Much to Daichi and Gabriel's surprise, there was a sign in the classroom saying "Happy Birthday!"


"When the teacher heard neither of you has had a birthday party in four years, they agreed to let us have one here!" explained Risa.

"How in Kami did you manage to convince all the teachers?!" said Gabriel.

"It was easy. Apparently all the teachers like you two, and were shocked about the fact that no one celebrated your birthdays! And since it's the same day, they said it was fine!" said Riku.

"Just let it go, brother. We'll never survive if we don't..." sighed Daichi.

Gabriel looked at him and said, "What do you mean by that?"

"This is Risa we're talking about. Once she has you in her sights, she NEVER lets go..."

Gabriel thought about this, then remembered all the times his mother dragged him clothes shopping. He he also remembered he was usually the dress-up doll on those occasions. (His father was NEVER any help at all. He usually laughed his head off when his son came home.)

"You're right...crap."

The entire class spent the day having fun, while the brithday boys were trying to survive the day. Satoshi had this odd look on his face, as if he didn't know whether to scowl or laugh. Daisuke started laughing when he saw Daichi's face. (Plus Daichi and Gabriel could BOTH hear a certain thief laughing his head off. They sent looks of doom his way.)


"Oh man...I can't believe she did all that..." groaned Daichi.

"This is Risa we're talking about. I'm amazed we didn't predict this would happen after she found out we haven't been celebrating our birthdays..."

"I know...but was kinda fun."

"Yeah...It's been awhile since a surprise party happened around us."

"I can't believe Risa-san did all this!" said Daisuke.

"Yo. I can."

"Oh, before I forget, Okaa-san said that you should stop by the house tonight Gabriel."

"You mean she doesn't mind that he's a Hikari? From what I remember, she was never too enthusiastic about Satoshi being your friend," said Daichi.

"Eh? How did you know that?"

"We're from the future, remember? Besides, it wasn't only my Okaa-san and Oto-san who died. My Obaa-chan did too."

"Why do I have the feeling that we're in for one hell of a night?" said Gabriel.


Daisuke went back inside, while Gabriel and Daichi enjoyed the weather a bit longer. Suddenly Daichi sat up in horror.

"Gabriel, what if HE shows up? It is my 14th, and if I get Dark, then...!"

"Crap...I never considered that. Should we prepare for a sealing ritual?"

"After the last class. We can claim we forgot something, then start. It shouldn't take more than five minutes. Do you think Uncle Krad will make an appearance too?"

"Let's hope so. If your hunch is right, then we'll need his help too."

As they left the school, they stopped, claiming they had left something.


"Yeah...let's start the spell."


"Oh spirits of the SKY and SEA, hear our voice.

Hear our humble cry from this hallowed EARTH.

Let the FIRES of the soul bind us.

Heed our request to BIND this tainted SOUL and MIND.

We humbly ask that you hear us."


"So what did you forget?" asked Daisuke.

"I forgot our bento boxes. Daichi helped me find them."

Daichi and Gabriel went inside the house, then jumped back as the floor gave way. They groaned, as they realized Emiko had set the traps again. They went over the pit, then breezed past the floor sensors. The poles came out in less than a second. When they turned in the hallway, they ran quickly as the hounds were let loose.

"Why did she add the hounds?!"

"How the hell would I know!" yelled Daichi.

When they reached the end, they were slightly out of breath. Daichi stopped Gabriel from opening the door, signalling that it wasn't safe. he pointed to the sign above them, as he pulled it up, revealing an electrical strip. Daichi pulled hard, removing it.

When Gabriel opened the door, he saw a car battery hooked up to an electric wire. His eyes widened, as he realized that Daichi knew about the final trap.


"She pulled that one on that day too. So I made a guess she would pull it twice."

"Congratulations! You passed the test without falling into ANY of the traps!"

"Emiko-san, why did you have hounds and the car battery?" asked Gabriel.


