Everything it not what it Seems

Chapter 27

AN: Okay dammit I'm not even going to read it, I'm just going to post it and hope things go well before I end up freaking out and deleting my account. Enjoy and please read my note at the end and tell me what you think!


My mother nearly had a heart attack when she saw my busted lip. Although I protested that I had cut it on an ignored crevasse in a glass cup, she was persistent to find out what had really happened.

At least I had been smart enough to dry clean my bloody clothes; mother would have never let me hear the end of it if she had seen how much blood I had lost.

However my mother and father have been pleased with the lack of sadness they see in my eyes compared to what they carried in the last few weeks.

Now that I know that Kagome was forced to leave me my heart has been miraculously been put back together again. My depression has now been replaced with pulsing rage towards her new boyfriend.

It's been almost a week since I met Mr. Naraku at the steak house, ever since then my mind has been spinning with escape plan ideas. However, it was nearly impossible to get in touch with her due to her warden. Kagome's mother tells me she's at a friend's house each time I knock at her door, letting me know that Naraku is holding her captive to make sure I can't get to her; he even went as far as blocking my number from her cell phone.

I groaned as I collapsed onto my bed, there had to be some way to get Kagome away from him, even if it meant she would have to make the first move.


I walked into my home carrying a take-out box full of both mine and Kagome's favorites. I set down the boxes in the kitchen and set our lunch out on plates.

I smiled to the sound of soft footsteps coming down the hall. I turned and saw my angel, who had aparently taken a shower while I was gone.

She smiled back at me and kissed my cheek, "Hi Naraku, thanks for going out and getting lunch." She said as she fiddled with her semi dry hair.

I couldn't help but smile at the improvement on Kagome's behavior over the past week. It's been about two weeks since I kicked that spoiled prince's ass, and even though seeing blood gush from that little prick's lip was fulfilling; it still wasn't worth the fear I felt when I woke up that early morning without Kagome in my arms.

I still go to sleep every night with a near death grip on my angel and wake up fearing that she's not there. So far there have been no attempts at an escape, it turns out I was right, it seems that she has forced him out of her mind and has now warmed back up to me. However it wasn't like that during the first week after the steak house incident, during that period Kagome avoided my affection and stayed silent and distant. However those days were behind us, at least I hoped they were.

"So what would you like to do today?" Kagome asked me as she fixed her plate.

"Whatever you want to do is fine." I told her indifferently, I didn't have a preference anyway.

"Hmm… How about we lie in bed and watch TV all day?" She asked me casually as I poured us both a glass of tea.

I smiled at the idea "Sounds great." I agreed.

"I thought you said it was fine." She teased me.

I laughed "Just eat and be happy." I ordered.

Kagome rolled her eyes "Alright Mr. Ronin Naraku." She taunted at me.

"Oh and I have a question for you, why do you want me to call you by your last name and not your first?" She asked me as she twirled a bundle of noodles onto her fork.

"I did that because it would be easier for you to call me Naraku than Ronin, notice that you have never once slipped up and called me Mr. Naraku on accident. However if I had asked you to call me Ronin you would not have picked it up as quickly as you did." I explained to her.

Kagome smiled widely "I have to admit that is genius." She praised.

"Thank you Miss. Higurashi." I mocked her.

After lunch I was treated to what Kagome promised me.

"Why is it so hard to believe?" I asked her.

Kagome laughed "You just don't strike me as a Big Bang Theory fan." She explained.

"Well I'm terribly sorry if my liking of a popular sitcom bothers you." I said sarcastically.

Kagome rolled her eyes "You're so sensitive." She poked, making my smile.

"And you are so wonderful." I purred into her ear, making her shiver from the tickle of my breath on her neck.

Kagome and I, as planned, spent the day in bed with over a dozen re-runs of The Big Bang Theory.

A sudden withdraw of the warmth and comfort that I fell into sleep with caused me to drive myself from my slumber. I opened my eyes and looked around the room, a realization of Kagome's absence made me rip myself from my sleepy daze.

I jumped out of bed and ran out of the room. I saw Kagome at the end of the hallway, slowly making her way to the steps. I ran to her. I couldn't control my anger, not for this. I grabbed her from behind and pulled her from the stairs abruptly, making her fall to the ground on her back, causing her to cry out a shriek of surprise.

