Left Behind

Chapter 6: Reunion

AN/ It has been about four weeks since Dean has been away from his family.

"They found him Mar." John said almost in shock. Tears were falling from Mary's face and she sobbed in relief. Her son was found.

"Is he alright? He's not hurt is he?" Terror went through her at the thought of Dean injured.

"They said he's fine, just waiting for us to pick him up."

Mary stared at her husband with a raised eyebrow at the lack of movement. "Well? Get going!"

"You are about to give birth to our second child. I can't miss this."

"John, please. Dean could be terrified and scared. I need to see him."

John was tense, ready to bolt from the room to go get his son, but leaving his wife to give birth to their child alone was heartbreaking.

"I need Dean here, John. I need to have our family together again." She begged. "I'll be fine; I have done this before you know."

"I can't ever forget." John stroked her head and gave her a light kiss.

"You go get Dean and I'll bring the other." She smiled and John returned it. He kissed her again before he turned and went out the door. Mary stared after him, tears still rolling down her face. Her son was found! She tilted her head back and took a deep breath to settle her nerves. It worked for a second until the next wave of pain ripped through her body. She could do this she said to herself. She wouldn't lie; it would be harder without John to help her through it, but in the end it was worth it to have Dean safely back in her arms. She stared ahead at the clean, white walls she would be staring at for the next day or so. Another contraction hit her and she gritted through the pain. She would envision her family back together again to get her through the next few hours for she knew John wouldn't be able to get back in time for the birth. It was the afternoon and rush hour was just getting started.

The three teens stood across the street from the police station. Cruisers littered the parking lot with police men entering and leaving the building. The sun was warm and beat down on them as they stood watching for a good ten minutes until the small boy in Blake's arms spoke.

"Mommy and daddy in there?" He pointed across the street.

"I don't know kid but you'll see them soon." Dean gave him a smile and Blake sadly returned it. Having with him the past month filled a deep hole inside his soul that he didn't would ever be complete again. It was like losing his brother all over again. But at least this time, he knew the ending would be a happier one.

"Let's go then." Dean squirmed around in his arms, but Blake held him close.

"I don't like this, I don't like this." Trevor mumbled from beside Blake. He was referring to all the cops around that could easily spot them.

"You silly, they the good guys!"

"Only if you aren't the bad guys." Trevor murmured

"Oww! What's with you hitting me woman?" She rolled her eyes but kissed his cheek as an apology. He instantly beamed a smile back at her and in response she rolled her eyes. They had been through so much together; you could tell even though they teased each other, they loved each other.

Blake let Dean out of his arms and Dean stood beside him. Dean grabbed his hand in an instant and started walking forward.

"Come on Blakey." Dean tugged on his hand but Blake stood firm.

"Sorry, Dean. I can't go with you." Dean bottom lip quivered. He stopped his pulling and dropped Blake's hand.

"Why not?"

"Ummm... the police think that I kidnapped you, which I kind of did but..."

"Yous not take me, you keep me safe."

"They have me on tape taking you away... Dean it's not safe for me to bring you in there." Blake explained, hoping Dean would understand.

And clearly Dean did as he silently nodded, sniffling.

"I'm going to miss you, Dean."

"I never gonna see yous again?" Blake's heart dropped at seeing the sad look on the young boys face.

"You never know." Dean then took a step forward and wrapped his arms around Blake's waist.

"Miss you too." They held onto each other silently. As happy as he was at seeing his parents again, Dean was sad at leaving his friends. And that they were. But Blake was different. He felt safe with him like Dean would with his father. Blake had taken care of him. He was like a big brother to him.

Dean turned to Trevor next as Blake stood up and wiped his eyes, inconspicuously.

"See you kid."

"Byes Twevor."

"Oh I almost forgot. Here you go Dean." And from behind him, Trevor brought out Peppy and Dean hugged it to his chest. Dean had been so eager to see his parents, his stuffed animal was forgotten back at the apartment. Trevor ruffled Dean`s blond hair, smiling fondly.

"Thank you."

Desi stepped forwards and took Deans hand.

"I'm going to take you inside, alright?" Dean nodded his head.

Dean turned his head and waved back as he and Desi crossed the street to the police station. The two teens looked on, coming to grips that the little boy they came to care about, they may never see again. They waited until Desi and Dean vanished behind the doors before they turned and walked back towards their place.

"Well, this was an interesting few weeks huh?"

"Yeah, you got that right."

"So what are we going to do now?"

"We figure out what happened to Charlie." He hadn`t been seen since the day Blake had found Dean and was running from the cops. He was worried about his friend, but he knew Charlie could take care of himself. They had asked around about him the past month, but they got no information on his whereabouts.

