As soon as the door was shut, heavy winter coats slipped off onto the floor, and Matt began to kiss Mello in ways he had dreamed of doing since the age of thirteen. The age when he had caught a glimpse of his best friend in a glint of sunlight and, suddenly, for the first time, had truly taken in what he ireally/i looked like. The curve of his jaw, the subtle turquoise of his eyes and their long, dark lashes, how soft his lips looked, and the shining blonde hair, falling around the face of the most beautiful human being he had ever observed. It had practically broken his heart when the boy had left the orphanage. He was given ample warning; well, not that a few hours particularly counted as ample, but it was a warning nonetheless, and yet he had not begged Mello to stay. Because you didn't do that when you were a teenager, not even with the best friend who swore he would be there forever. At least, not when you were as petrified of your almost-certain rejection as Matt was.

Matt had been thinking back to the degree where he hadn't noticed he had stopped kissing the blonde, and was looking deep into the azure of his eyes.

"Matty…" Mello soothed, giving the hint of an eyelash-flutter at him. "Are you okay, babe?"

Babe? Holy shit, Mello was calling him babe? His heart fluttered just as the other boy's lashes had, and he could barely contain how he felt, his hands shaking as he reached into the side of Mello's hair, stroking his face.

"I just feel… so…" their lips met briefly again "Like I can't believe-"

"That you're finally kissing me?" Mello interrupted, smiling and raising an eyebrow in a half-agreeing, half-teasing way.

Matt nodded, and took the boy into him, closer, tighter into his arms, trying to absorb every inch he could of Mello, soaking up the boy's warmth, running his fingers along every inch of bare skin, breathing his scent in deeply. But in one moment it was a romantic embrace and the next Matt could feel Mello's personality dripping into the kiss, tongue penetrating Matt's mouth roughly, hands gripping shoulders, awakening Matt's animal instinct to grab the other boy and fuck him and… and why the hell not?

Matt found himself panting as Mello began to bite down on his neck, not hard enough to hurt, just enough to tease his nerve endings, then licking upwards, tickling, tantalizing, seductive.

"Uh… Upstairs?" Matt managed to get out, to which Mello nodded silently, eyes filled with lust. The blonde removed the gamer's shirt first, then allowed Matt to grip his hand and run with him up the stairs, somewhat slowed by the fact that they couldn't seem to detach their lips. They were only just at the top of the landing when Mello felt the urge to grab Matt's crotch, pushing, rubbing hard and examining Matt's face as he gasped. Still disorientated, the redhead let the blonde drag him right into the room, pulling the two of them down onto the bed so that Matt was on top of him; their bodies knee-weakeningly close. They both kicked off their shoes and socks, gasping and panting as their bodies rubbed together.

"Mmm" Mello moaned, thumbs tugging at Matt's belt loops suggestively "Make me feel good Matty…"

To make the understatement of the century, Matt liked that. The only time Mello would ever surrender his ego was in exchange for overwhelming pleasure, and so having the blonde squirming desperately underneath him was an undeniable symbol of trust. Matt had to fulfill it.

He reached a shaking hand up to the zip of Mello's leather vest, and grabbed, pulling it down to reveal the pale, soft flesh. He kissed right in the middle, right near where Mello's heart should be, working his way up to the neck, all the way around to Mello's ear, at this point simultaneously starting to rub his lover's inner thigh and breathing heavily in his ear. The sensual combination of sound and touch sent shivers up Mello's spine, and as the fingers snaked further towards his crotch, he let out a semi-frustrated cry, and Matt's body was the only thing stopping him from jumping right up. Matt squeezed on Mello's hard cock through his leather jeans, causing the blonde to grab hungrily at the other boy's shirt, pulling it off then let go, trailing back down from the ear, down the neck and chest, kissing, licking, all the way down until his leather pants were blocking the way. Thank god Mello was wearing zipped leathers today, Matt hated laces. He undid the button and slid the zip down slowly, Mello raising himself onto his elbows to watch closely, hot and panting, almost hyperventilating with anticipation. He pulled the leather right down to expose tight black boxers, straining under the pressure of Mello's arousal.

