Part Seven

Qui-Gon felt his breath leave his lungs when he saw Obi-Wan go down.

Igniting his lightsaber instinctively to defend against another attack, Qui-Gon ran to where his fallen apprentice lay.

As soon as he stopped next to Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon noticed that they were no longer a target for attack. There was complete immobility. Keeping his lightsaber up in defense, he scanned the trees with conscientious eyes.

Slowly as in a shock, men started out from among the trees. Qui-Gon had not seen these men while traveling here. Their skin was more of a red bronzed color then the paler colored soldiers and they were clothed from skins of animals. The men stopped and looked at the lightsaber and then to Qui-Gon, laying their weapons of bows and arrows down as they did so.

Qui-Gon didn't want to be off guard, but he needed to see to Obi-Wan's wound. One of the men started speaking and pointed to Obi-Wan.

"I think the Indian wants to look at him," Ben spoke quietly. Qui-Gon had forgotten about Ben when rushing to help Obi-Wan. The man that was still speaking didn't seem to be threatening, and they didn't appear to have any more weapons.

Qui-Gon deactivated his lightsaber and put it back on his belt. The man came over and knelt down to look at the wound in Obi-Wan's left shoulder. An arrow had pierced through Obi-Wan's shoulder. The man looked up at Qui-Gon and started talking again, first to him and then to his companions. One man slowly came over, eying Qui-Gon the whole time. The two men talked for a moment and started to pick Obi-Wan up.

Qui-Gon didn't know what they were going to do, nor did he know what they could do to further cause Obi-Wan injury. He put up his hand to stop them and said, "No." The men quickly sent Obi-Wan back down looked at Qui-Gon and then to his lightsaber on his belt.

With the ultra most care, Qui-Gon picked up Obi-Wan himself. The boy felt lighter to him. Cradling Obi-Wan to his chest, the Jedi Master was also being mindful of his wound. Qui-Gon looked at the group of men. The man who looked at Obi-Wan's wound starting making motions like he wanted to be followed.

Qui-Gon knew for Obi-Wan to get help he had to trust these men. He started following the men, hoping that they could help Obi-Wan.

Ben silently followed Qui-Gon and the Indians. He was surprised just like everyone else when Qui-Gon made fire come out of that object. This fire wasn't the blue that Ben had remembered this one was green. Qui-Gon knew about the object he was carrying. And he appeared to know how to use it. Did the object change fire color?

Ben saw that lieutenant, Thomas Anderson was behind him. He felt a bit of fear. Tom could do anything to him, since Tom was his superior, he could have him whipped or even hung. Even though Ben hadn't deserted the army, not too many people would believe him.

Turning his head he saw Tom and… Sam? Ben stopped walking. He turned around. "Sam. You... your…" he stuttered.

Sam's eyes were wet with tears she went up and hugged him like she would never let go. Tom cut in with a sharp tone, "We have to continue following them." His voice sounded strangled.

The Indians lead them to their settlement. The women stopped working and stared at the strangers.

One of the men motioned a girl came over. She had pale skin and white colored hair. She looked to be about fourteen years of age. She came up and listened to want the Indian had to say.

The Indian pointed to Qui-Gon and started speaking quickly. The girl looked surprised, but she could understand what he was saying.

She turned to Qui-Gon and said slowly, "My people can help. We do not mean harm to you. Clear River can help." She pointed to an old woman standing at one of the structures and start toward it.

Qui-Gon knew he would have to trust these people, he couldn't help Obi-Wan himself.

The girl seemed to understand his unease. "Come."

Tom, Sam and Ben didn't feel that they should intrude, even thought they want to make sure everything was all right. They stood quietly by, unsure what they should or should not do.

As they waited, Sam and Ben kept looking at each other, not believing that they had finally found each other again.

After a while the white haired girl come out and walked over to them.

"Hello." She said in a quiet voice. "I am called Snow Horse. Tall man your friend?"

"Yes." Ben said, before letting Tom or Sam speak.

"Is Obi-Wan all right?" Sam wanted to know.

"He is in good hands." Snow Horse said.

"What tribe of Indians are we among?" Tom was concerned about Obi-Wan as well, but he wanted to know who they were with.

This is the Unalachtigo tribe. We are peaceful people. We are neutral in this war. What are you called? No, what are your names?" Snow Horse spoke slowly to remember her English.

"I am Thomas Anderson, Samantha McGregor, and her brother Benjamin McGregor. Is Snow Horse your given name?"

Snow Horse looked at Sam, "You dress as white man." She stated the obvious.

"Yes, it is a long story." Sam said pointedly.

Snow Horse ignored Sam's sharp tone, "My given name was Beth, Thomas."