"I know. She wanted to see if you would fall for it."


"So Daichi-chan, what time were you born?"

"Roughly seven thirty. Gabriel was born at the same time as me," said Daichi.

When seven twenty rolled around, Daichi and Gabriel tensed. They both held a feather in their right hand, one black, one white.


A sharp pain went through Daichi. His body felt as though he were on fire. Suddenly, he heard a far too familiar voice saying, "You can never escape me, boya."

His mind and heart reeled, as he saw his sister standing before him. He heard his shirt rip, as feathers black as oil spill out.

"Daichi!" Gabriel cried out. Then Krad emerged...but he was the least of their problems.

Daichi faded from consciousness, as his true enemy appeared. Dark.

"NO! I will not let you win!" his voice cried out in pain.

Dark's laugh was cruel, and his eyes were not sane. Daisuke and his family started backing away, as it was clear to them that this wasn't their Dark. He was much worse.


'Gabriel, start the seal!'

Krad, I need your help with this bastard. If you help me, I'll let you have free reign whenever you want.

Really? And how do I know you'll keep your end of the deal?

Unlike this Dark, you're actually quite sane. Besides, both me and Daichi like having you around. You're more fun than him.


"Spirits of Earth, Wind, Water, and Flame, hear my voice! Seal this tainted creature, and banish this demon from our sight!" started Gabriel.

"Soul of Sky and Earth, bind this corrupted spirit to this plane.Free me of this demon of blood, and purge this corruption!"said Daichi.

They could hear the Dark that possessed Daisuke join in. They didn't understand the words, but they knew he was helping. Much to Dark's surprise, Krad joined in when he recognized the seal.

A white light pierced the night, as everyone present was taken to another realm.


Crying could be they approached, they could see a small child with red hair. Gabriel walked up to him and said, "Dai-kun. Has he been harassing you again?"

"That's Daichi?!"

"Yeah. We were always close as kids. Since our moms were twins, they decided to let us become friends. Thanks to that, we usually share apartments together with a certain agreement."

"What agreement?" asked Emiko.

"He cooks, I clean. Since for some reason I tend to either catch things on fire, explode whatever I'm using or melt it, he keeps me away from the stove with at least three fire extinguishers around the kitchen."

"So what do we do?" asked Emiko.

"Let's see...Daisuke, you handle Daichi for now. We should head that way," said Gabriel, pointing to the right.

"Why that way?"

"Because HE's back there. The only way to seal that bastard is in his mindscape. Be warned though, it's very weird."

"How many times have you had to do this?"

"Four. Once a year, around this time. Come on, if we don't hurry, HE will be pulled from our time into this one."

"Why is that so bad?"

"It took us four years to seal him away. Not only that, the wings we use were discovered a month after he escaped the mirror."

"What mirror?"

"The KokoYoko, or the true form of Dark and Krad, is a mirror. I thought you knew that."

"No one knew that."

"Yeah, dad took us to see Krad after Daichi lost his family. The mirror had these huge cracks in it, but he was still sealed. What I would love to know is how Dark escaped in the first place."

They could hear Dark's crazed laughter as they approached. Daichi had a death-grip on Daisuke's arm. When the normal Dark showed up, he picked up Daichi and said, "It's okay, Dai. We won't let him hurt you."

Krad appeared at his side. Daichi calmed down when he saw him.

"I don't understand. He tenses up when I'm nearby, but he relaxes around you."

"That's because Krad has never tried to kill him at least 100 times. In fact, Krad and Satoshi were the first to cheer him up after his family died."


They approached a man, bound by chains the color of blood. Ribbons of white, and strips of gold were around his waist, legs and arms. He howled in fury, struggling against the bindings. Daisuke saw the man's face. It was Dark!

"Why is he bound?"

"He went insane when he left the mirror. Dai and I sealed him in his mind scape to prevent Daichi from being taken over completely. Satoshi tried to do this with Krad, only it didn't completely take."


