He had failed. He had defeated Voldemort but the cost was too high. Fred was gone, Dumbledore, Tonks, Remus and the list went on. Teddy was going to grow up without parents, like he had. He had failed. If only he had known early, if he had saved Dumbledore, destroyed the damn cursed objects before. He could have saved them time.

This was all Harry thought, even months after the war had ended. He was now almost 18 and he hardly functioned. He was living at the Burrow. Ginny, his sweet Ginny cried almost every day at the loss of her brother. Everyone feared George was going to do something stupid and dangerous. The magically community was still trying to heal from the destruction, which Harry believed he should of stopped. Yet he had been unable to.

Ron and Hermione were together most of the time. After finding Hermione's parents Hermione was with them, Ron with Hermione. Leaving Harry by himself. An idle mind can be a dangerous mind. He started reading, and continued to read. Every day a crazier idea seemed to continue to make more sense. Going back in time. If he could go back, if he could change the events that lead to so much death, but the dream was just that. Until he found a book, it seemed like nothing special. A small black book he found in some of Dumbledore's private collection. It detailed specifically how to make a time turner. Not just any time turner, one that could send you further back in time. Harry didn't know what that meant. It seemed neither did the book. Yet if he could go back, he could save them all. The book didn't say how far, just years. Anything would be better than this hell. He'd take Umbridge again. So quietly every night Harry started to build the time turner. On his 18th birthday Harry woke up and pulled out the small device he had created. All he had to do was turn it, five times the book instructed. Five times and he could fix this. He could make sure that Ginny could be happy. That everyone could, that his godson would have parents.

It is on that morning that Harry stood in his room. He had written a note, he didn't know if it would make a difference and didn't want Ron and Hermione to lose it. He started to turn the dial, after four turns both Ron and Hermione walked in to wish him a happy birthday, Harry had forgotten to lock the door. He tried to yell at them to leave, to get out. It was too late as Harry watch the room start to spin, it was too late; they were going with him.

Three ghostly figures were floating in the dark sky night.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL HAPPENED!" Hermione yelled, as she looked down at her translucent hand.

"You guys were not supposed to come in. You were supposed to be sleeping!" Harry said frantically. Did he just kill them all?

"That is why there is a lock on the bloody door!" Hermione replied.

"Do you feel that?" Ron asked as he felt a tug.

"I don't think we have a lot of time. I may have sent us back in time. Come to the Dursley's!" Harry yelled as the three figures were pulled in opposite directions.

Ron woke thinking about the very strange dream he had. Harry had sent them back in time. They had been ghost. Hermione had said bloody hell. What a thought.

Ron sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. They didn't reach the floor. That was odd seeing as that hadn't been true since he was 11. He stood up, feeling short. Had someone cast a shrinking spell on him? Still half asleep he left his room for the loo. He started to clean his teeth when he looked up at the mirror and started to choke, looking back at him was not the man he knew but the boy he had been.

It took him several minutes to stop coughing and calm himself down. He was 11. It had not been a dream! Harry really did it, Harry sent them back in time.

"Ron I need to use the loo!" Ginny yelled as Ron flung the door open to look at Ginny, who was no older than 10.

"Ginny what's today?"

"31 of July. You okay Ron. You're a little pale?"

"Fine, just fine" Ron said as he started to walk. Things were becoming clearer. He could hear Percy talking with their parents. He heard George and Fred. Oh Godric Fred was alive. His brother was alive.

"Ronald where are you going?" his mother said, for he was still in his night cloths, but leaving the house.

"Sorry mum. Um I promised to meet a friend today." Ron said trying to not sound slightly hysterical.

"Who? You need get dressed before you leave!"

"She's a muggle born. I meant her in the Ally," Ron hoping that his lie was believable. He had to find Hermione. She would know what was happening, what to do. The good news was Hermione didn't actually live far from Ron.

"Oh well alright dear. Do I need to take you?"

"She only lives a few blocks Mum. I can take myself," Ron trying to remember what he was, and was not allowed to do at 11.

"Remember to mind your manners. Get dressed before you leave!"