Qui-Gon was trying to not let the feeling of helplessness control him. Even through he could not send healing power to Obi-Wan through the Force like he wanted to, he could stay by his Padawan's side.

The young girl had tried to explain to Qui-Gon how the old woman, Clear River, could try to help Obi-Wan.

To remove the arrow from Obi-Wan's shoulder, they first had to take off his shirt then lay him on his stomach. Qui-Gon looked in dismay at the still healing scars from many whiplashes across Obi-Wan's back. He clearly remembered the vision of Obi-Wan getting whipped as he looked at the lashes. The scars near his shoulder had come open again with the arrow.

Qui-Gon didn't pay attention to Clear River's talking in her own language. He closed his eyes to try to calm the emotions he was feeling. He had to keep in check the fear and anger of what he was feeling about Obi-Wan and that he himself couldn't have been able to stop what happened to his apprentice.

Obi-Wan woke while Clear River was putting herbs around his wound before pulling out the arrow. Obi-Wan's blue-green eyes had the look of pain, but he appeared to be alert.

His eyes settled on Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan first looked shocked and then disbelieving. He blinked. "Master?" He whispered not trusting what his eyes were seeing.

With a relieved but joyful smile Qui-Gon said, "It is I."

Clear River spoke pointing to the arrow, but didn't yet pull it out. Qui-Gon understood. "Obi-Wan, you will have to be still while Clear River pulls out the arrow." Obi-Wan breathed then swallowed.

Qui-Gon gently but firmly put his hands on Obi-Wan's arms so he wouldn't jerk or move when the arrow was coming out.

Obi-Wan didn't want to scream, but he couldn't help yelling when the arrow was being pulled out. He was shaking after that.

Qui-Gon could hardly bear seeing his Padawan in pain, but all he could do was stroke his sweat soaked hair as Clear River put herbs and other types of plants on Obi-Wan's shoulder and back. After she was done she tried to make motions as if telling Obi-Wan to rest and then got up and left the tent.

Obi-Wan didn't want to rest even though sleeping would be the best thing to do at the time. He still couldn't believe that Qui-Gon was really here, but he was. He wanted to ask everything that he was thinking, mostly how had Qui-Gon been able to find him?

He looked up at Qui-Gon with his eyes so he would not have to move his body on the ground. "Master, how did you find me?"

Qui-Gon wanted Obi-Wan to rest and begin the slow process of healing, but his apprentice didn't seem to want to do that. Perhaps if Obi-Wan's questions were answered then he would rest.

"I believe it was the will of the Force that I found you on this planet." Qui-Gon answered as well as thinking to himself, And my determination in finding you.

"But how? I don't sense the Force on this planet." Obi-Wan said with a bit of irritation.

"You are right that the Force appears not to be on this planet, but I believe it is still here, just not the way we are accustomed to. The Force is very mystifying at times."

Obi-Wan didn't fully understand what Qui-Gon meant, but then, Qui-Gon was following the Living Force and not the Unifying Force. Obi-Wan sighed. That was and always would be one of the beliefs that he and his Master would think differently about.

"How did you get to this planet, Padawan?"

Obi-Wan had missed being called by that title, but more so he had missed Qui-Gon and had believed he would never see him or get off this planet. Obi-Wan didn't want to admit the truth about how he came here; in his eyes what he did was an embarrassing mistake. It was not just because he was a Padawan learner and he was bound to obey his Master in everything, but he respected Qui-Gon too much to just not tell him.

"I tried to take a shortcut and the cruiser got hit with a floating comet and got pulled in this planet's gravitational pull. I had been knocked out before that or I would have tried to stop it. The ship landed in a lake. I got out, but the ship sank.

"I met Samantha McGregor, but she was disguised as a man and called herself Sam. She was looking for her brother, Ben. But the regiment of the army Ben was in thought I was he because it seems we look very identical. I got punished, because they thought I was Ben and I deserted.

"After I got better, the regiment moved to a fort called Valley Forge. Sam was determined to find Ben and left. I went with her because she would need help."

"The man that is with us is Thomas Anderson. He found out Sam was really a girl, so he came with us to protect and help her."

"Is there anything more to this story, Obi-Wan?"

Obi-Wan glanced at the ground. He couldn't look at Qui-Gon when he confessed this. "I lost my lightsaber, Master," he said in a rush. He didn't dare look at Qui-Gon to see what his reaction would be.

All he heard was, "I see."

Ben knew that Sam would believe him when he told her what happened to him. But would Tom believe him or not?

Snow Horse left them to help the other Indian women. Tom, Sam, and Ben were mostly on their own. The Indians went on their daily routine.

Glancing at his sister, Ben felt guilty. Sam had worried about him when he left to enlist for the army because of the cause of freedom. She must have taken it upon herself to disguise herself as a man to look for him.

