(A/N: Happy pi day, everyone! Here's a HenNat fic to celebrate, because every occasion needs HenNat. Enjoy!)

Pi Day

Natalie woke up to her cell phone ringing obnoxiously. She sighed, knowing it was a mistake to leave it on overnight. "Hello?" Whoever was calling her this early in the morning would have to deal with her not being cheery while talking.

"3.14159265358979323846264," replied the voice on the other end.

Natalie frowned in confusion. "Henry, is that you? Why are you saying numbers?"

"It's pi!" Henry answered joyfully.

"Congratulations." She couldn't believe Henry had woken her up to tell her about pi. And not even the yummy kind.

"Today is Pi Day! March 14th!"

"You woke me up to tell me about a never ending number." It wasn't a question, it was an angry statement.


"Why, Henry?" All Natalie wanted to do was go back to sleep.

"'Cause I wanted to remind you. Also, I thought we could go on a pi date tonight."

"As long as it doesn't involve us sitting around saying a million digits of pi."

"It won't, I promise."

"Great. Now can I go back to sleep?"

"Go ahead. Happy pi day!"

Natalie hung up and fell back asleep.

(A/N: Reviews are pie!)