"Why isn't Satoshi here? If Krad is here then..."

"I'm a Hikari too, remember? Krad's here only through me."


"Shut it you insane bastard!" retorted Daichi.

"Ready to start bro?"

"I ready as I'll ever be. Why can't we kill him and end this already?!"

"Because you'd die too, remember? His soul is tied to yours until you actually find your Sacred Maiden."

"Yeah right. We both know that I am slowly losing my sanity. Soon I'll be like him..."

Emiko looked at Daichi in concern.

"So how can we help?" asked Daiki. (Note: Daiki is the grandfather in the series.)

"Imagine your sealing staffs, and they will appear."

"And as for Dark and Krad, just use your feathers."

As they chanted, it was clear that Yami Dark was becoming more enraged. His howls echoed loudly throughout the landscape, becoming more and more cruel. Both Krad and Dark cringed, as they could hear clear tones of madness with each cry. After about five full minutes of chanting, Yami Dark finally started to shut up. (Much to everyone's relief.)

After what seemed like hours, Yami Dark was silent. Gabriel turned to his brother, only to stare in shock.


"Dai, you're..."

"What is...What the hell? My voice changed! And I'm at eye-level with Dark and Krad!"

"Who are you?" said Dark.

"Don't you recognize me, you baka kaito?! I'm Daichi!"

Krad had a sudden coughing fit. Gabriel rolled his eyes as he recognized Krad's way of laughing. Then he realized he was taller too.

"I don't believe this. Months stuck in our 14 year old bodies only to revert back to normal when we reseal that creep!"

"Huh?! You mean that's what you really look like?!" said Daisuke in shock.

"What's wrong with the way we look?" asked Daichi, annoyed.

"Well for starters, you look like a red-haired version of Dork," said his brother.

"And you look like a slightly younger version of Krad. What's your point?" said Daichi.

"'s just odd is all."


When the light faded, Daichi was once again 14. Only this time he noticed something odd. Ritsu was acting stranger than usual.

"Are you okay Ritsu?"



"Did she just say Big brother?!" said Gabriel in true shock.




"Where are you?"

"I think she possessed Ritsu."


"What do we do now? If Ritsuko is possessing Ritsu, how do we separate the two?"

"Don't leave me again, Dai-nii!"

"I think if we separate them, Ritsuko really will disappear for good this time."

"Ritsu, transform into Ritsuko for now. We'll figure out what to do later. Ritsuko you'd best behave!" said Daichi with a sigh.

"Okay, Onii-chan!"

"Daichi, what is...?" started Emiko.

"It seems my younger sister's soul has possessed Ritsu. Don't know how, nor do I actually care."

"Eh? I thought your sister was dead? How can she be possessing Ritsu?"

"Time rift," said Gabriel.

"That, and she had unusually strong magical powers. How did you find me, Ritsuko?"

"I followed your magic and Gabriel's. You two shine like bloody lighthouses in that cold place."

"In any case, I'm thrilled to have you however the unusual circumstances."

"Me too, Onii-chan!"

"How old was your sister?"

"A year younger than us."


The party went off after that, with everyone outside enjoying the weather. When Daichi went to activate the Kaito wings, he was shocked beyond belief when the SANE Dark showed up in his head!

"I suppose the seal finally took properly. Either that, or sane Dark is stronger in this time," said Gabriel when Daichi mentioned it.

"I'm actually GLAD it's sane Dark this time. It was a royal pain hearing Yami Dark all the bloody time."

"Yami Dark?"

"You have any better names to call him? Cause I have a few, and none of them are pleasant."

"If I recall right, they all involve swear words of one form or another."



As the days passed, Daichi grew easier to talk to. Only Gabriel and the Niwas knew why, but it made Satoshi very suspicious. Finally, he confronted him, and was told everything. Then Satoshi asked what other names he had for Yami Dark, and actually laughed when Daichi told him all of them.