Her eyes widened as I glared at her "Did you not understand when I said I would not tolerate any escape plans?" I growled.

Kagome knew she couldn't make up an excuse for this one; after all she wouldn't be dressed to get a glass of water. She crawled backwards slowly, fear clouding her eyes "Please, Naraku just let me go home." She pleaded.

I stalked toward her, making her back up until she hit a wall. "Why should I do that? So you can go back to him?" I demanded.

I kneeled next to her and cupped her cheek, causing her to flinch, "When are you going to realize that he doesn't really care about you, why can't you see he's not good enough for you?" I asked her as anger filled her eyes.

Kagome slapped my hand away "Sesshomaru does care about me, he loves me and I love him." She declared, using his name in spite of me.

I grinded my teeth "You do not love him and you will not say his name ever again." I ordered.

She scoffed "Why shouldn't I say Sesshomaru's name? Sesshomaru's the man I love and the man I want to marry." She mocked me.

My heart cracked at her words, I don't think I've ever been as livid as I was in that moment. I grabbed Kagome by the arm and jerked her to her feet, receiving a grunt of pain in return. She resisted as I dragged her toward my bedroom.

She used her free hand to pry my fingers off of her arm, causing her to fall back to the ground. She attempted to scramble to her feet but failed as I climbed on top of her and held her down.

"Stop fighting me!" I yelled at her.

She grabbed me by my shoulders to keep me away "No! I won't stop; I will never stop trying to get away from you! I am not yours to keep, I belong with Sesshomaru!" She yelled back at me.

In one movement I swept her from the ground and slammed her onto the wall, making her shriek in pain.

"You belong to me, and you are not getting away from me again." I demanded before dragging her into my bedroom.


Struggling was not helping my case at all apparently. Naraku succeeded in getting me to his bedroom, now I'm right back where I started; not that I got very far. He pushed me to the ground, I landed in front of the bed and sat up. I groaned as he locked the door.

"So what are you just going to kill me and spread my ashes all over Tokyo? Or are you just going to lock me in the basement and let me rot? Remember I have family and friends who would notice if I wasn't around." I reminded him.

He almost looked bemused by my rant "I do not plan on killing you; I plan on teaching you a lesson." He threatened.

I smirked as he stalked toward me "Oh really? Are you going to give me a head start on eleventh grade ELA?" I mocked.

He chuckled "You're not afraid of me; at least you're trying not to be." He pointed out as I stood up.

"Like I said, you're bark is bigger than your bite." I said as I moved away from him.

I groaned mentally once I met a dead end at his dresser, Naraku smiled at my disadvantage and picked me up by my hips then aggressively put me on the dresser, slamming me against the wall. He looked down at me with a smirk, obviously enjoying the look of uncertainty on my face.

Maybe I really was afraid of him…

He dipped his head down and kissed me roughly, his lips were cold aggressive; Sesshomaru's were warm and gentle.

I whimpered as his tongue entered my mouth without an invitation, I then flinched as he began unbuttoning my pants.

I felt like crying, but that wasn't an option, I couldn't show fear, not now; I had to be strong.

I broke his kiss and grabbed his wrists, "No." I demanded as I pulled his hands away.

He growled, "I'm afraid you don't have any say in the matter." He continued kissing me forcefully as I rationed whatever plan I could come up with in my head.

I decided to first resist.

I pushed him away but was instead pulled against him; he picked me up by my thighs once more and held me close. The next thing I felt was a rush and an impact to a cold wall.

I held back my whimper of pain as he took back my raw lips. He began pulling at my dark blue tank top, making me cringe. "I said no." I hissed. Noticing my reluctance, Naraku took it upon himself to rip it down the front, making me squeal.

After plucking off the spaghetti straps of what was left of my tank top his hand went around my back to fiddle with my bra strap.

"What part of 'no' do you not understand?" I growled I scratched at his hands and shoved him away.

He let me go for a slit second which was all it took for Naraku and I to fall to the ground. I realized my chances of escaping were slim, but in order to make sure that Sesshomaru is the one to take my virginity I would have to find a weapon. I looked around the room for a moment, then there it was; his bedside table.

