Chapter LVIII

The Paramekian emperor.

A/N: Damn, this one was a pain. Plus we only have the one computer, so I have to wright it out by hand then type it up, so I can only write it half as fast. Thanks ulticrossregar2489 for the review. Really appreciate it.

The city lay broken. Its buildings destroyed, at least half its forces lay either dead, or were turned to Heartless, though the sea of black was now rapidly dispersing. The remaining forces, except for those within the palace, were pushing the Heartless back, as were the dragons. However, the high cackle of their remaining commander continued, and thus, so did the battle.

Now the fighting was well away from the palace. Sora and his friends walked towards the palace's stone steps as Riku's group descended them. "How's it look inside?" Sora asked.

"Some of the heartless got in." Riku answered. "The army's still fighting."

"We defeated one of their commanders," Mulan stated, "but one of them still remains."

"Three guesses as to whom," Samuru stated in a nonchalant tone.

Cyan and Sora looked behind from where Kefka's cackling could still be heard. Cyan wore a face of disgust. "He and I have business yet to be settled," The warrior growled.

"But the palace is more important," Kairi stated.

"We need to protect the emperor," Sora agreed. "Riku, Sam, Kairi, let's head in. Everyone else, see what you can do out here."

Everyone gave their agreement, and the four ascended the steps and entered the palace.

"Alright!" Donald shouted, "let's go kick that clown in his big, fat-"

"You can't say that!" Kefka's voice cried from above. They all looked up, seeing the mage standing on top of the palace's roof. "Wak! Look, it's Kefka!" Donald shouted, brandishing his staff. Cyan's face contorted in fury. Relm jumped back, and Shadow drew his daggers.

"Gawrsh when did he get up there?" Goofy questioned as he revealed his shield, and Mulan drew her sword. They all silently stared at him.

"So," Kefka smirked, "Whatcha' doin'?"

The four Keybearers moved quickly up to the top levels of the palace. As they moved up, they saw that the soldiers near the top were dead, though not a single heartless was in sight.

"What the hell is this? Where are the heartless?" Riku questioned as they walked.

"Why's it only up here?" Sora asked. "Anything that could have done this would normally keep going, wouldn't it, but everyone downstairs is fine. No Heartless. Nothing. If the heartless-"

"Guys," Kairi interrupted, pointing to a body pressed up against the wall, "I think he's alive. He moved." The four approached, and Riku knelt before him. The man's dazed eyes snapped open.

"Who's…" the man's voice was weak and full of pain, "You're …the off-worlders."

"What happened?" Sora asked.

"The heartless…we were winning…pushing them back. But then…men in black armour came."

"The Kaishin." Samuru answered.

"We couldn't beat them. But…another came…in gold. Blasted them all…slaughtered them…then, he turned on us…we didn't stand a chance…graagh, the pain!"

"We have to heal him!" Kairi cried.

"No, most of his vitals have been hit." Samuru stated. "One would need precise precision to heal wounds like those, which none of us have. Not even Relm or the duck mage. We'll probably do more harm than good. We should put him out of his misery."

"wait, not yet." The soldier craned his neck, looking to a door across from them. "Through there…dead end…hasn't left yet…must still be there." He coughed up blood. His eyes rolled back, and his head fell. He was dead. Samuru moved forward and closed the man's eyes.

"Let's go." Sora said. "Whoever it was, we'll get them for this."

"Why did they…?" Kairi started, "Why save them, then turn on them?"

"We'll find out soon." Stated Riku as he turned to the door and approached, side by side with Sora and Kairi, and Samuru behind. He summoned his Keyblade, and kicked the door down. The four rushed into what looked like a store room, and in the middle, stood a rather tall man. Long blond hair, as well as a purple cape went down his back. In his hand was a double-sided staff. He turned to them, and Samuru froze. Sora's eyes narrowed. He knew this man.

"Emperor…" what was his name?

"Mateus…" Samuru stated, horror struck. "Why…why is he-?"

Mateus smirked as he stepped forward.

"Stay back." Sora warned, summoning his Keyblade, and the man stopped, his eyes instantly drawn to the weapon.