It was a full two months since the birthday incident, and things were looking up for the two boys. Then something strange happened. Daichi became more withdrawn, as if he sensed something bad was coming and didn't know what. Then when he had a large canvas, he tried to paint his feelings. What came out made him shake with dread.

A beach could be seen in the picture. But there was a large dip in the sand, as if a sphere of pure energy burned them into glass. Inside the dip was someone who Daichi wished he'd never see ever again. His wings were an oily black, his eyes were crimson. His hair hung low over his forehead, his body looked scar-ridden. His clothes were ripped in various places, as if he never bothered to replace them. The background showed the sun at early sunset, and the month looked to be around May. What really drew Daichi's attention was the look in the man's eyes. They had the look of someone truly mad.

"Oh (BLEEP)..."

"Eh? What's wrong Daichi. What the hell. Why did you paint that?!"

"You know how I've had this feeling lately that something was about to happen? Well now we know WHAT."

"You don't mean...!"

"I think HE'S followed us to this time. We should prepare the barrier for Amazuno, at the least."

"I know, but what about the field trip?"

"We'll pull it up when we return. I'm not letting him loose twice!"


After they returned from the field trip (the one where Daisuke finds Towa), Daichi and Gabriel began to seal off Amazuno. Those without magical powers could pass through, but anyone with even a hint of magic would find a barrier. Which meant Satoshi and Daisuke would have a hell of a time leaving the town.

"Do you think he'll show up?" asked Gabriel.

"You know how my paintings are often predictions. If he doesn't show up, I'll burn that thing myself!"


Xxx One month later xxX

Daichi and Gabriel felt the surge clear as day. After warning Ritsu/Ritsuko to stay put, they made their way to the beach. Much to their surprise, Dark and Krad were there as well. It was clear to the others that both Daisuke and Satoshi had been asleep when they were dragged out of bed. The sand began to melt under the energy pulse...and something began to emerge from the sphere.

"Eclipse!" cried out Daichi. A long, midnight black katana appeared in his hands, its edge tapered slightly at the end. On the hilt was a lone crescent moon, hanging. The sword was at least a third taller than Daichi.

"Flare!" cried out Gabriel. A sniper-rifle appeared, pure white. It had no scope, and the barrel was at least as long as Gabriel's ponytail. A small sun shape was engraved on both sides. Gabriel lifted it easily, though it appeared to weigh at least thirty pounds.

Dark and Krad looked at the weapons in shock. It was easy to see that both boys had an unusual amount of ease wielding them, and each had a look in their eye that said they weren't afraid to use them if provoked. Krad just shrugged, assuming that his new host was a lot easier to bargain with than his current one. (Which was true, Gabriel was a lot looser with control than Satoshi is. Of course, it didn't hurt he actually liked Krad and understood him.)

Before Dark could ask, the two teens activated their Nano wings. Daichi's wings were a pure silver, which glinted ethereally in the moonlight. Gabriel's wings were a brilliant gold, which shined in the light like a miniature sun. Suddenly, a cry of madness let loose through the night.

Dark and Krad tensed, sensing that the being from Daichi's mind was back.

"Hello Dark," said Daichi cold as ice.

"So you thought you could escape into the past, boya?" replied Yami Dark.

"Hell no. Does it look like I planned to escape?!" growled Daichi, motioning to his fourteen year old body. Yami Dark laughed cruelly.

"Still an ass, I see."

Yami Dark turned to the other teen, smirking like a maniac at the two boys predicament. When his eyes landed on Krad and his past self, his smirk widened considerably.

"So I see you've gathered MORE pathetic reinforcements. They'll die the same as your comrades."

"Oh please. It's not like we asked them to be here!" snarled Daichi.

"And what pre tell makes you think you can kill me?" growled Krad, who was amused to find that Satoshi actually echoed this sentiment.