Ron nodded mutely. He ran back up the steps, passing the twins. This was too much. He slammed the door shut and started changing into some muggle clothes. Fred was alive. He was 11. He really hoped Hermione had an answer because this was just too much.

"Hermione just don't wonder far from the house," her mum yelled as Hermione agreed, shutting the front door to sit in the front yard. She held Hogwarts a History, in her hand, though she was in no mood to read it. When she had woken up she discovered she was no longer 18 but 11 again. She figured that it was all a dream, but she couldn't wake up. Harry sent them back in time and she had no clue what to do about it.

She looked up, and saw down the block a familiar face, with wild red hair talking to one of her neighbors, he started jogging over to her.

She dropped her book and meant Ron half way. Unable to help herself she hugged him.

"Your okay," she said worried, it had to be her Ron, why else would he be there.

"I'm fine. You?"

"Fine as well. Harry did it Ron. He sent us back,"

"I can't believe it Hermione. I woke up and I just can't believe it. I saw Fred, Fred is alive."

"Hermione I told you not to wonder from the front yard," Mrs. Granger yelled.

"Sorry Mum. I saw him running over and meant him half way,"

"Who is he Hermione?" Mrs. Granger asked, knowing her daughter did not have friends from the school she was in.

Hermione looked to Ron for help, how was she supposed to explain this.

"I'm Ronald Weasley. I'm going to Hogwarts next year with Hermione."

"I meant him while we were shopping," Hermione said and she quickly processed what she did when they went to Diagon ally to buy her school stuff.

"Oh that's wonderful. Both of you come inside. I just finished making scones." Mrs. Weasley said slightly surprised. Hermione hadn't mentioned anyone coming. "Are you like Hermione then?"

"I'm a wizard, yes. My whole family is. They've all gone to Hogwarts." Ron said making eyes at Hermione. They needed to talk; they needed to figure out what the bloody hell was happening.

"Mum can I show Ron around. He's never been in a muggle home before."

"Oh that's what we are right? Of course. I'll finish baking," Mrs. Granger said as Hermione grabbed Ron by his arm and pulled him out of the kitchen. Unbeknown to them Mrs. Granger had watched with a small smile. For as long as she could remember Hermione had always put books first, she had never really had a friend. The Grangers had hoped this new school; this Hogwarts would be good for her. Mrs. Granger knew now that it was the right choice, for the first time Hermione had put a book down to be with another person.

Hermione dragged Ron all the way to her room, closing the door and then hugging him again.

"I cannot bloody believe this!" Ron said hugging her back.

"We need to see Harry"

"We can't yet. It's his birthday, he's just finding out he's a wizard. He's not home yet."

"Ron we have to come up with a plan. This is very delicate. I mean we've gone back in time. But not even back in time because we have our minds but we're 11. If we change too much we can destroy the time line."

"Isn't that the point?" Ron asked, both of them jumping right into the issues at hand.

"Ron if we change too much of the time line we won't be able to predict what is happening. If we cannot predict then what we do won't matter and fate will take over again."

"So you're saying some things still need to happen. Like the troll?"

"Among other things. We may even have to let Voldemort rise,"

"No if he comes back he'll kill everyone again."

"Perhaps not if we are ready this time."

"Hermione this is a lot to take in. Can we not think about killing moldy warts again until we at least talk to Harry."

"Fine, but we cannot ignore what has to be done."

"Kid's come eat!"

"We better go. Ron if we don't get to talk again send an owl as soon as you can. We need to see Harry before the train," Hermione said as they had to leave her room.

"It was very nice to meet you Ron. I do hope you will come visit again. Will Hermione meet you at the train?" Mrs. Granger asked Ron, as he was getting ready to head back home.

"Yes Mrs. Granger. Actually would you like to come for dinner tomorrow night?"

"Oh shouldn't you check with your parents?"

"They won't mind. Dad loves muggles. It will give you a chance to see a little bit of our world," Ron said, knowing Hermione and he would have more time to talk at his house.