"What are you thinking about?" Sam asked him.

Ben told them what happened. He had been captured by the British and been their slave. Tom and Sam both believed them. They spent the rest of the day talking.

Obi-Wan couldn't see too much from his position on the ground of the tent. Moving was out of the question, his shoulder was still in too much pain to move. He could guess that some of the whiplashes on his back had come open again. The medicine the old woman had put on helped a lot, the injury would be more pain then this if she hadn't.

Shutting his eyes, willing his body to sleep was not helping. Obi-Wan knew Qui-Gon had left only so he could get some rest. With his eyes closed he took a deep breath in then let it out slowly.

Obi-Wan still wasn't sure why his Master hadn't said anything him about losing his lightsaber, he had gotten reprimanded for leaving the power on more than once. He knew he could make a new one, but it took time. Just the fact of losing a lightsaber was embarrassing.

His mind thought back to how Qui-Gon had arrived on this planet too. The more Obi-Wan thought about it, the more he thought Qui-Gon was right about the Force guiding his steps. Even though the two Jedi couldn't use the Force on this planet it still had helped them.

Qui-Gon had told Obi-Wan about his own time here and meeting Ben. Obi-Wan hadn't seen Ben to know how much they looked alike. He was more relieved that Sam and Ben had found each other again.

Obi-Wan would more relieved than that when he and Qui-Gon would be off of this planet. Qui-Gon said that he had landed the cruiser in a group of trees so it was hidden mostly.

Obi-Wan heard someone enter the tent; it was his Master.

Qui-Gon looked down at his apprentice. He had been hoping Obi-Wan would be sleeping by now. Without saying a word, Qui-Gon knelt down next to Obi-Wan as if to start meditating. He closed his eyes.

Obi-Wan hesitated, but said anyway, "Master?"

"Yes?" Qui-Gon said without opening his eyes.

"Are you… are you disappointed in me?"

Qui-Gon opened his eyes. He knew Obi-Wan meant about landing on this planet as well as losing his lightsaber. "Obi-Wan, you are still learning and growing up. Even I make mistakes and I will continue making mistakes. If you make a mistake and learn from it, then it has taught you something. If you have not yet learned that lesson, then you will make that mistake again. But no, I am not disappointed in you, Padawan."

Obi-Wan didn't say anything to that. The two Jedi didn't speak again. They were comfortable with the presence of the other for the rest of the day.

Two days later, found Obi-Wan sitting up under the watchful eye of Clear River. Obi-Wan felt much better then he had before. His Master had stayed with him most of the time and they talked in length about what happened to the other on their time here.

Obi-Wan got a chance to talk to Sam and Tom as well as meet Ben. It was uncanny that they looked so similar. The Jedi Padawan would not doubt the Indians thought Ben and him to be twins.

The young man himself stepped inside the tent and sat down. Just Ben was content with being with his sister, but his eyes held an inner conflict with himself.

Obi-Wan knew what had happened to Ben, so he could understand his look. It wasn't just the capture that got to Ben, but war had changed him. It had changed Tom and Sam. Even himself, more with the Melidia/Daan instance than the one here.

"How you doing today?" Ben asked.

"Better." Obi-Wan replied.

"You hate me don't you?" Ben blurted out. "No, you are not showing it, but you hate me for everything that has happened, don't you?" Ben looked at the apprentice wanting for his answer.

Obi-Wan did not speak right away. When he did, what he said surprised Ben, "No, I don't. I was angry at times like when it was bad, but I didn't hate you." Obi-Wan said earnestly.

"But why?"

"Because what good does it do to hate you? First, it really wasn't your fault, so I can't hate you because of that. And secondly, hating you or anyone would be wrong."

Ben nodded his head slowly in understanding.

They didn't get a chance to speak more, because Sam come to look in on Obi-Wan.

"How are you?" she asked.

"I'm fine." Obi-Wan said. If one more person asked him that, he might end up saying something with annoyance.

But Obi-Wan opted to ask how brother and sister were doing. They were not used to the way of Indian life, but the Indians had showed them nothing but hospitality.

Clear River came back and shooed the siblings away and in her foreign tongue told Obi-Wan to rest. Even though Obi-Wan didn't understand a word of the old woman's language, he knew that she wanted him to rest.

"Master, are you sure this is going to work?" Obi-Wan said doubtfully.

It had been over a week since Obi-Wan's accident. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had to travel the way they had come to get back to the hidden ship. They knew they couldn't just pass towns or houses without suspicion. Obi-Wan would be thought of as Ben and if anyone had seen Qui-Gon with Ben the British soldiers might very well arrest both of them.