"Because you are weak compared to me," said Yami Dark, as he threw a HUGE fireball at Krad and Dark. Daichi merely stepped in its path and batted it out into the ocean. He was unfazed, having become used to Yami Dark's surprise attacks.

Gabriel took aim and fired at Yami, sending a shot of pure energy at him from point-blank range. It missed, only because Yami was aware of Gabriel's ability to aim properly. He began his assault, and was furious when he realized the barrier was still THERE.

Daichi smirked, as he lazily said, "Didn't we mention that we already placed the barrier up around the town? You'll never escape us this time."

Yami snarled, as he started to focus his attacks on Daichi. Dark came up from behind and let loose a magic blast capable of killing a great white shark. Yami almost failed to avoid it, then was hit by a blast from Krad. He snarled, as he was starting to become VERY annoyed. Then he yelped as Daichi nailed him in the side with Eclipse. Suddenly, he felt something pull him. His eyes narrowed, as he searched for the cause. Then they widened as he realized the mirror was pulling him in!

"NO! I won't go back!" he cried in fury.

Daichi and Gabriel realized what he was talking about, then started to push him back towards the location of the mirror. When Krad and Dark saw what they were doing, they joined in. Soon Yami was almost a mile away from the mirror, when the pull became stronger. He felt himself falling into the earth, as the four followed. When he sped into the mirror, he struggled to escape it's grip, to no avail.

Daichi and Gabriel started the sealing ritual, while Krad and Dark stood as far back as possible. The mirror shone a bright crimson, as Yami was being sucked in. The mirror seemed to tighten it's grip each time Yami struggled, or even swore. Inwardly, Daichi was rolling on the floor laughing his ass off. But he kept up his chanting without fail. Though his smile was a bit feral.

When the light died down, Yami could be seen beating against the glass, swearing. When Daichi and Gabriel saw this, the fell to the floor, laughing their asses off. Their greatest enemy, Yami, had been sealed by his past self and his former Tamer. It was irony to the extreme.

"So what do you plan to do now? I seriously doubt he can get loose without Krad in there to keep it stable," said Daisuke. Satoshi looked interested as well.

"I don't know. We'll do a wait and see method, to ensure that HE doesn't get out. If the seal holds, we'll bring down the barrier around the city. If it doesn't...well, let's just say you shouldn't be around to find out."


"Because Daichi is going to cut his head off," said Gabriel bluntly.

Daisuke looked at them funny, then backed away when he realized they were serious. Satoshi just wrote something in that little notebook he always carries (I mean seriously, what's the deal with the notepad?!) before he lead the others out.

By the time the three days were up, it was clear that the seal wasn't about to break anytime soon. So Daichi and Gabriel broke the seal, with Daisuke and Satoshi watching the process. (Which consisted of them walking out of the town's boundaries.)


Daichi noticed that Daisuke and Riku were becoming closer, as was Satoshi and Risa. He decides that he and Gabriel would only get in the way as their parent's love bloomed. (Plus he really wanted to get his sister Ritsuko a body. Having her talk through Ritsu was just plain creepy.)

"So what are we going to do, Daichi?"

"I think we should leave this place. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of Japan."

"You too huh? I think I agree with you. I mean it's great we finally sealed Yami for good, but now that he's not an issue, I don't see the point of us staying."

"I know...but where do we go from here?"

"Actually, I have a suggestion. How about Britain?"

"Why there?"

"I hear they have wizards!"

"Oh've been reading Harry Potter again haven't you?!" groaned Daichi. (Every time Gabriel read Harry Potter, he wanted to go to Hogwarts.)

"I've read the Half-Blood Prince again, why?"

"Why not Deathly Hallows?"

"Because after Harry left Hogwarts I lost interest. Besides, it went downhill after they killed off Sirius."

"I know, I really lost interest when they killed him off. It was a total kill-joy for me!"

