AN: Ok, this one shot is a little heavy. Very dramatic and on the higher end of the T-rating. Don't read if you don't like.

Disclaimer: IDNOSWAC! or According to You by Orianthi

Song: According to You by Orianthi

I ran down the hall way of my apartment. I was running from my dad. I jumped into my room and slammed the door behind me. I locked the door behind me and pushed my dresser to blockade it. I went into my closet and pressed my ear to the door. I had just escaped another beating. Bruises and cuts covered my back and chest. I held my phone close to myself, wanting to call my mom so badly, but if I did, my dad would throw something or yell. I just sat against the door and waited for my dad to calm down. He chased me through the house screaming "Useless! You messed it up again!" I was scared.

He and my mother weren't married. They met at a bar 17 years ago. I was a love child. He was always abusive and my mother was always afraid of him. When I got this job in Hollywood, me and my mom thought we would be safe for once. But he found out and came with us. I only leave the house for work, and he said that if I told anyone about what happened at home, he would kill me. I can't help myself. I wanted to escape. He made a deal with my mom that as soon as I was 18 I could leave, but I told anybody, he would find me and kill me. I wanted to be 18 already.

One time when he was wasted, I told him it was my 18th birthday and my mom played along with it. He just said "Then it's time." He took me into his room and took off my shirt. He startde to play with my chest and then the bra came off. He started to rape me. Next thing I know, we are both naked and he is on top of me. I don't remember the rest but I am positive I am no longer a virgin. He thinks I'm 19 now and that I am so worthless that I can't survive on my own.

According to you, I'm stupid, I'm useless, I can't do anything right.

According to you, I'm difficult, hard to please, forever changing my mind.

I'm a mess in a dress, can't show up on time even it would save my life.

According to you.

According to you.

I can't tell anyone what has happened. I would have left by now, but I have no where to go. I have a job, but Marshall wouldn't want me living on my own and the press would have a field day. I only leave the house for work and people don't even like me that much there. It's like high school. There's the loner (Zora), the class clowns (Nico and Grady) and the cheerleader (Tawni). I'm the newbie. Of course I have to have a crush on the quaterback. Of course I mean Chad Dylan Cooper, head of Mackenzie Falls. Tawni says he has a crush on me but I don't believe her. She did make a dart board out of my face. I heard my phone go off. I had a text. I put my phone on silent before I opened the text. It was from Chad.

From: Chad

Whatcha doin?

From: Sonny

Just reading. You?

From: Chad


From: Sonny

Bout what?

From: Chad


But according to him, I beautiful, incredible, he can't get me out of his head.

According to him, funny, irresistable, everything he ever wanted.

Everything is oppisite, I don't feel like stopping now, baby tell me what I got to lose.

He's into me for everything I'm not, according to you.

As I read the last text he sent me, I felt better, alot better actually. I didn't feel like I would die. I heard my dad outside of my room stomping around. He was on another rampage. I was scared again. I wish Chad was here, instead of just texting me. To be in his arms, he would protect me from my dad right? He wouldn't ever do the same things to me that my dad did. He like me right? Maybe he likes me too, unlike my dad. I heard him and my mom yelling at each other. He said I was moody and that I was a terrible comedian, and my mom wasn't defending me.

According to you, I'm boring, I'm moody, and you can't take me any place.

According to you, I suck at telling jokes, 'cause I always give it away.

I'm a girl with the worst intentions and you're the boy who puts up with that.

According to you.

According to you.

From: Sonny

Why would you be thinking bout me?

From: Chad

I had a weird feeling

From: Sonny

What kind of feeling?

From: Chad

I felt as if you were hurt

From: Sonny

Can you come over? Please?

From: Chad

Why? Is something wrong?

From: Sonny

Very wrong. Just come quickly. I have something to tell you and bring your car. Come quick.

From: Chad

On my way. What is it?

From: Sonny

If I tell you over text I could get hurt and if your here, I won't.

From: Chad

I'm almost there, but I may have $300 in tickets.

From: Sonny

It's worth it. I hope, please hurry.

From: Chad

Almost there. 2 minutes.

From: Sonny

Just come to the door and ask for Alison. Apartment 2B. See you soon.

But according to him, I beautiful, incredible, he can't get me out of his head.