Matt was quite enjoying the tease, as hard as it was to control himself when he felt exactly the same way. He restrained himself and looked across at Mello as seductively as he could, knowing Mello's squirming was due to the hot breath on his crotch. Matt kissed the hard flesh through the underwear, then pulled them down, exposing Mello's rigid dick to the air. Mello smiled, watching Matt hovering above his crotch. He watched the redhead lick up the underside, slowly from the base to the tip, all the while staring into Mello's eyes hungrily, the blonde's chest rising and falling haphazardly with each shaky breath. Then his elbows collapsed, and his mouth flew open in a loud moan as Matt took his throbbing shaft in his mouth and surrounded it forcefully, applying as much suction as he could before pumping his mouth up and down

"Ah" cried Mello "Fuck, yes Matt!"

His moans and grunts through gritted teeth continued, grabbing softly onto Matt's hair to encourage him, the redhead thriving on the other man's loud moans of pleasure. He hadn't done this before, but Mello didn't seem in any sort of complaint, so he wasn't too worried. He continued bobbing his head up and down, and Mello's noises got louder and more intense.

iFuck…/i Matt writhed, wondering if he was on the verge of finding out whether it was possible to orgasm from sound alone. He felt the urge to touch himself, but it didn't seem right… maybe Mello would do it for him… unless of course…

"Uh… fuck…" Mello panted, his azure eyes almost rolling back into his skull "I'm gonna… Matty, stop, STOP…"

His voice was so fierce that Matt drew back to address the issue. Mello was in front of him, panting.


Mello grabbed under Matt's armpits, encouraging him to move upwards over him so that they were face-to-face again, their crotches rubbing, making Matt let out an audible sigh. He looked back to Mello.

"What? What's wrong?" Matt searched Mello's face, confused

Mello bit his lip, a glint in his eye. Then without warning, the same lips were right at Matt's ear.

"Mmm… you almost made me come Matt…" he traced the contours of the ear with his tongue, making Matt tingle "But I can't yet…"

It was hard to talk… particularly with Mello's last statement having been whispered as if by a particularly naughty catholic schoolgirl, Matt was biting his lip, his body crying for release. He swallowed.

"Wh… why not? I…" he breathed through the words "I don't mind…"

"You don't" Mello lowered his chin towards his chest, emphasizing the way he was looking up at Matt…

"Why… why would…" Matt was almost afraid to finish his sentence, with the dangerous look that was on Mello's face.

Mello traced a line down his lover's chest with his finger, then looked back up through his lashes, feigning an innocence that was no way existent "…Don't you want to fuck me, Matt?"

Matt was speechless, he opened his mouth but no reply could be emitted.

"I thought so" purred Mello

Matt finally summoned the courage to speak breathily, animal instinct taking over "Oh fuck yes…" he moaned "Yes, Mello"

"Yes what?"

"I want to fuck you, Mello, shit, I want to fuck you 'til you scream my name, until I make you come, fuck!" he pushed hard against the other boy, feeling the electricity as their cocks rubbed again. Even more compelled to horniness by Matt's words, Mello grabbed for the redhead's fly frantically, undoing it in a matter of seconds, pulling the boxers down with it, staring at Matt's erection lustfully.

"Take them off" Mello ordered, removing what was left of his own clothing, resting his back against the headboard and opening his legs, pulling Matt forward to kneel between them.

"Lube?" he panted

Matt scrambled for his bedroom drawer, pulling out a tube of lubricant, and also a condom.

Mello stared at it insultingly "I don't have a fucking disease, Matt" he panted

"We've both had done this before Mello… just in case… you know…until we check…"

Mello rolled his eyes and seemed like he was about to interrupt, but seemed to decide against it, watching Matt roll down the condom and apply lube to his cock. He then applied more of the slick sticky liquid to his fingers and reached down and rubbed it towards Mello's entrance. Nerve endings tingled and Mello gasped and squirmed again.

"I hear you have to relax…" Matt teased a little

"I know that!" snapped Mello, his sexual frustration leaving him on edge "Get on with it"

It was nice to have some degree of power, thought Matt, slipping his middle finger into Mello's ass, the other boy letting out a slight moan, allowing him to slip in another.