As they talked about the pros and cons of seeking the world of Harry Potter, they realized that they had lost all track of time! Gabriel and Daichi flew back to the Niwa house, to help with dinner. When they got there, they noticed that Emiko was waiting for them.

She had a few papers in her hand, and they appeared to be high school applications. The only reason it even caught Daichi's eye was because they were for two different schools! Daichi groaned, as he realized Emiko meant to separate them!

"No and NO. I don't want to apply to a Japanese High School!"

"But why..."

"Because I've had enough of Japan for now. If I'm stuck here for another four years I'll go nuts!"


Daichi lay in his bed, and thought about what he and Gabriel would do now. Then it hit him! They would travel the world and experience new things. But there was only one problem. How were they going to keep their Nano-wings a secret?

"What to do..."

"Hey bro, how do you feel about creating some new weapons?"

"Not a bad idea. And a new way to fly would benefit us as well."

Daichi turned on the radio, which was playing Linkin Park's "What I've done". He spaced out a bit, as he realized how well that song would fit his life. As he turned, he started to whistle along with the song. Unknown to him, a bizarre light began to appear below his feet. Gabriel took one look at it and yelped in surprise. He could clearly see the light shaping into musical notes, going along with Daichi's whistling.

Daichi looked down, and yelped as well. The light had vanished as soon as he stopped whistling.

"That was interesting. I wonder..."

He went outside and said 'What I've done', as he jumped off the balcony. Much to Gabriel's shock, Daichi landed on what appeared to be musical notes, which when stepped on, sounded like the song that was just played.

"Hey, let me try."

Gabriel stepped onto the balcony, and said 'Kryptonite', he stepped onto a similar path of light as his brother, only when he stepped on the notes, the lyrics were produced.

"Are you thinking..."


'Soul Eater!'

"If the flame of the united souls ponits at your chest,

is a resonance stronger than words being heard now?

I'm not watching the necessary I'm even getting entwined with destiny

Our destination is completely the same

Run through the unbearable night!

The glitter I pursued too much,

continues into a bad dream If the flame of the united souls ponits at your chest,

is a resonance stronger than words being heard now?

What do you think of the excuse for meeting each other by chance?

I was charmed touching the minutes of the wounds of that moment

I'll surely get used to them

There are lies and disguises

Kicking the twisted world

Together with you,

I want to see the end of this likely to break trance

If I don't do it alone, the hand I grab will be too kind to me

I can promise you everything because there is no tomorrow

More than yesterday, let's try to believe a little more in our extra bonds

If the flame of the united souls ponits at your chest,

is a resonance stronger than words being heard now?

What do you think of the excuse for meeting each other by chance?

I was charmed touching the minutes of the wounds of that moment,

I'll surely get used to them."

As the song played, they were having a blast! They noticed that as soon as the song was over, the light disappeared.

"I think we should test the limits of this new power before we separate."

"Separate?" asked Gabriel.

"Each of us will choose a world, and when we master what we went there to do, we meet up at Diagon Alley. Agreed?"

"You, my dear brother, have a deal. I call Soul Eater!"

"Duel Monsters."

"In a year then?"

"First one to finish wins."


When Daisuke and Satoshi went to seal Dark and Krad, something unusual happened. Instead of being sealed, they were thrown headfirst into Gabriel and Daichi! Gabriel looked thrilled, while Daichi looked disgusted. He was not happy to be stuck with Dark again.


"Well, I'm not sealing Krad if I can help it."

"I can't seal Dark without Krad. Looks like we're stuck with them."

"Yay! Okay Uncle Krad, let's get you your own body!"

'Why do you insist on calling me Uncle?'

"Because you're more like a favorite uncle than a psychotic other self."


"Besides, if I like you so much, it'll be easier to come out, now won't it?"

Krad was quiet after that. He seemed to be thinking.


(The lyrics are from the show Soul Eater. I got them off of Animelyrics dot com!)