This is just something I thought up one night. What if Jake Sully had kids that he didn't know about? What would happen if they suddenly showed up in his peaceful life? Hhhhmmmm….Questions. Hope you enjoy. Please Review.

Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar or anything, James Cameron does. I just own JJ and Danny.

Chapter 1: The Orphans Arrival

Norm, Max and the very few Avatar program members who were allowed to stay on Pandora were at Hell's Gate, couple years after the RDA was kicked out. Some were fixing the last of the repairs, others were studying some flora or fauna under microscopes. Suddenly everyone looked up as they heard a big whooshing sound, like a jet flying. Max and Norm looked at each other in confusion. Just then a man by the name of Landon came running into the room.

"Max! A Valkyrie is asking permission to land!"

"What?!"Norm and Max shouted in unison.

"Yeah, come take a look." Max and Norm followed Landon into the control room in Hell's Gate Tower. All the see through screens were lighted up and the several people in the room were speaking into the hands free head set.

"Requesting permission to land?" a voice reverberated through a dark man's head set.

"See?" said Landon. Max and Norm looked at one another apprehensively.

"God dammit! Can we land or not? "said the voice. "JJ! Calm down, give them some time," said another identical voice.

"They've had enough time," said the first voice, JJ. Norm raised his eyebrows at Max, trying desperately to suppress a grin.

"Tell them to land," said Max," I want to figure out what's going on." And with that, he turned around and walked away, the man in the headset relaying his message.

"Finally! About time, Numb Nuts!" said the voice, JJ.

"Don't call them that, they could have guns when we get off," said the other voice.

"Ow!" Said JJ. And after that it was just a bunch of scuffling sounds while everyone in the control room cracked up. Max and Norm put on ExoPacks and headed outside just as a big Valkyrie rounded onto the Hell's Gate landing platform. Once the Valkyrie landed, the door opened downward with a big ppfhh! By this point, the rest of the Avatar program had started to crowd behind Max and Norm.

At the entrance of the Valkyrie were two identical boys around the age of 16, one standing, the other in a wheelchair. They both had extremely short, brown hair, but the boy in the wheelchair was cut more into a high and tight military haircut. He also had a long visible surgical scar across the right side of his head where the hair wouldn't grow. The crippled boy rolled down the ramp quickly, his brother following, and stopped in front of Max and Norm.

"Took you guys long enough, damn!" he said through his exopack, just to receive a slap on the back of the head by his brother. He simply rolled his chair back and ended up crushing his brother's toes. The Avatar program members were laughing quietly at this point.

"The only reason we let you land was so we can figure out what is going on," said Max, shooing the program members back to work." In other words, why are you here?"

"The RDA. Earth is too over populated these days, so they take the orphans and ship us to other planets to live a new life, and make room for people who might actually make a difference on earth," said the crippled boy.

"So, you're orphans? When did they ship you off?" asked Max, as they made their way inside.

"Four years ago, right before the RDA left Pandora," asked the crippled boy.

"Wait, 4 years ago? But it takes almost 6 years to get here from Earth," said Norm.

"Not on the new ship, ISV Journey Star," said the other boy. " It's specially designed for the orphan operations. It only takes 4 years to get to Pandora. And while in Cryosleep, we can still age and grow. The cryosleep is designed so we don't need to eat or excrete wastes, but we can still grow cause as children, unlike with adults, we're still growing. If they used normal cryo, you'd have a 14 year old in a 10 year old body. " Max and Norm looked at each other, surprised, before looking at the crippled boy.

"Let me guess, he's the smart one?" said Max as they entered the conference room.

"Yep, you got the egghead and the jarhead. I'm pretty sure you can guess which is which. " At this point, Norm was looking back and forth between the boys.

"Hey, just curious and all, but what are your names?" he asked.

"I'm Jacob Sully Jr. but everyone calls me JJ. This is Danny," the crippled boy pointed at his brother.

"It's Dan," Danny corrected.

"Oh you'll always be little Danny to me," said JJ with a mischievous grin. Max and Norm stood there stunned for a moment, trying to process this new information.

"Wait, did you say Sully? Jacob Sully?" said Norm.

"Yeah," said JJ uncertainly. Max looked at Norm for moment. Danny and JJ looked at each other then looked between Max and Norm.

"Ok, what's going on here?" asked Danny.

"What can you two tell me about your dad?" Asked Max.