"I see it isn't just physical appearance which you inherited from you grandfather." The emperor's eyes moved to Sora's. "Alas, you have yet to awaken the Zetsubo gene. One can tell by the eyes.

Sora had no idea what he was talking about. "What do you want?"

"Ah, my brother always rushed straight to the point as well." He looked away. "Would you kindly point me to this world's emperor?

"what for?"

"What do you think?"

"You tell me." Sora shot back. "If you wanted to take this world over, you would've brought an army. But if it's a fight you want…"

"No!" Samuru whispered. "Do not engage him. Least of all you and the princess. He can-"

"Silence!" The emperor growled, and Samuru fell silent, wide-eyed and clutching his throat. "Know your place, dog. Next time it shall be a far more serious spell." He turned to Sora once more. "We needn't shed blood. Give me Samuru, and I will leave willingly."

"What do you want him for?" Kairi spoke up for the first time, and Mateus turned to her, also, for the first time. His brow rose.

"You have a princess of heart with you? Surprising." He extended a hand. "Perhaps you would also like to return with me?"

She glared at him. "I think I'll pass."

"Pity. You would have been more valuable with us than here."

"You didn't answer my question," She shot.

"True." Mateus admitted. "He is a deserter, thus, I mean to take him back to Paramekia to face execution. " Samuru's face was neutral, but Sora and Kairi both sent dangerous looks to the Paramekian. "After all. What good is a dog who has escaped its leash?"

"You don't actually think we'll let you take him, do you?" Sora spat, readying himself to fight. The emperor scoffed.

"You would challenge me? You, a worm, would challenge I, the Paramekian emperor? After all, in my presence, you are naught but a puppet." He waved an arm, and Sora's eyes widened, and he began to walk. It wasn't natural. He was like a puppet whose strings were being pulled, his weight resisting, yet still he walked. He struggled, but to no end.

"Sora? What-" Kairi began, but as she went to move, her own eyes widened, and she, just as Sora did, began to walk. Both arrived at the emperor's side, before turning.

"I should thank you. You destroyed organization XIII, and thus made me all the more powerful. You see, some years ago I discovered a powerful spell to summon, and even control Nobodies, but the organization's power over them surpassed mine, but the moment they were destroyed, that ceased to be the case. Unfortunately for you, there seem to be nobodies within you."

"Sora, Kairi!" Riku called in concern. The two looked like they were trying to break free of what was holding them, but to no avail. "You'll pay for this. Sam, let's go." He turned to the boy, and was shocked. Samuru's head was shaking as he backed away, hitting the wall, and dropping to the ground. The emperor roared with laughter. Riku glared at the boy. "Fine, I don't need you to save my friends." He turned to Mateus, who laughed even harder.

"You! A human of no noticeable significance save a Keyblade, will fight me? My, this will be amusing?"

With a wave of his staff, a pentagram in a circle appeared on the ground before Mateus. Another wave, and it soared towards Riku. He charged, jumped over the shape, and continued. The Paramekian made a hand movement, and Sora and Kairi jumped between the two. Riku stopped his assault, and the two slashed at him. It was clumsy, amateurish, strikes that the two would never do had they control over their bodies. He jumped around his friends, and at the emperor, lashing out with his Keyblade. Each strike was parried by Mateus' staff before he jumped back. The emperor's staff was enveloped by a green flash that surrounded Riku and the room. Mateus vanished, as did Sora and Kairi, leaving only the green light that surrounded Riku.

Something came at him from above, a blast made of pure energy. Riku evaded, and the blast hit the ground in an explosion. More came, raining down like meteors. After a dozen, the light vanished, and all that was concealed became visible once again. A blast of electricity came at him from behind. He evaded, but the emperor suddenly appeared, and struck him over the head with his staff, throwing him to the ground.

"Finish it." The emperor growled, and Sora was forced forward. He grasped his Keyblade in both hands, and stabbed down.

"No!" Sora yelled, and dismissed his Keyblade. Riku leapt up and ran past Sora. The emperor twisted his staff, forcing Kairi in front of himself, and making her charge. She too dismissed her Keyblade, and Riku jumped over her, and lunged, clashing his Keyblade against the emperor's staff.