I remembered going through his drawers one night while he was in the shower, I was looking for my cell phone, the cell phone he hid from me. Although I didn't find my cell phone in his bedside drawer I did find a pretty little hand gun which at the time I could never imagine using. However currently I wouldn't mind using it on my potential rapist.

I stood and began running towards my "Get out of rape." Free card but could only make it two steps before falling to the ground due to Naraku's hold on my ankle.


Kagome rolled on her back and glared at me as I stood above her.

I held out my hand "Need a hand?" I offered with a smirk.

"No thanks but a police officer would be nice." She said sarcastically as she helped herself up.

As she arose I took my chance and pinned her to the wall.

"I really should have seen that coming." She groaned before I kissed her again.

I smiled; I loved how perfectly her small body fit to mine. She was made for me, not for him.

However her cruel words haunted me, adding fuel to my anger.

"Sesshomaru's the man I love and the man I want to marry."

She will love me.

Her love will be real.


"I am not yours to keep, I belong with Sesshomaru!"

My anger refused to subside. I continued to devour her lips as I stripped myself down to my boxers while I continued to tear at Kagome's pants. During the time period in which she kicked and screamed at me to stop I managed to tear her shorts down the front to reveal silky panties, matching Kagome's bra.

"You know, ripping my clothes apart and slamming me against the wall multiple times isn't exactly turning me on Naraku." She said sarcastically.

I smiled "I'm sorry, I thought you liked it rough." I said, returning the sarcasm.

She rolled her eyes, "Not really, rape doesn't appeal to me either." She hissed.

I growled and ripped down the sides of her jean shorts out of anger, making her shriek.

I grinned "Don't knock it til' you try it." I teased as she glared at me.

After removing what was left of her shorts I carried the reluctant girl to my bed. I climbed on top of her with a sly look on my face as I held her down.

She clutched my shoulders as I kissed her collar bone and pulled at her black panties.

"Please don't Naraku, you promised you'd never hurt me." She pointed out.

"True but you promised there would be no more escape plans; I suppose we are both at fault." I said smoothly.

Kagome bit her lip as I continued to pull at her bra and panties.

She will love me.

I will be hers.

She will be mine.

I will be her first.

Kagome looked at me with anger in her eyes, I knew she wasn't going to submit; she will fight to the end.

Another thing I love about her.

She continued to kick and squirm, she kept me away by pushing against my bare chest. Somewhere in between all of this she must have wormed one of her soft legs in between mine. Once I felt a mass pain in my groin I realized Kagome had taken advantage of the position just as she took advantage of my attention being slightly pulled away from her, and pushed off of the bed.

As I landed on the white carpet with a thud

She immediately opened my night stand drawer and grabbed my handgun. She hopped over me only to fall to the ground after I grabbed her leg, there was no way was she getting away from me.

The gun escaped from her hand and fell out of her reach; she turned over on her back and glared at me as I climbed on top of her with a cocky smirk.

She squirmed under my grip as I held her down, I smiled at her "Now what were you doing going through my night stand?" I teased her.

She scoffed "I was looking for a condom." She said her voice thick with sarcasm and hate.

I couldn't help but laugh "So what were you going to do with my gun?" I asked her.

"What can I say? I saw it and I figured it would protect me from your sperm better than latex." She joked while still holding her glare, making me roll my eyes playfully.

I kiss her lips before whispering into her ear "Nothing is going to keep me away from you." She nearly hissed at me as I teasingly pulled at her skimpy underwear.

As I began to pull myself up Kagome pulled her legs up and gave a hard kick to my chest, giving her to opportunity to crawl backwards.

Standing on my knees, I grabbed her legs and pulled her towards me; but it was too late.

Kagome obviously knew her way around a gun and knew exactly what to do. She had turned the safety off, cocked it, and aimed it faster than I could blink.

I dropped her leg and threw my hands halfway in the air as she glared at me with her cold eyes.

This is the girl who was accepted in to my ELA class.

This is the girl who reminded me what's its like to have a great student.

This is the girl who I fell in love with.

This is the girl who was with another.

This is the girl who eventually came to be with me.

This is the girl who made my house into a home.

This is the girl who tried to leave me.

This is the girl who is aiming my own gun at me.

This girl is my Juliet.

"What are you going to do Kagome? Kill me with my own gun?" I asked with a smirk as she stood up.

