Disclaimer: I own nothing except the plot bunny…everything else is Lewis Carrol's or Tim Burtons…

The movie inspired me like none other has in a long while..this chapter is a bit on the short side but I had to get it out of my head before going to bed…

Chapter 1: Curioser and Curioser…

She could not remember his face. His expressive, beautiful emerald-green eyes yes, but the rest of his face was like a hazy blur. Even in her dreams his face was obscured to her.

Often during high tea in the afternoon she thought of him. Would even have an extra cup in his honor, and if no one was around she would throw a scone. China had been a wonderland all its own with all its history and regalia. She would never say she wasn't glad to have made the journey to see out her father's dream, for she was glad. Yet a part of her was also mournful of the loss of her friends who understood her so very well.

Her mother had passed a year ago today, and she sat sipping her cup of tea with a rather vacant expression, remnant of her fondest memory. She was pondering things that started with M, like missing, magical, moniker. She was perplexed by the strange feeling that came with not being able to remember his face. Out of the blue it had happened. One day it was there, and the next morning it was gone. Almost like evaporating as Cheshire would do. Just his eyes blazed across her memory like the green waters of the Ireland coast or the grassy hillsides of Scotland.

Her mother had not remarried or had any sons, so her estate went to her. She moved back from China to take her place there in her father's home. She ran the business with Lord Ascot from there. They had expanded beyond China and were faring remarkably well.

Suddenly she heard a rustle in the rose bush next to her. She thought she saw a streak of white. When she looked back over the countryside she dropped her teacup. Distantly she heard it shatter on the pavement, as well as the scrape of her chair against it as she stood up in shock.

The White Queen stood before her.

"Good afternoon Alice. I am terribly sorry to impose but I am, I should say, WE are in need of dire assistance."