"Roxas! Roxas!" Sora called down to his nobody, who was screaming, hands clutched to where his heart was, beside him was Aros, Sora's heartless within. "What's wrong with him?"

"How should I know?!" Aros growled. The nobody suddenly flew into the air, his body twisting. Again, he grabbed at his heart.

"I can't-" he whimpered.

"What? What is it?!" Sora called.

"My heart! It feels like it's gonna be ripped out!"

"How's that possible." Aros spat. "Nobodies don't have hearts."

"He does." Sora replied. "That guy said he controlled nobodies. He should be possessed, shouldn't he?"

"He probably is, but if he has a heart as you say, it's probably fighting back." Aros guessed.

"Well what do we do?"

"I don't know! My guess is we have to wait for the spell to be lifted."


Mateus grinned. "I underestimated you."

"Let them go. Do it now." Riku snarled

"Pull back and I shall. If you do not, then the fate of your friends is uncertain."

"Riku." Sora called as his and Kairi's bodies were forced forward. "What if he's lying?"

"Naminé," Kairi whimpered. "Hold on. I'll…I'll think of something."

Riku's face contorted in thought. Slowly, he backed away.

"Good." Mateus said, waving his hand, and Sora and Kairi stumbled. "They are free." Sora quickly jumped up, rage on his face, and speechless. "You…Roxas…you…."

"No need to be angry. Why, you should be glad to be used by me."

"Arrogant jerk!" Kairi spat, jumping up. "Why would we want anything to do with you!? I'll never forgive you for that. Naminé, I've never seen anyone in pain like that before!"

"Fool girl. They are only Nobodies. They do not even truly exist. They are but tools to be used and discarded. Be glad I withdraw so easily." Mateus coolly replied. "Though let me give you some advice. Don't interfere with the empire. Thus far, you are not our enemy. That can easily change. Keep the dog if you wish. He is just as likely to die with your ilk as he is in facing our firing squad." He once again waved his hand, this time a flash of light covering him, and his body vanished. Sora, Kairi, and Riku dismissed there weapons, the latter turning and approaching Samuru.

"What the hell?" the boy looked up. He waved his hand, and his voice returned. He stood, but the moment he did, Riku's fist collided with his face, and the boy was thrown back a meter. Without a word, Riku left. Samuru stood once more, and Sora approached.

"Are you going to hit me too?" Sam asked coolly, not meeting his eyes.

"No." Sora replied. "But why didn't you fight? He would have killed you?"

"I've killed plenty of people. Men. Women. Children. But never one of my own. And him, the emperor. He treated me like a son. I could never-"

"Hey guys!" Relm's voice called, and soon, she rushed into the room.

"We'll talk more on the ship." Samuru told Sora before turning to Relm.

"We won!" Relm beamed. "Kefka left and the Heartless are running like the little bitches they are! C'mon!"

Night fell, and celebrations began. Sora descended the stone steps, where some soldiers, Samuru, and Cyan were waiting in silence, the dead being collected and carted away. Sora approached.

"I will never understand why people insist on dumping their honoured dead in a hole." Samuru muttered to no one but himself.

"The feast's starting." Sora said, and the boy turned to him, and nodded.

"Shall we depart after?" Cyan questioned.

"Yeah, alright."

Sam reached into his pocket, and pulled out the communication device, pushed a few buttons, and it changed form into what appeared to be a horn. He handed it to Sora. "Here, give this to this world's emperor. Tell him if there's trouble, to blow it. We'll know."

"Okay, I'll do it." Sora answered. "Alright, enough talking, let's get to that feast!"

I hated the first drafts of this, so I had to redo the whole thing a couple times before I was satisfied. Even then, the start's still weak, but the rest is alright, kind of…except maybe the action scene. I don't know. I can't really put it off for much longer. Oh well, hope it's good enough. Anyway, as I promised to ulticrossregar2489, I'd have a trivia question, so…Um. Something easy. At Disney castle, Sam mentioned Sora's grandfather's name. What was it? Spelling doesn't have to be correct.