"Not much," said JJ, looking at Danny, confused. " We never met him, obviously I was named after him. But all we really know is that he was in the Marines, later came here but never ended up coming back to Earth. Mom thinks he got killed or something."

"Who's your mom?" asked Norm.

"Maria Campbell," said JJ with a serious, confused look. "She said dad and her relationship was nothing serious, nothing long term. That dad wasn't one for long term relationships. "

"In other words, we're the result of a fling," said Danny. Max and Norm exchanged quick looks.

" Go get Jake, now," said Max, before turning back to the boys."Alright. Well we're going to get you and the rest of the kids set up in bunks for the night.

" Cool, they're all between the ages of 10 and 18 so they should be able to handle exopacks and everything," said Danny.

"I don't know, I'm alittle skeptical about a couple of them. Some of them are real idiots, I'm surprised they can tie their shoes," said JJ.

"Yeah, well sometimes I'm surprised you can tie your shoes," said Danny only to have JJ elbow him in the ribs.

"Alright, either way, nobody is going to die," said Max as they headed out of the room back to the Valkyrie.

Norm , in avatar form, sat in a Samson, with pilot Gregory Kacket are flying over the dense forests of Pandora towards the Omaticaya's new Hometree. By the time the 200 meter high Great Tree looms before them, night has fallen over Pandora, the bioluminescent plants shining up through the trees below. Greg and Norm land in a clearing near HomeTree and Norm tells Greg to stay with the Samson before taking off into the forest. Norm runs through the forest, but then it opens up and he's runs onto a gigantic root, 30 feet above a large bioluminescent pond. He slowly makes his way across the root and ends up in a clearing in front of the humongous HomeTree, the giant open columns facing him. Omaticaya were walking around, going about their business and daily lives. Norm runs through the first row of columns into HomeTree, passing many Omaticaya on the way, they just stared as he ran past. Jake was at the far end of the commons area standing on an altar with Neytiri and a few other Omaticaya people.

"Jake! Jake!"yelled Norm breathlessly, running up to the altar. Jake looked over at him, surprised.

"Norm? What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk…right now," Norm said, hands on his knees. Jake and Neytiri stepped off the alter and walked over to Norm.

"Earth is too crowded," started Norm, breathless," So the RDA….is sending orphans to other planets….Including Pandora…..the ship arrived a few hours ago."

"So there's now a bunch of kids at Hell's Gate?" said Jake. Norm nodded. Jake and Neytiri glanced at each other.

"But we found a more surprising….discovery on the orphan ship," said Norm taking his hands off his knees.

"What?" asked Jake.

"Jake, do you know someone by the name of Maria Campbell?" Jake thought about it for a second.

"Yeah, that was a girl I went out with for a while before I enlisted. But that was years ago, probably 15, maybe 16 years ago now, what does that have to do with this?"

"Two boys that were on the ship claim to be the twin sons of Maria Campbell," said Norm.

"Whoa, are you saying that they're my sons? Cause that can't be possible," said Jake.

"Jake, one of the boys' names is Jacob Sully Jr. Plus they look exactly like you and Tom, and I mean exactly. They even act like you two," said Norm.

"That can't be possible," said Jake, hands behind his head in frustration and turning away for a moment before turning back to face Norm.

"I wanna meet these kids, talk to them, get their story," he said stubbornly.

"I was hoping you would say that, let's go, Greg's got a Samson this way." Jake quickly told Mo'at what was going on and where he was going, she reassured him that she could handle everything, before Jake and Neytiri followed Norm back out of HomeTree towards the Samson.

"Does this mean you mated with this woman?" asked Neytiri, curiously and kinda worriedly.

"Not exactly but kinda. See, on earth, we don't know who your true mate is, it's basically a big guessing game. So we have to try to find our mate by trying out a bunch of different women, by getting to know a bunch of women," Jake explained in the best way possible.

"Oh, and these boys are a result of one of the women," said Neytiri.

"Yeah, see we have what we call dating," said Jake as they climbed into the Samson," and it's when you get to know the person. Well sometimes it becomes more intimate than that but it doesn't turn into lifelong mating. And that seems to be the case here. " Neytiri just nodded as she mulled over this information.

Greg takes the Samson to the air as Polyphemus is covering the whole sky, lighting up everything in sight, while all the plants below them are lighting up in bioluminescence. Jake and Neytiri sit apprehensively in the back, looking across the forest.