you wear that thing, you are so easy to read." Triw'per sneered before stepping back. "How long do you have left of this duty?"

"I do not know. Until the Elder General comes back." His eyes flicked towards the lightening sky overhead. "Which could be a while." Huffing a breath out as he shifted once again upon his feet. His back against the tree as he settled down into his position. Using a different visual mode, he could tell that she was stirring awake. Tilting his head as he detected the hitch within her voice before her face was buried deeper into the fur as the shoulders shook.

"I think she is crying." Triw'per breathed quietly as if he did not want to distract Rebeka from what she was doing, in which Kitrual could only nod sagely. Knowing that the Elder General would like to know what was happening to her.

So okay, now everything is in busy mode. Just hopes it stays that way. So many side stories that could written. Nah, not really. We'll leave them were they are meant to be. If you some how managed to make a little story out of my characters, drop me a line.

So until next time, have a good one! ;D