"Yeah, I kinds miss his annoying chatter."

A hand slammed down onto the dashboard of the impala in frustration. "Get moving already!" John yelled out the window. He mentally said sorry to the car and honked the horn yet again for a third time. Damn the traffic this time of day. It was a mad rush on the roads as people got out of work and travelled to go home. Well tried to anyways. John was seriously considering leaving the car on the side of the road and running the rest of the way. He was only a short two blocks away from the station. Ahead though, a car turned to the right and the flow started up again and he found himself driving into the lot. He slammed the door shut of the car as he got out and sprinted for the door, his heart pounding, desperate to see his son again after such a time apart. He looks as he walked into the station hurriedly, whipping his head around, hoping to see Dean.

"May I help you?" John walked towards the lady at the desk who addressed him.

"Dean Winchester. My son, where is he?" He said in a rush.

She pointed down the corridor. "Take a left and the second door on the right." As soon as he heard the directions he was off but it all stopped as he came to a halt in front of the door he was guided to. He slowly opened the door and looked inside and his breath caught. There he was. He was facing away from him, sitting on a young girls lap as he rested against her chest. He stared at his son in awe, almost unbelieving that he was right in front of him again. He cleared his throat and the young girl lifted her eyes to his and nudged the sleeping boy awake. Bleary eyed, Dean's green eyes met his fathers and he smiled, starting to wiggle from the lap he was currently on.

He whispered, "Daddy." sleep still evident in his voice. But it broke John from his haze and he took four large steps forward and clutched his boy to his chest, two large hands keeping his son close, keeping him tight to his body. A hoarse sob escaped him and he tried to muffle it but found it impossible as he felt tiny hands grasping at his shirt frantically.

"Dean. Shhhhh. Its okay, son. I'm here." Tears came to his eyes but he blinked them away. He stood and wobbly made his way to a chair and sat with Dean securely in his arms. Father and son sat, both drinking in the feeling of being together again. John felt Dean starting to calm down, the shakes lessening but he continued to stroke his sons head.

"Its okay, Dean. I'm not leaving you." John comforted for his son and himself. He was still in shock that he was holding his son again. And he was safe. And never again was he letting Dean out of his sight.

"Sir?" Out of instinct, John tightened his arms but relaxed as he saw a police officer approach.


"We would like to question your son now that you are here so..." John had already started to shake his head but became even more adamant when he felt Dean grasp him tighter. It was Dean's silent way of saying, don't leave me.

"My wife is in a labour right now, I need to get back." He stood, Dean still held in his arms.

"Sir, it will be just a quick interview..."

"Let them go, Terry." A burly officer stepped up beside John. "He`ll be at the hospital for a few days anyways."

Terry nodded his head. "Come around the day after tomorrow, Mr. Winchester."

"Thank you." John replied and moved to go towards the door.

"Des?" John stopped mid turn at his sons whisper and remembered the young girl who had his son when he walked in. Dean was looking at her as she walked towards them from the chair she had occupied.

John reluctantly let Dean onto the floor but held his hand down on Dean's shoulder, keeping his son close to him. Desi just smiled in response and knelt to give Dean a hug.

"Be good now. No more getting lost."

"I try to."

"Hope to see you again, Dean."

Desi stepped back after the hug and Dean turned back to John, looking up at him and raising his arms and John didn`t hesitate at liftinf Dean up again into the safety of his arms. Dean settled against his father, Peppy draped John's neck where Dean had his arms wrapped around. Dean's eyes closed, taking in the comfort at being with his father again. John glanced at the young girl and slightly nodding, he strode out the door, desperate to reunite his family once more. Plus one member.

Desi left the station a while later, after giving her story that she found Dean walking the streets alone a few days ago and noticed him instantly and brought him in. She left not noticing a pair of eyes that followed her out. A certain someone was also in the station, but not for a good reason. No, the past month had been hell for him. He hadn`t escaped the cops that day and he would have lied and been sent with a warning, if it wasn`t for the pack of drugs he forgot was in his pocket and he found himself shoved into this jail cell. He waited for his friends to find him, break him out. But they never did. He felt betrayed and as he sat in his cell that day, fuming in anger and frustration he now knew why. His friend Desi came into the station and he was filled with hope that they hadn`t forgotten about him. He was crushed when he realized she wasn`t here for him, but for that boy, Dean. He glared from the back of his cell at the happy reunion between father and son. That boy was the reason he was stuck in jail, rotting away. He took his friends from him, made them forget about him. Yes, Dean was the reason he was chased by the police in the first place. In his mind, it all made sense. To Charlie, it gave him the reason to get out of jail even more.

Uh-oh! What`s Charlie up too? He`s getting a little crazy in the head! So what do you think?