According to him, funny, irresistable, everything he ever wanted.

Everything is oppisite, I don't feel like stopping now, baby tell me what I got to lose.

He's into me for everything I'm not, according to you.

I heard Chad knock on the door. My father answered it. I came out of my closet and moved my dresser so he could open the door. I pressed my ear to it, listening to them talk.

"You must be Mr. Munroe." said Chad in a polite tone.

"And you are?" asked my father. He was being nice. He always put on this fake act in front of anyone that was not me or my mom.

"I'm tv's Chad Dylan Cooper." Of course he has to gloat, I thought. "I work with your daughter."

"Well, she's in her room if you want to go in there." he said.

"Thanks." said Chad. No questions asked. I opened the door before he even knocked. I pulled him into my room and closed the door. I pt the dresser into it's original position as he sat on the bed. "What are you doing with the dresser?" he asked.

"I'm putting it there just incase my dad hears me." I said as I sat next to him.

"Why would it matter? He seems like a nice guy." he said.

"That's what I have to tell you. He's not." I started to take off my shirt. His face started to blush as more of my stomach was revealed. As the shirt was completely removed he saw the bruises and cuts. His look of nervousness turned to shock, than sorrow.

"I'm so sorry." he said. I took his hand and touched it to my stomach on one of my cuts. It stung a little bit. He took his hand back quickly as he saw the pain shoot thorough my body. "I didn't know." he said.

"No one does. My father said if I told anyone he would kill me." I said almost in a whisper. I had tears in my eyes. I started to cry. "Please help me." I whispered. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Shh, Sonshine, it's ok." he soothed. "You'll be fine. Do you have to stay here?" he asked.

"No, he thinks I'm 19. I can leave I just don't have any where to go." I said quietly.

"Then as of right now, you are independant. I'm bringing you home, no matter what your dad says. Grab some nessesities, we can get new clothes." I didn't have anything accept my phone. I put my shirt back on to hide my scars. I moved the dresser and we left my room.

"Dad?" I said as I walked into the living room.

"Yes?" he glared.

"I'm moving out, today." I said with fear in my eyes.

"Finally, you have been moping around all the time!" he complained. "But I want to give you one thing before you leave." he said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his room. I shot Chad a look that said "Don't let me go in there alone! He's going to do something!" He responded by sneaking behind my dad and stopping him from closing the door all the way. My dad pulled me over to the bed and he had me sit down. He started to take off my shirt. As he reached for my bra clasp, Chad burst through the door. His face was mortified as he saw what my dad was doing. He tried to hide his fear.

"Get your hands off of her!" he yelled. He ran towards the bed and threw a punch at my dad. As he was picking himself off the floor, Chad threw me my shirt. I got up from the bed and ran towards the door. My dad stepped in front of Chad and threw a punch at him. Chad fell on top of me and I pushed him off. He stood up and they started to fight. I wanted to stop them but I didn't know how to. After minutes of fighting, which Chad was winning, my dad layed in a mess on the floor. Chad got out of it with only a bloody nose. He stood up and grabbed my hand. We ran towards the door. As I took one last look at my apartment, I heard my dad yell from the bedroom.

"Of course, choose this boy you've known for a year instead of your father!" he yelled.

Need to feel appreciated, not hated. Oh no.

Why can't you see me through his eyes,

It's too bad you're making me decide.

According to me, you're stupid, you're useless, you can't do anything right.

"Are you ok?" I asked him, looking at his bloody nose.

"Yeah, it's just a bloody nose." he said as he started up his car.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"You've been through the worse." he said, looking down at my stomach.

"It doesn't hurt right now." I said.

"You know how I said I was thinking about you earlier?" he said as he pulled into his driveway.

"Yeah," I said.

"I was thinking about this." he leaned over and kissed me. It was long, it was passionate, it was like a cheesy romance novel. It was pefect.

But according to him, I beautiful, incredible, he can't get me out of his head.

According to him, funny, irresistable, everything he ever wanted.

Everything is oppisite, I don't feel like stopping now, baby tell me what I got to lose.

He's into me for everything I'm not, according to you.

You you.

According to you.

You you.

According to you, I'm stupid, I'm useless, I can't do anything right.

AN: I told you it was heavy. Please Review!