"Then that would be lovely,"

"Great. Hermione knows how to get there. I better get going," Ron said smiling at Hermione before he left. Walking back to the Burrow he couldn't believe he was 11 with his mind at 18. All the things they could change swam through his head, it was almost euphoric.

Harry laid on his cot under the staircase. When he had woken up on the island with Hagrid breaking down the door he couldn't believe it. It had worked, he had sent himself back, and if he was right he had sent back Ron and Hermione as well, even if it was by mistake. He needed to get in touch with them, but until he got Hedwig he'd have to stay put. In a few days Hagrid should arrive and he should be making a trip to Diagon ally. For now he needed to rest and keep to the time line until he figured out what was next, because he had never really believed it would work.

"Ronald I cannot believe you invited them here! They are muggles we will scare them to death!" Molly said to her son as she checked the stew.

"Mum Hermione is going to Hogwarts with me. Her parents want to see what a real wizard family is like."

"You just better hope your brothers behave!" Molly said as she hit his hand with her spoon as he went for a biscuit.

"They're here!" Ginny yelled as she saw the muggle car pull up in front of the house.

"Alright remember everyone behave," Mr. Weasley yelled, as Ron ran out the front door.

"Hey Hermione," Ron said as opened the car door for her.

"Hey Ron," Hermione replied getting out, her parents following suit, looking amazed at the complexity of the Burrow.

"Mr. and Mrs. Granger welcome to the Burrow," Ron said as the rest of the family, minus Bill and Charlie came out side to meet the muggles. "These are my parents," Ron continued as Molly and Arthur Weasley introduced themselves. "Also my siblings, Percy, George, Fred and Ginny."

"It's nice to meet all of you. Thank you for having us," Mrs. Granger said.

"We are really looking forward to learning about this world. I cannot believe our daughter can do magic," Mr. Granger continued.

"Come in, come in," Mrs. Weasley said as everyone entered the Burrow. Mr. Weasley staying close to the Grangers, explaining to them the different things they were seeing as they entered a wizards home.

"I'm going to show Hermione around," Ron said.

"Don't be long Ron. Dinner will be ready in a few," Mrs. Weasley said as the children ran up stairs.

"So what do you do in the muggle world?" Mr. Weasley asked.

"Oh we are dentists," MR. Granger replied as the couple sat, Mr. Weasley bringing drinks.

"What do dentists do?"

"Oh we keep people's teeth healthy. You don't have dentists?"

"Oh well no but we have different spells and potions for that."

"What do you do?"

"Oh I work for the ministry of magic, in muggle relations. I try and make sure that magical things do not end up in your world."

"Really?" Mr. Granger said intrigued.

"Now before my wife returns can you explain to me what a plug does," Mr. Weasley asked, clearly fascinated that he was making muggle friends.

"I cannot believe we are actually doing this," Hermione said as Ron closed his bed room door.

"Listen dad will probably keep them talking for awhile. He's clearly fascinated with muggles."

"I know but our parents hardly ever meant until after the war," Hermione said.

"This should be fine. Us becoming friends before the troll shouldn't do anything major to the time line,"

"I hope your right Ron."

"I think I figured out how we can get in touch with Harry,"

"How?" Hermione asked.

"If I remember correctly Harry goes with Hagrid to Diagon Ally in four days. We'll go, wait for him there."

"Do you think he is okay. I mean he hasn't contacted us at all,"

"He's 11 Hermione. He cannot very well just walk out of his Aunt's. Plus he doesn't have Hedwig yet,"

"I really wish now I made him memorize my telephone number,"

"Hermione we need to plan this out, as you said. Shouldn't we go gather the horcrux's?"

"I don't know Ron. We have to stick to the time line,"

"What about Sirius?"

"I've been thinking about him all day. He's in that horrid place. We can prove his innocences,"

"I've locked up the rat, he's in Percy's room so he can't hear us."

"Good thinking. We need to talk to Harry before we make any decisions. If we free Sirius before third year we are opening up third year for something even more dangerous. If Wormtail escapes he could help Voldemort rise quicker than last time,"

"We're going to kill him before that happens,"


"Hermione he's a bloody traitor. He deserves a quicker death then he'll get,"

"It still isn't our decision alone to make."

