Welcome all to my first Harry Potter STORY. I underline story because this what this is. A Story. I write in a Narrative style. It may seem a little odd at times but it is what I prefer. There might be times that I just through was seem like random bits of info or a little joke in that may or may not have any baring on the story itself. Think of it as a group of friends sitting around a campfire or a man standing in an ancient cave telling a tail of glory. That is what a narrative is in my opinion. Oh and I don't own anything from the Pottervers. That is The-Author-We-All-Know. Not on with the story.

Harry Potter and His Story

Chapter One


Thursday June 13, 1996

Harry had just left Kings Cross station with his relatives. They had just made the turn on to Privet Drive when his uncle finally broke the silences of the trip.

"Your going to have to be extra careful this year boy. Dudley has taken up a new hobby and we needed the second bedroom to store it in. Your freak friends may think they can scare us, but they are wrong. You will not have to do any chores but that is only because with my promotion I was able to hire a maid and a gardener. So you will spend your days in the bedroom and you will only be leaving it in the mornings when we all will be running per Dudley's exercise regiment. You will also be helping Dudley with his weight lifting and sparing every other day."

"Yes sir." Was all that Harry's addled mind could manage to say. For his mind was not quit into thinking right then. He had been through a lot in the past few weeks and couldn't really find any problems with what he was being made to do...

As they pulled into the driveway of Number 4 Harry couldn't help but think only 81 days 7 hours and 23 minutes to go. Harry quickly went to the boot of the car to gather his trunk only to find Dudley there pulling it out.

"I've got this" Dudley said as he hefted Harry's trunk onto his shoulder. For the first time Harry noticed that Dudley had changed over the last year. Much of the girth that he use to be was gone replaced instead by muscle. He had also grown about three inches to stand 6' 2". But what surprised Harry the most was the gray hair that had formed just behind his ears. He looked…older.

"Thanks Dudley."

As they walk through the house it was apparent that the Dursley's had defiantly taken to the new lifestyle Vernon's promotion and pay raise could afford them. It didn't look like there was any of the old furnisher left in the house. That was until they reached Harry's room. There was the old couch, recliner, coffee table, VCR and Television, plus Harry's bed and desk. In fact the only new things he could see were the hundreds of movies that lined the walls from floor to ceiling. It appeared that Dudley's new hobby was collecting movies.

"Sorry about all this but when dad heard that I was spending most of my free time, when not in class, studying or training, I was watching movies in my dorm room. He insisted I give him a list of the movies I liked. Every time I called home from school he would ask and never let up. So just to shut him up I went online and coped a list of the top two hundred greatest movies of all time and a list of all the latest movies to come out on tape. It seemed to work. He stopped asking and then when I got home last week, he said he had a surprise for me. He walked me in here and there they were in chronological and alphabetical order. I asked him where you were going to sleep or do your homework… He went mental and started ranting that he went through all this effort for me, and that it didn't mater where you slept and…Oh…oh look at this! Like he actually did this himself! There are doubles of a lot of the movies, it looks like he just gave the list to someone and didn't even notice that there were some of the same movies on both list."

"Dudley, calm down. You don't have to yell at me." Harry couldn't believe the change in Dudley. This didn't seem like the same person that had beaten, teased, and taunted him for most of his life. "What's happened to you Dudley? Why are you being so…so nice to me? Are you feeling all right?

"Harry, can I ask you something. When those Dementoid things come around you, they make you feel cold, and remember things, right?"

"Dementors, but yes. They feed off of your happy emotions. Why do you ask? What did you see Dudley?"

"I…I relived every time I was beat up when I first started at Smeltings. I was…well…you know…Fat. Well, I was beaten almost every day for months. The older students teased and taunted me whenever they saw me. Finally I started into my old rotten ways of picking on the other kids that were smaller then me, and the older kids left me alone after that. For four years I put those thoughts out of my mind. Then when those things made it were I couldn't keep them out of my mind." Dudley looked down like he was ashamed of something. "It made me think about what I had done to you, and all those other kids through the years. It made me…I don't know…rethink my life. Do you know what I mean?"

