A/N: I just finished this book the other day, and listening to this song made me think of Hannah in an ironic sort of way, so I just wrote this. Please R&R

I Can't Stand:
Hannah's POV:

You feel like a candle in a hurricane

That most definitely was how I feel. Like a tiny flicker of light trying to survive in a non stop storm.

Just like a picture with a broken frame

Without a frame to keep it protected and safe a picture get torn and ruined. I am that picture.

Alone and helpful, like you've lost your fight

There is this small part of me that wants to find someone, someone who would stop me from doing this. Stop me from ending it all. But I can't, I have lost this fight.

But you'll be all right
You'll be all right

I can't believe that at all. I won't be all right if I stay in this world. I'm not all right and it's not going to get any better

'Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of

That makes me sound weak. It makes it seem like what I'm made of is the ability to give up. Maybe that's right.

You might bend 'til you break
'cause it's all you can take

It is all I can take. It probably doesn't even sound like much has happened. A rumour, a poem, a picture, some disbelief, but it's so much more than that to me. I can't take it any more.

On your knees you look up
decide you've had enough

I have had enough, I had had enough a long time ago, but now I've reached the point where I actually can't go any further. I can't even try to fight anymore, it's too much, it's too hard. Now the idea of dying doesn't scare me, it doesn't worry me, it just calms me.

You get mad, you get strong
Wipe your hands, shake it off
Then you stand

No, that was wrong. I'm not mad, I'm not even slightly annoyed anymore. I was for so long, even up until I was recording the tapes, but not anymore, now I'm just tired. And I'm not strong, and I can't just shake it off. If I could I'd be find. If I could I wouldn't be sitting here with a bottle of pills.

Life's like a novel with the end ripped end

I know how this is going to end.

The edge of a canyon with only one way down

I'm already at the bottom.

Take what you're given before it's gone

Given what? Parents who are busy? A school full of people who don't care?

Start holding on, keep holding on

I can't. I've got nothing to hold on to.

'Cause when push comes to shove
you taste what you're made off

Yes I get it. I'm weak. I'm not strong enough to fight. I'm not good enough to make it. I can't do it. I flick my hand over my iPod and without looking just keep pressing buttons until it stops playing. It's wrong, the whole song is wrong. It's fake, just like everything else. It pretends to understand, it pretends to get it then it tells me I'm strong, I can stand. I'm not strong. I can't stand. I can't do this anymore.

I reached for the bottle without so much of another thought. I opened it as quickly as I could and poured the pills into my hand and then into my mouth just as quick. It will be over soon, really soon, then I'll be ok.

I swallow