"What's wrong Hermione?" Ron said as he sat down next to her, placing a hand on her back.

"I'm just scared Ron! We are bloody 11 years old. We need to be so careful, if we are found out it can ruin everything! I don't like us being away from Harry either. What if he does something incredibly stupid!"

"Oh you mean like sending his best friends and himself back in time,"

"Ronald that isn't funny,"

"Hermione he gave us a second chance. Think of all the lives we will save, all the pain and suffering we are going to spare."

"What if destiny gets the better of us,"

"You saved Sirius third year,"

"But he died in our 5th. Destiny has a way of catching up with people Ron,"

"We're going to stop it Hermione. I'm not loosing Fred again. We are going to save all of them."

"I hope your right Ron," Hermione said as Mrs. Weasley shouted from the steps.

"It was really a wonderful night Molly. I cannot believe our daughter is going to learn all of this," Jane Granger said.

"No worries Jane. Arthur is going to take the drive back with you and open you up to the floo network. That way we don't have to worry about the kids walking to see each other."

"Traveling by fire, purely amazing," Mr. Granger said. "Will we be able to do it?"

"Yes muggles can use it, as long as you through in the floo powder. Arthur will show you," Molly said.

"Are you sure you don't mind taking them back shopping? I cannot believe I forgot to buy that book for Hermione."

"It's no problem. I have to do some shopping as well. The kids can explore a little bit,"

"Thanks again Molly," Mr. Granger said as the families bid each other good night, parting ways for the evening.

"Hermione are you sure about this," Ron said, they had been standing outside of Ollivander's for an hour, hoping Harry would show up.

"Ron if he's coming to the ally today he will have to come here." Hermione replied, as if listening, watching Hagrid and Harry walking through the ally. Hagrid dropped Harry off before walking off. Harry was just about to enter the shop when Ron stopped him.

"Oy mate, glad to see us," Ron said with a smile at the shocked look on Harry's face.

"Ron! Hermione! What are you doing here?" Harry said as Ron grabbed Harry and dragged him into a secluded area.

"Looking for you what else!" Ron said as Hermione hugged him.

"What were you bloody thinking! How could you have not told us!" Hermione shouted at him.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry. I didn't really think it would work," Harry ranted, so happy to see his friends.

"Where did you find the spell," Hermione asked quickly.

"In a book in Dumbledore's library.

"I don't know whether you are incredibly stupid or brave," Hermione said.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't expect for you guys to be here. I was going to change everything. Fix it all so that we could have normal lives. So neither of you would have the memories."

"Are you crazy mate there is no way you can do this by yourself," Ron said

"He's right Harry. This will be very delicate. If we change to much we will destroy the entire balance of the time line."

"Hermione what are you talking about," Harry asked.

"Harry if we change to many events the time line will not be predictable. If we cannot predict what will happen going back in time will not matter,"

"I didn't think of it that way,"

"Of course you bloody didn't!

"Well what do we do now?" Ron asked. They had a million things to talk about but he knew their time was going to be short.

"Harry follow the time line to the train. Don't change anything. After the feast we will meet in the common room and start to plan this out. I already have a rough idea."

"Ron what about Wormtail,"

"I've locked him up Harry as best as I could. Once we get back to school I'll put some charms around him so he cannot escape."

"Alright. I'll meet you both at the train. I'm sorry again guys," Harry said.

"What's done is done. We're going to change things Harry just carefully. Don't write to us. No one can know we all became friends till the train."

"Alright," Harry said and the golden trio hugged and Harry left to get his wand.

"Come on Hermione. Let's find my mum," Ron said taking her hand. They would set this right, they would change the future. Not only would they change it but Ron already had it set in his mind, as soon as they were out of Hogwarts he was marrying Hermione. It was taking all his self control not to just snog her.

I've read so many great going back in time fics lately I feel the need to add my own twist. We'll see what happens. Give a review if you can! Thanks!