Great another boring day…It is so wonderful how every day you do the same stupid routine. Wake up, go to school, head back home, do stuff and go to sleep. That's me Max, basically my whole boring life.

Yeah, I'm late, like I really care. I'm always late and I don't give shit about it. First of all school sucks and in my case I wish it never even existed.

Some people love school, others don't. I include myself in that majority of people who don't like school. I don't really care about school. I don't have friends, I don't want friends. So that's maybe a big reason why I didn't like it.

I was so lost in thought I didn't notice where I was going, so it pissed me off when I bumped into a guy.

"Watch where you're going you ass," I screamed, watching the guy drop his things all over my feet. Ughh give me a break, this guy just happened to be in my way. I hated when people got in my way when I was in a hurry!

When the guy picked up his things and finally looked at me, I had the sudden urge to look away. It wasn't the fact that he was good looking, it was his eyes. He had piercing black eyes that made him unreadable, sending shivers down my spine. It wasn't that he was scary; it's just that he looked like someone nobody messed with.

That didn't stop me from glaring back though. He looked surprised I didn't cringe and shook his head a little, his dark hair falling a little in his face. His expression seemed to darken as he pulled back a little and studied me.

"I didn't see you", he finally said, giving me a cold look, which I mirrored. His voice would have scared most people but since I'm not most people I looked him in the eyes and held his gaze without cringing.

"Well next time you better keep your eyes open", I told him coldly and walked around him to the school. I could tell he was glaring at me too but to my surprise he followed me.

"Look I'm new here and even though I would love to ditch, I need to get to class, so can you just show me how to get to English." I could tell he was annoyed and uncomfortable, which surprised me.

"Fine" I replied, nodding stiffly. We walked in silence through the empty hallway. He was taller than me but not too tall, dressed in his black shirt with some dark jeans with black converse, I had no doubt he'd be taken in a week, if he didn't already have a girlfriend.

"I'm Max", I offered but he just stared at me and looked away. Huh, now he pissed me off.

"Dude, I don't know what's your problem but when I offer my name you're supposed to say yours".

His eyes flared, but he shook himself and just said, "I'm Fang".

Someone had a temper. He was not the chattiest person, I can tell you that and for some reason I wondered if he was always like that, but I ignored my inside babbling and when we reached the classroom the room fell quiet.

"So nice of you to join us Maximum Ride, you're late, again." Our teacher, Miss Parks, is not the friendliest teacher out there, and I'm definitely not an easy student to deal with, but I just smiled and said, "I overslept, can you believe it?" She was getting ready to bite my head off when at that moment Fang walked in.

All eyes fell on him. I heard a few sighs from the girls and some guys threw him murderous looks. Fang looked uncomfortable, like he wished he was someplace else and not here. Poor sap!

Ms. Parks introduced him to the whole class and she motioned for him to take an empty seat. He sat at the farthest side of the room next to the window, and looked away for the entire class. I just couldn't help but wonder, what was up with him. He was different from the people I knew. Something about him was way off, like he was hiding a something, but I couldn't tell because at that moment Fang looked my way and my breath caught looking at his dark, penetrating eyes.

After school, I took an easy short cut home; I live close to school so I don't take the bus. I walked through the forest and since I'm always alone I didn't mind the quietness of the place. But I couldn't tell why I felt so edgy today, maybe it was because of Fang and his mysterious presence or maybe it was because I'm always paranoid.

I heard leaves cracking and I tensed, everything was too quiet and the only sound heard were the birds chirping. I kept walking but I became aware of the cracking of leaves and the sound of bushes rustling. I hid behind a tree, my heart pounding in my chest. Out of some bushes a guy came out, I strained my neck to see past the tree and I noticed the guy was no one other than Fang.

What could he be doing here? Why was he out here in the forest? As if sensing me, Fang looked my way and I tensed. He saw me and his eyes looked alarmed, even surprised. I sighed and faced him. I hadn't seen him since English class, but the gossip in school revolved around this strange, new kid who was now staring at me with his obsidian dark eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I wanted some answers to my internal babbling and he was going to answer my questions even if he didn't like it.

"I was about to ask you the same thing actually," His voice was controlled, emotionless, but his eyes were wondering.

"Well I was on my way home if you most know, until you scared the crap out of me," this guy was irritating me! "You still didn't answer my question, Fang".

"It's not a very good thing to be walking in this forest alone." He didn't look at me when he said this and something told me there was more to this.

"For you information, I've been walking home alone since I came here, and nothing's happened…"He cut me off and his next words surprised me.

"Look it's getting late, even though you don't need help, I'll walk you home". I was so shocked I didn't answer right away. Did I hear right?

He raised one of his perfect black eyebrows and challenged me to say something. I opened my mouth to argue, but I knew it was pointless, he was really unpredictable and I didn't like that, it was frustrating. Instead I angrily turned and kept walking through the forest, with him following closely behind. We walked in silence for what seemed liked ages, until we reached my house.

He stopped and looked at me, "Do you live alone or does someone live with you?" I could sense his curiosity behind the simple question.

"Basically, my mom works a lot and I don't see her often, my dad left when I was little and my sister is never home, she practically lives with her boyfriend." It surprised me how much I said, because usually I was more reserved especially around strangers. I guess I babble a lot when I'm nervous.

He didn't say anything as he studied my expression, so I surprised myself by saying, "Wanna come in?" The boy walked me home; the least I could do was offer him to come in.

He cocked his head to the side as he thought about it and he looked as surprised by my offer as I was. After a few moments he nodded and followed me inside. The house was messy but I didn't care, I sat on the living room's sofa and he sat next to me, he studied everything, but he never said anything. He sighed and turned, facing me.

"You can't walk home alone; the forest is not the safest place out there anymore, even if you have been walking home by yourself. You don't know me but you gotta trust me on that." There was something kind of urgent in his tome, and his eyes were darker than usual. I couldn't do anything but nod.

He visibly relaxed and he looked at me with his beautiful eyes and said, "I gotta get going, Max. Thanks, for letting me in, see you tomorrow." He stood up and before I could say another word, was out the door.

Just like that I was oddly missing his dark presence and his beautiful black eyes.