Not only were they endangering themselves, but Tom, Sam, and Ben, were coming with them. Tom had offered to go, and his idea had been to pretend to be Qui-Gon's son, while he and Obi-Wan were siblings. Sam and Ben had been present they heard the idea, and Sam had spoken up. She reminded Tom that he was in just as much trouble as they were in because of his military background. They starting arguing and Ben spoke his idea fast before a real argument could occur.

Ben's idea had been that they all go, and have everyone just think that a John Gavin and his children were taking a trip to Philadelphia to visit friends.

They were now in Philadelphia and with the town full of the British army, Obi-Wan was being to doubt Qui-Gon's good sense in agreeing to this plan.

Qui-Gon looked at Obi-Wan. There was no fear in the boy's eyes, just apprehension. "I am sure nothing will go wrong, Obi-Wan," the Jedi Master said. His apprentice didn't look convinced.

"A group of soldiers are coming this way," Tom whispered from behind them.

A group of British men strode pompously down the street. They didn't appear to be heading in their general direction. They passed the small group with a passing look.

The rest of their walk through town passed without an incident. After a mile or so out of town, Qui-Gon stopped.

Looking at Tom, he said, "You have helped Obi-Wan and me pass Philadelphia. Thank you. You, Sam, and Ben can be on your way."

Tom was shaking his head. "No, you don't know what could go wrong."

Sam put her hand on Tom's arm. "Can I speak with you in private?" Turning to Qui-Gon, "Can you please excuse us?" she asked.

Qui-Gon nodded. Tom looked ready to protest, but he nodded as well.

Once they where walked out of earshot from the others, Tom stopped and turned to Sam expectedly. Sam felt all she had been about to say was foolish and selfish.

"Well?" Tom prompted.

Sam glued her eyes to the ground. "I think we should just listen to Qui-Gon and let them go their own way," she said in a rush.

With his hand he gently lifted her chin up to look at him. "Why?"

Sam felt slightly breathless with his hand still on her chin, but she forced to speak.

"It is not that I don't care for their safety, I do, but you are in more danger then they are."

Tom dropped his hand back to his side, but there was emotion in his eyes. "Very well, I will go with what Qui-Gon said."

They walked back to where the Jedi and Ben where.

Tom spoke first. "We will let you go on your way by yourselves."

Ben didn't want to do that, but he noticed Tom's arm around his sister's waist. He also saw that Sam's cheeks were slightly pink.

Qui-Gon too had noticed what Ben had and was using every Jedi technique to keep a straight face and not smile; he had known that there was something between these two. He simply bowed his head in thanks.

Qui-Gon looked at his Padawan. Obi-Wan smiled, which cause Qui-Gon to smile in return. Obi-Wan knew too.

They all said their farewells and went their separate ways, each thinking of the others and hoping for the best for them.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan continued their journey through the dense wood in companionable silence.

After what may have been a few hours, they finally found the cruiser. It appeared untouched. Obi-Wan's sigh was one of relief. Qui-Gon was relieved as well but didn't say anything.

Entering the ship they headed to the cockpit to start it going. Even though Obi-Wan would have liked to pilot, Qui-Gon said that he would. As soon as the engines warmed, they carefully got out of the wood, and then up in the atmosphere toward space.

After they got out of the system that they where in they went into hyperspace.

Obi-Wan was nearly dozing in his seat, when Qui-Gon spoke.

"I want the Healers at the Temple to look at your back so you don't have any scars from the lashing."

"Yes, Master," the apprentice answered quietly.

Qui-Gon knew full well that Obi-Wan didn't like being in the Healers ward. He knew what he could do to divert his Padawan thoughts.

"Obi-Wan." When the boy turned his head to his Master, Qui-Gon took Obi-Wan's lightsaber off of his belt and handed it to the apprentice.

Obi-Wan looked at the lightsaber for a moment before taking it. It was his. "Master, my lightsaber! How did you find it?"

"Ben had it. He said that he found it. He must have found the spot where you lost it."

Obi-Wan looked at Qui-Gon, "When I told you that I had lost it, you had it with you?"

"Yes. I know you would have built a new one, but it is not the same one as this one, is it?"

"No, it is not."

"We have a long trip home, you best rest."

Home. That thought brought a grin to Obi-Wan's face. He also knew that sleep was the last thing on his head.

Qui-Gon knew what was on his Padawan's mind. "Go," he ordered.

"Yes, Master." Before Obi-Wan stood up, he said, "Thank you for coming and finding me, Master."

"What makes you think I would not have, Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon's face was serous.

"Oh, it's not that you would not have, just I feared you would not find me."

"Believe me, Padawan, if you were ever lost again, I would find you with my dying breath."

"I would do the same, Master." Obi-Wan left then to find some rest.

As Qui-Gon looked out into space, he said to the empty room, "I know you would, my Padawan."

The End