She didn't say anything as she gathered her clothes and held the scraps to her chest; not taking her eyes off me and not taking her finger off the trigger.

I rose to my feet, "Where are you going to go Kagome? Home? Are you going to run back to him? You know I'll come back for you, I'll always find you. Don't forget what will happen to the boy if you run to the police. I don't see why you're letting your fears get in the way of what we have, we love each other Kagome." I told her as the gun shook in her trembling hands.

Kagome gripped the gun and glared at me, "You're wrong, I don't love you. My heart will always belong to Sesshomaru, and you will never hurt him or me again." She told me with assurance in her voice.

Then a loud bang pierced my ears, an impact to my chest pushed me to the ground, I watched as Kagome dropped my gun and ran out of the room. I listen to the front door open and shut as dark blood stained and pooled in the carpet.

I laid in the darkness of the room, the seconds of a minute going on like hours in a day. My glazed eyes fell on a blue string, the spaghetti strap from Kagome's tank top.

I then realized what I had done, or what I had attempted to do out of anger.

I had tried to hurt her, out of anger.

I did hurt her.

And so she hurt me.

I scared her.

She's still scared… Of me… Of my love… Of her love for me…

That's why she keeps running away.

I will take away her fear.

Sirens whaled in the distance as the room grew colder and darker.

My Juliet will love me.


I could not manage to go to sleep, hours that felt like minutes ticked on and on. The clock read 4:24 and here I was in the living room, sprawled over the couch in the dark listening to the clock tick and the other various noises that came along with a big empty house.

My parents were off somewhere on separate family business trips and my brother was crashing at Koga house tonight. That surprised me due to the fact that those two were constantly bickering over girls and small stupid things.

Nonetheless tonight it was just me, insomnia, and the noises of the house.

Being submerged in virtual silence for so long I jumped a little at the sound of a door bell ringing.

The odds of me answering the door were doubtful at the moment considering the time, the probability that it was some insane person at the door, and the fact that I was falling into a relapse of depression as we speak.

However I answered it anyway out of boredom and a substantial amount of not caring whatsoever.

After opening the door I was meet by an impact to my chest and the familiar feel of small fists clutching my buttoned down shirt. I looked down and saw a veil of glossy raven hair that fell to a small waist.

"Ka- Kagome?" I questioned, wondering if it was all in my head.

She responded with uncontrollable sobs.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer, I was imagining this right?

She lifted her head to reveal teary gray-blue eyes that I drove me nuts.

We sat down on the couch where I wrapped a blanket around her and pulled her to my chest. I questioned her on everything, and she told me everything.

She didn't cry after that.

However, she did still seem upset, "Well dammit." I groaned.

"What?" She asked.

"I never got the chance to hit him back." I whined.

Kagome paused for a minute, and then broke out into a fit of giggles. I smiled at her laughter that went on for several minutes until she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me deeply.

It felt amazing to kiss her again, to have her back again; and to know that Naraku wouldn't be bothering us anymore.

We were in Italy the next week.

Please read, I need your feedback.

First of all I'm sorry if I misspelled angel as angle in the past few chapters- I know the difference yes but I do write it wrong every once in a while and miss the mistake when I run through it. Terribly sorry if this mistake disturbs you or causes your parrot to become a vegan.

Second of all to answer your question three people that have asked me this: Yes I even called Naraku, Ronin a lot when I was first assigned the anime and started watching it, I didn't think he looked like a Naraku so I called him Ronin and no one knew who I was talking about.

Anyway it's really over! I can't actually believe it! This was my first and only series. In fact Everything is not what it Seems is sort of like a diary for me, I started this two years ago when I first started writing, I've never changed a thing in my first few chapters because this whole series shows how I've improved since I first started. Thank you guys so much for giving me the confidence to write for the past two years. It's been fun but I'm afraid I'm throwing in the towel after this one.

However, this one is up to you. I'm giving you guys a choice on whether or not to give Everything… Seems an epilogue, to see how Kags and Fluffy are doing a few years from now, BUT if I do make an epilogue there will be a cliff hanger and then I'm done! I know this because I've already made the plan for it, Kikyo shall be involved because she's always involved in a scheme right? So comment or send me a message to let me know to continue or leave it be.

Thank you!