Uh.....I hate homework so much. I hate math so much I just wish it would die; though maybe it would be easier if Emmet stopped jumping around like an idiot. Not that I didn't love him it's just he was very distracting. I thought as I sighed and tried to figure out my homework. This sucks.

Esme POV

I was making dinner for Bella as usual and she was sitting at the counter both watching me and finishing up the last of her homework. I saw and heard her sigh and shake her head. Poor dear, she seems so stressed. I wonder if she has ever just been peacefully unaware. From what I had heard she had taken care of her mother at a very young age. It slightly angered me that Renee had acted more like the child then Bella had but then Bella never complained about it, probably because she doesn't realize what she missed out on.

I saw my son, Edward look at me when I thought this and I saw his eyes darken. I knew that look. It told me that he wanted to solve something and I could expect a family meeting as soon as Bella was at home. I gave him a slight nod before telling Emmet to go goof around someone else for a change since I could tell it was bothering Bella. Well whatever my son had planned I was sure he would do what was best for Bella and this time he would think it through or Carlisle and I would have many words to say to that boy.


Once I heard Esme's thoughts I knew she was right. It had angered me as well to know that Bella had never had a true proper childhood but now that it was brought to my attention once again I would not let it escape my notice. I would give my Bella everything she needed including a childhood plus if I played my cards right maybe she would put off trying to become a vampire.

It bothered me that she was willing to become a vampire forever but she would not agree to marry me. I had asked her why but the response was always the same: you wouldn't understand. I love you I just don't want to marry you right now.

I sighed. Why won't she agree to marry me? Well tonight I would call a family meeting and we would discuss on how to give Bella her childhood back.