
A Zack and unknown for now. I am not going to tell until it happens. Fic…yaoi…eventually, won't be for awhile…if you don't like that…don't read.

Author's Note:

This is a prequel to my other fic, TEASE.

You do not have to read the TEASE fic to get this story, but it does expand on the other.

I had a few readers ask who Zack's first was after chapter 20 of the other story after I left some hints about it. Plus the poll that I set up indicated that people are interested. So… I started this story which tells the tale of why Zack decided to join SOLDIER and eventually leads to Zack's first time…for those who are curious. This story will not be written at the same pace as Tease, until Tease is finished.



Don't own the Final Fantasy fandom, just using for my own amusement. Do not profit from this endeavour.


They were close to the reactor – as close as they were allowed to get without adult supervision. It was a nice quiet place that they often came to visit. It over looked the paths to town and the reactor, so if they were in trouble, they at least knew who was coming after them.


"Really? Where? I didn't see 'em. Where did you see 'em?" A young, dark-haired boy jumped down from a tree to join another that was lying on the edge of the cliff, looking down at the pathway below.

The dark-haired boy gracelessly fell beside the other boy, causing dirt to fall down the path below. His friend scowled, but focused back down at the small group that was walking up the path to the mako reactor.

"Are you sure it was a SOLDIER? Was it Sephiroth? What were they wearing?" the dark-hair boy asked.

"Jus' shut up for a minute will ya, Zack?" the other boy said. "I don't think it was Sephiroth, jus' some big guy wearing the uniform of a Second and I didn't see any silver hair."

"Awww. Not Sephiroth? Bummer." Zack pouted slightly as he narrowed his eyes at the group that was disappearing behind a cluster of trees. Zack twisted to grab his friend's shoulder and shook it furiously. "Let's follow 'em!"

"Are you nuts?" the other boy said and glared at Zack who had bounced to his feet. The boy just groaned, resting his head on the grass after seeing the wide smile and violet sparkling eyes. "That was a stupid question." He muttered more to himself than his dark-haired friend.

"Oh, quit being such a stick-in-the-mud, Albin!" Zack said, bouncing from one foot to the other. "Come on!"

Albin slowly sat up and shook his head at his energetic friend. They had already done enough things in the day to get themselves into trouble. Zack's new pants were already ripped in the knees from climbing the trees. They had stolen some carrots from Mrs. Patrick's garden. They had to run from the guard dog in Mr. Fitz's yard when they tried to peak into Lira's bedroom window, and now he wanted to follow some SOLDIERs.

"Come on slowpoke," Zack said. "Let's go see what they're doing. Come on! Come on! Come on!" Zack bounced on his toes and looked anxiously to where the group had disappeared.

"If you get us 'n trouble…" Albin said as he stood, not bothering to finish the sentence.

"I know. I know. I'll take full blame, as usual," Zack said, still bouncing and looking over the edge of the cliff. "So… are we going?"

"Yeah." Albin wiped some of the dirt off his pants. He always gave in to Zack.

~Zack's going to kill me one day~

Zack grinned widely. "I'm going to take a short cut."

"Short cut?" Albin said, suddenly alarmed as he watched Zack jump off the cliff to the path below.

Zack yelled as he jumped, "Shiiit!"

Albin gasped as he watched his friend do, yet another, stupid stunt. He held his breath as Zack hit the ground and rolled, falling and eventually landing on his back in the middle of the path. Zack lay there, smiling up at him.

Albin yelled angrily down at him. "You moron! Why the hell did ya do that?"

He could hear Zack's laughter and a muffled, 'ow.' Albin shook his head at his friend.

~he's insane~

"I made it!" Zack hollered up, but did not move from his sprawled pose.

"Idiot," Albin muttered. "I'll be right down," Albin said and took the path to where Zack was. It took him all of two minutes, running.

~Zack is going to get himself killed pulling stunts like that~

Zack was sitting when he arrived to where he jumped. He had a wide, white grin crossing his face. "Hiya."

"Hiya. You're such an idiot. The path only takes like five minutes. Walking," Albin said, knowing that Zack really didn't care. Jumping off the cliff was just another example of how much of a reckless boy he was. "What did you hurt?"

"I'm fine," Zack said.

"Then stand up," Albin said. "You want ta go after those SOLDIERs, right?"

Zack slowly stood up. Albin could see a nasty-looking red scratch on his right arm as well as a swollen wrist.

"What's with ya arm?"

"'Nothin'." Zack grinned and tried to move it. His smile faltered for a moment. "I just need to not move it."

"Your wrist looks bad," Albin said, concerned. "Zack, you really shouldn't be so reckless!"

"I said it was nothin'. I've been through worse."

Albin sighed. He knew that Zack had been through worse. The boy had a death wish, he was certain. He broke at least two bones a year and was in the health center more than anyone in the town, only to go out and do it all over again.

Now that Zack was on his feet, he looked down the path that went to the reactor. "Let's go!"

"Seriously!" Albin said, but followed behind Zack as he started up the path.

"I want ta see the SOLDIERs," Zack said.

"We can wait 'til they get back to the town," Albin said. "They'll have ta come back."

"I wanna see them in action!" Zack was bouncing as he walked, as if he was ready to start running.

"Action means that there'll be monsters, Zack!" Albin yelled after him, having to catch up to his hyperactive friend. "We aren't allowed up 'ere for a reason!"

"Pfft!" Zack dismissed. "Race ya!"

Before Albin could respond, Zack bounced up the hill at full sprint. Albin sighed and ran after his friend, even though he knew that this was a very bad idea.

