For the March Competition of the Tamora Pierce Experiment: Writing Challenges. Requirements: Ten lines. First line has ten words, next 9, etc and must include either a baby, a kiss or death.


He watched her sleep, wondering whether he should ask her.

He remembered the young girl he met years ago.

She hid her sadness behind an angry mask.

He watched her grow into a commander.

She forged a family of warriors.

Still, the bone-deep sadness lingered.

Death surrounded her family.

Death surrounded his.

"Marry me."



Obviously this is very different from my usual long-winded self, but I thought it would be nice to try something new. Major thanks to KrisEleven and Sweet Sassy Sarah for starting up this competition.

I am currently on spring break. YAY! After I sleep for 24 hours expect an update to Zenobia and Gillyflowers (and maybe Pirates' Swoop if I can get the four chapters of Zenobia that I want to do this week done). I am considering doing a series of one-shots on Raoul and Buri, from when they are together and when they aren't, and this would be the intro to it. As much as I love my Jai, Raoul and Buri are awesome together. If you are interested, reply and let me know. I promise not to neglect Zenobia. I couldn't if I wanted to. That girl is demanding. She nags at me constantly to finish her story.