"Does that feel good?" asked Matt, surveying his lover's flushed face

"Mmmm" Mello nodded, seemingly enjoying it. He seemed unfazed, so Matt got another finger in, though this time it felt like Mello's tight ass was straining against him. But it was now or never, eh?

"Ready?" Matt whispered.

Mello's response was another nod.

Matt slipped out his fingers and slowly penetrated his lover, feeling the tightness surround him. He was only halfway in when Mello cried out in pain, and he drew back a little, guiltily.

"It hurts?" he questioned

"Yes it fucking hurts!" Mello spat

"Should I…"

"Keep going" Mello ordered through teeth gritted in pain. Matt pushed a little further in, even slower, but despite Mello's order, it was only a few seconds until the blonde was pushing him forward, out of his body.

"Fuck!" he cursed angrily "Aw, fuck, I can't do it."

"Did it hurt that bad?" Matt slumped disappointedly; guilty again "I thought you'd had sex before?"

Mello was defensive "Yeah, but I wasn't the…" a glint caught his eye and he smiled suggestively "Let me do it to you?"

"N-no…" Matt scrambled back a little, then retracted his haste "I mean… I mean… I… could… but…"

"Don't worry." Mello sighed "It was worth a try…" There was a moment of awkward silence, then Matt nearly went into a seizure as Mello leaned forward, pulled the condom off of him in one fluid motion and began to suck his dick passionately. The redhead could barely breathe for a second, then his breath turned into pants and moans, crescendoing into pleasured yells until the blonde let go, leaving him breathy and sweating.

"I think I know a way we can both get what we want" grinned Mello, his glint of mischievous lust back… had it ever left, for that matter?... "Lay down properly, Matty"

Matt pulled his legs out from where he'd been kneeling back on his heels, obeying Mello's command, then flopped out onto his back, watching the other boy with an extreme sense of anticipation.

Mello gave Matt's tool one last rub, then turned around, crawling backward until his cock was hanging above Matt's mouth

"Ahh…" Matt smiled "The magic number…"

Mello peered through his own arms and legs "Shut up and suck my cock."

Matt willingly obliged, sucking on the tip a little before reaching up to take in Mello's length properly. He had to crane his neck up to do it properly, and it wasn't easy to concentrate with what Mello was now doing to him. His neck ached and the Mello's appendage slipped from his lips again.

"Dammit" he cursed, his own horniness frustrating him. "This is much harder than with a girl"

Mello stopped and looked at him in semi-disgust "Seriously, I don't want to know." He could see the problem Matt was having, though, and he motioned for Matt to grab his hips, lowering his legs right out flat so the only thing keeping him from unwillingly gagging Matt were his own arms supporting his weight. He actually felt more relaxed this way, however, and Matt seemed to be doing a lot better too. Both men were feeling the heat surging up and down their bodies, though both were determined to make the other cum first. With a hard thrust downwards, and a tightening of the suction, Mello won the battle, Matt groaning muffled as his seed squirted upwards into Mello's mouth, the blonde swallowing as an essential anti-choking mechanism. He thrust into Matt's mouth a couple more times so the post-orgasmic gamer wouldn't forget, allowing himself to come only seconds later, with a cry of "Fuck, Matt!", his sweaty body collapsing onto his new found lover's as he withdrew from his mouth.

For a few moments the planets seemed to have strayed from their corrective paths, the tone of the world brighter and in sharper contrast. And then the weight of the world caught up with them, Mello crawling off Matt and wrapping his arms around the other's neck, holding each other as close as humanly possible. Their breath slowed to normality, and they found themselves staring at each other. Matt couldn't tell what was more amazing, the orgasm or the fact that Mello was right here in his arms. That they were each others at last.

"I love you" Matt ventured, just to make sure it was really true

"Love you too" Mello replied, the words tickling Matt's neck.

Mello let go and stretched out on the bed, and gave a glance at the clock on the bedside. It had been the small hours of the morning when he had almost run away, and it was still not turned eight

"How 'bout we nap for a couple more hours, then you make us some breakfast?"

Matt kissed him on the forehead, curling to face him.

"There's nothing in the world I would like more."