Hi Everyone! I am officially back! The Story Never Gonna Lose the it's taken me foprever tow rite it sequel to Never Gonna Be is now posted! You can find it under One Tree Hill, it's rated T due to occasional bad language just to be safe. It's also accessible from my profile page. I know it's been forever but hopefully it's worth the wait. I'm working hard to try and make sure I can update this story regularly I also think this is gonna be a lot longer than NGB as I've finished seven chapters I think and it's already over 40000 words! I do have a vision in mind but I would like to say I am still open to suggestions. I also got a few comments saying they love the Brooke/ Nathan sibling stuff ME TOO! It's one of the initial inspirations for this story so I hope I don't disappoint you guys. Also a HUUUUGE thanks to everyone who read and reviewed my other one shot "IT"S TRICKY" you guys totally rock I loved your comments and I am trying to work on a couple of oneshots in the same vein so hopefully I can get those out soon. Anyways, please read and let me know what you think of NEVER GONNA LOSE!