The last thing I could remember was falling asleep in his arms, his smooth and soft arms.

Where I was safe.

I woke up, however, to almost the opposite.

My room, messy before anything happened to it, had been completely torn apart.

And there was blood, everywhere.

It covered the walls, seeping into the curtains and the posters hung up on the walls, coating everything it touched in a deep crimson. As someone who only recently discovered she drank and consumed blood with a yearning, I felt drawn to it, however I was totally and completely disgusted by the scene. I almost vomited into my mouth as I quite literally slipped and slid out of my soaking bed and ran into the ensuite adjacent to my bed. I slipped over as soon as my bare feet hit the tiles. My head swung straight into the sink. "Fuck!" I swore loudly as I clutched my head. I noticed my cell phone on the floor a few feet away. It must have been thrown during the catastrophic hurricane of blood and glass that hit my room during my sleep. My thumb went straight to favourites. I considered calling Charlie, but, what use was he to me if he wasn't able to reach me instantly. I knew who else to call.

Edward was in my room in a flash, I had barely spoken his name out loud through the phone before I could hear his thoughts bouncing down the hallways to the female quarters.

"Bella, Bella! Are you okay? What the fuck happened in here? Oh my God." Edward burst through the door and was down beside me, cradling me in his arms, his fingers pushing away my hair to check my wound.

"Edward, I'm fine... but my room... is completely trashed." I was so confused, how had this happened without Edward, or anyone in this academy noticing? Everyone was awake here and mostly gifted, or sighted like Alice and Edward. None of it made sense, even how it happened to me while I was sleeping.

Reading my thoughts, Edward responded. "Whoever did this does not go here. They must have blocked their thoughts and moved fast. Bella, you're still half human and easier to manipulate during unconsciousness. This could have been anyone... or anything for that matter. This was true, but still I hadn't been here for long - who could possibly be out to get me?

"This is a mess... and it's disgusting. I could vomit I swear." Edward almost smiled, but I could tell the blood was getting to him. "Edward, look, get out of here and go find Carlisle. I'm going to get a shower, I'll go to Alice's and it'll be sorted, okay?"

"But your head..?" Edward's forehead creased, his eyes portraying his worry for me.

"It'll be fine, I slipped and hit my head. This was my own fault." I said this out loud but he already knew, of course.

The next day was a blur. After I cleaned up at Alice's, Carlisle made his way over and we assessed my room. It was cleaned and essentially put back together in less than an hour, but Carlisle didn't want me to stay by myself so I permanently moved in with Alice. Charlie wasn't impressed either. He came to the school and made a huge deal out of the situation, understandably. He thought it was bullying, what concerned parent wouldn't?

Edward and I were glued together that day, we got off classes and spent our time in the meadow. He was worried. I was worried. He didn't hesitate to let me know that he and the boys would be on constant surveillance of me. I couldn't help but react childishly.

"Edward, seriously? I'm not a freakin' child, man. I don't need babysitters." I huffed, crossing my arms defiantly. He looked at me, tilted his head and raised an eyebrow.

"Little halfling, you will grow sleepy, and there will be absolutely nothing you can do."

"Honestly, that couldn't have sounded any creepier if you tried."

"Bella, shut the fuck up." Edward was pissed, but was almost enjoying our silly banter. Considering we could read each others thoughts, we both knew that temporary surveillance wouldn't harm anyone. I supposed he had nothing else to do when I was asleep.

"Alright, I'll allow it... not that I have much of a choice, which you have made abundantly clear." I sighed, looking down at a stray thread on my button up shirt. I picked at it. "It'll put Charlie's mind at ease... and mine too I guess. Just don't get in Alice's space alright? She'll get mad at me for that one."

He laughed, the sound so pleasant to my ears I almost closed my eyes to the noise. "I think we can handle Alice. She's only a wee vamp, we'll survive."

"I wouldn't underestimate her, buddy." I said, laughing back.

"I have known her a fair bit longer than you... buddy."

I rolled my eyes, arguing with Edward was almost as easy as having a conversation with a rock. But he made me happy, and even under these gross and unnecessary circumstances, I couldn't not be happy here, with him.

A/N - So, I updated four years later, I've now finished high-school and am in Uni, if anyone is interested I will probably go back and clean up the rest of the story - make it a whole lot better than my 14year old writings. I'll maybe continue it, too xx