Zack knew that Albin wouldn't be able to catch up to him. He was the fastest runner in town. It was how he avoided getting caught all the time.

Well, at least right away. Everyone knew it was usually him that did it, especially if Albin was there. He had to go home sometime, and then he would have to face the music.


Real SOLDIERs. In Gongaga. That was the coolest thing ever. He wanted to see them in action. Hearing about it on the news and watching videos was thrilling, but seeing them in action in real life had to be amazing.

He was pretty sure that he broke his wrist. It hurt bad, but that wasn't going to stop him from seeing real life heroes.

"Wait up, ya moron!" Albin yelled.

He slowed at the corner before it went to the reactor stairs. He looked back at his panting brown-haired and red-faced friend.

~you think he would be in better shape with keeping up with me~

He smiled brightly and waved as Albin trudged up to him. "There are monsters up here! I don't want to get turned into a frog again, Zack!"

"I got a Maiden Kiss in my bag. We'll be okay," Zack said patting his hip, only to find that he didn't have his little bag attached. "Oops."

"Oops," Albin said with a dry tone. "Great. You lost it. Again!"

"I didn't lose it. I just think I left it under my bed."

"Oh. That is so much better," Albin said, pouting.

Zack grinned sheepishly. "Sorry," he said and looked around.

"You're always sorry," Albin said. "Let's go back, Zack. The SOLDIERs will be coming back to town. We can see 'em there."

"But, that will be booooring," Zack said.

Albin rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Come on. Seeing SOLDIERs in action!" Zack bounced. "It will be totally awesome!" He almost sang the last part.

Albin was going to protest further. Zack knew Albin. He always protested. That was what he did, but the look on his face shifted to fear. "Zack," Albin whispered. "There's bunch of Kimaras over there."

Zack slowly turned and saw seven slim bugs.

They didn't need to be worried about being turned into a frog, but worse. At least as a frog, they could run. Kimaras could cast Stop!

"Shit," Zack muttered.

"I don't have a ribbon!" Albin said. "Say you have a ribbon."

Zack shook his head. He had given his ribbon to Lira. It looked so good in her dark hair…

~sucker for a pretty face~

…and how she wore it in that ponytail of hers.

Albin gave him an evil eye. "You gave it to Lira!" he spoke in a harsh whisper. Zack could only smile as Albin sighed. "Can we run now?"

The Kimaras spotted them and seemed to be interested.

"Yeah. I say we run," Zack said and they started. He kept his pace slower so that he matched Albin. He wasn't going to leave his friend behind. Albin wasn't a slowpoke, by any means, but Zack was just faster.

"I don't even have a knife," Albin panted as they ran down the path.

Neither did Zack. They had not planned to go into the jungle today, but after being chased by a dog… well, they needed a place to hide for a couple of hours.

There was a large roar as a Grand Horn charged forward out of the bush and onto the path. Zack instinctively grabbed the shirt of his friend with his uninjured hand and brought him to an abrupt halt.

"Shit," Zack said as he realized that they were surrounded. A Grand Horn in the front, and Kimaras behind them.

Albin groaned as he looked frantically around him. "We're so screwed."

Zack agreed, but he didn't say anything as the monsters hissed towards them. The Grand Horn looked over at them lazily, but obviously still deciding if it was going to attack or move on.

One of the Kimaras rushed forward. Zack saw it out of the corner of his eye. He yanked Albin down as he spun and met the creature with his heavy boot, sending it flying back. Albin groaned as he hit the ground and cursed at him. Zack took a fighting stance, trying to keep all the monsters in sight. The Kimaras were looking pissed off. Thankfully, the Grand Horn didn't look like it was all that interested other than in shuffling its feet against the stony path.

"We need to run," Albin said as he hesitantly stood, still keeping himself hunched.

"I know," he whispered back, not taking his eyes off the Kimaras. They were hissing and tensing. If more than one attacked at once, he wasn't going to be able to do anything. Luckily, they were the type of monsters that travelled in a pack, but attacked one at a time. The winner got to be the pack leader after.

One of the Kimaras gave a loud hiss and raised itself on its hind legs. Zack prepared for the attack as the bug opened its wings and lunged. Zack pushed Albin back down to the ground. He jumped to the side so the Kimara missed its mark, but he was in a good position to grab the wing that was buzzing beside him. He grabbed it and yanked.

He didn't mean to do what he did next. He meant to throw the Kimara bug back at the others, hoping they would take the hint and go back to whatever cavern they crawled out of. But what he ended up doing was slipping on some of the gravel and the throw that was supposed to go right ended up going over his head and going left.

To where the Grand Horn was standing.

It roared as the insect hit it. The monster did not like the bug and stomped it.

~well, that is one way to get rid of it~

Albin gave out a scared cry from the ground. Zack looked down at him and saw his wide eyes looking at him scared and way too still. He knew what Stop looked like. Zack looked up, but it was too late.

He felt his whole body slow and stop. He couldn't even scream.

They would be lucky if they made it out alive.

An angry Grand Horn and a slew of angry Kimara bugs, plus the Stop spell. He would have cried if he could have.

First chapter… Of our dear Puppy seems to be in trouble….

Well… this will be a little different that my other teasing tale… there still be teasing, as I will not tell who Zack's first was until the time comes, and I do plan on having you guessing, but I wanted to put some more history of Zack and why he joined SOLDIER … and I made him into a little troublemaker!!!

If you enjoyed, review and let me know…

The Grand Horn is the type from Crisis Core not the FFVII version, but the Crisis Core version. Just to clarify. Damn bitchy things to fight, if you played the game. I've said it before and I will say it again, I hate those damn Horns.

Thanks and don't be afraid to leave your comments.