"All too well. I've been running all my life. From you, from your gang, from Voldemort, then this last year some of my friends came to me with an idea that I train them to defend themselves because our professor was not teaching us what we needed to know. Well there I am…me, the boy-that-runs, having to stop running, and help fight. And for once in my life I was happy. Happier then I have ever been. But then what's it get me; I get my godfather killed, for just trying to fight back for once. But life has a funny way of changing a person. I know in my heart that I have to fight back, but what more will it coast me…"

"Look I might not know much of what has happened in your life, Harry. But I can tell you one thing…" Dudley put a hand on Harry's shoulder "You don't have to worry about me hurting you anymore. I've learned my lesson, if anything I would like to help." With that said Dudley removed his hand from Harry's shoulder and offered it to him as a sign of friendship and truce.


Number 12 Grimmauld Place

Thursday June 13, 1996

In the dark of the kitchen, a lone man sits at a dusty table. Next to him on the table sits several empty Firewhisky bottles. As he sits there, lost in his thoughts another man walks in, this one just stops as soon as he walked through the door.

"Remus, my boy, what are you…" The aged face of Albus Dumbledore fell as his ever-working mind answered his own question. The younger man was mourning for is fallen friend. "My dear boy, do not do this to yourself. I know you are suffering the loss of Sirius, but drinking yourself into a stupor is not the answer. You have to pull yourself together. If not for you then for a vary special young man that needs you right now. You know that is what Sirius would have wanted. Now…" before Remus could respond Dumbledore cast a sobering charm on him.

"Well that was a waste of money." Remus smashed the last bottle he was holding against the wall. "At lest I've never hidden anything from Harry. Or imprisoned him or anyone else for quote "his own good". You have never thought of Harry as anything more then a means to an end. Have you ever really cared for any of us?" Remus Lupin had never voiced any of the things he had just said. Let alone to the most powerful wizard in the last hundred years. As he stood to leave Dumbledore placed his hand on Remus' shoulder stopped him.

"You are wrong Remus. I really did think it was for the best…but I was wrong. Remus, I need your help. I feel that all the mistakes I've made over the years have caught up with me. I have listened to the wrong people through the years. I would like to make it up to you…and to Harry. If you are willing to listen to an old fool, I would like you to help me reconnect with those I have tried to protect."


Location unknown

There is a place that is only known to the loyal. Known only to the few the can be trusted, totally trusted. To only the inner circle of Voldemort, and the most trusted of them all is Severus Snape, the spy. And here in this most secrete of place's is where, in the last days of the first reign of terror, the plains to finish the war were made. Severus Snape was given the means to finish it all in one move, the ultimate checkmate. Now with the rise of the only man he has ever considered a friend. Severus has the chance to finish what so long ago he had helped set into motion, the fall of the light.

"What is thy biding, my master?" Snape said as he knelt in front of Voldemort.

Voldemort's snake like face curled into what one could only guess was a smile. "Old friend you know of all of my followers you are the only one I consider a friend. You need not kneel in front of me. When the time comes you will be standing at my side. And that time is soon, old friend, very soon."


The Burrow

Ginny Weasley had just finished unpacking her trunk and was now setting at her desk. It had only been a few hours since she had seen Harry last. But all she could think about was how sad he had been, and if she knew anything, she knew Harry Potter. Right now he's probably sitting in his room curled up on his bed crying. Feeling sorry for himself and feeling that everything is his fault…


Number 4 Privet Drive

"Ha Ha Ha, you still have that tail. I thought your parents had that removed." Harry was crying as Ginny thought, well sort of. It was close to one in the morning, and Harry and Dudley had been talking for hours.

"It's not funny, Harry. It hurt every time they remove it." Dudley, despite himself starts to snicker.

"Well I can write to my transfiguration professor tomorrow, if anyone knows how to remove it she will."

"That would be great!" Dudley looks at the clock on the desk. "We better get some sleep; we start training in a few hours. Good night Harry. It's good to have you home." As Harry watches Dudley leave his room, for the first time in his life he thought, it is good to be home. As he drifts of to sleep, Harry smiled maybe I will make it through all this. Maybe there is hope for the future, I mean if Dudley can change for the better why not the rest of the world.