Chapter one: Knowing he knows

Spencer Reid is walking down an alley dodging people. Making sure nobody recognized him because he knew if he was caught doing what he's doing, he'd be in a world of trouble. He walked up to a very scrawny man with a goatee and eyes that looked asleep.

"Did you bring what I told you to bring?" Reid asked nervously.
"yeah, got it right here." the man said.
"What's the price?"
"that'd be $50."

Reid paid the man and took off quickly with what he had bought, Dilaudid.


Reid is sitting, obviously drugged. Morgan sitting quietly for a change. Garcia playing on her laptop. The rest of the team were getting coffee, except for Hotch.

"Reid, we're going to interview an inmate on death row accused of stabbing a guard with a shank." Hotch said fixed on reid whose eyes were avoiding his.

Reid got up not saying a word. His eyes fixed on his shoes, a pale face.

They are in an SUV. They took back roads because of a pile up on the highway. There weren't any other cars around. Suddenly, the car stops off to the side of the road.

"Why are we stopping?" Reid questioned but knew what was coming.

"Reid...enough is enough." Hotch said as if he was tired.

"What are you talking about?"

"Reid, I'm not dumb, you need to stop using drugs."

"What? What would make you think I'm on drugs?"

"I know, your not hard to profile. Give them to!"

Reid hesitated at first not knowing what to do. After a few moments, he reached into his bag and takes out the dilaudid. Hotch pulls them out of his hands and examines it. Reid just staring blankly towards his shoes.

"This is unacceptable, Reid."

The car drives off.... About fifteen minutes without saying anything, the car pulls up to a very large building with a sign in the front saying: Rehab. center for addicts, mentall illness, etc.

"Why are we here?" Reid asked nervously as if his heart were beating a million times a second.

Hotch doesn't answer but gets out and motions for Reid to get out. Reid gets out hesitintally. As they walk in the building, they approach a desk with a lady sitting there.

"Name please." The lady said without looking up.

"Aaron Hotchner and Spencer Reid."

"Okay, right in time for your appointment. Room 212, down that hall right there." She pointed without looking up.

Hotch walks down the hall and Reid, hesitating follows. As they enter a room, Reid notices the room is blank with only a few office chairs and a small desk. As he is looking around, he notices a women there. She stands up and shakes their hand.

"Hi... Aaron Hotchner and..." hotch said sincerely.

"You must be Spencer Reid." The lady interupted. "Very nice to meet you.
Looks like your right on time for your appointment."


"Reid, This is your rehabilitation Therapist." Hotch said eyeing him carefully.

"Rehab. therapist?! Your not serious, are you!?"

"Hold on, may I have a second to talk to Reid alone?" Hotch asked politely.

"Okay, take your time."

The lady left the room.

"Hotch...what the...what are you doing?!"

"I'm making sure you stop using drugs. You're going to see a therapist four times a week." Hotch said demanding.

"And if I don't?"

"I will report you to Strauss. You don't want that. You'd be fired."

Reid didn't know what to say next.

"I'm going to get some air." He finally found something to say.

Reid walked outside and looked around him. There was nobody outside. He reached into his pocket and pulled out some dilaudid and a syringe.
Hotch walked outside and saw him taking drugs and he ran up to Reid and snatched the dilaudid out of his hands. Hotch told Reid to put his hands up so he could check Reid for more drugs. Hotch pulled out more drugs and put them in his pocket.

"What are you thinking?!" Hotch asked angrily.

Reid didn't answer, he just sat down on the ground and looked away. Hotch sat down next to him.

"Reid...I'm making a choice that'd probably be for the best."

Reid looked up.

"What are you talking about." Reid asked looking away.

"I'm putting you under my 24/7 supervision."

"What, you can't do that to me!"

"I can report you to Strauss if you'd like?"

"Like you said, if Strauss finds out, I'd be fired!"

"I'm guessing your going to go with option two?" Hotch asked.

"I don't really have a choice do I?" Reid said hastley.

"We'd better get inside."

"Dr. Reid... We have someone who wants to talk to you." The therapist said.

Reid looked at her confused. He thought: who is she talking about. The door opened. It was diana Reid, his mother.

"Mom, wh-what are you doing here?" He asked surprised and nervously.

"A better question is: Why would you have to be here?" She asked sad.

"Mom...I...I'm just don't know why." Reid said gazing into her eyes.

"Aaron Hotchner told me everything...even about Toobias Hunkel was it?"

"Tobias Henkle." Hotch replied.

"I know times like that are hard afterward, but you have the rest of the team, you could've gone to a meeting, something other than this." diana said nearly crying.

Reid didn't answer. He just stared at the floor hoping it was just a horrible nightmare that would end soon, but even he knew he was in some big trouble.

"Spencer, you know that I love you and hope you get better. I hope you will feel that you don't need drugs everytime you feel sad or sick. I have to go, but until you get better, I will stay here, in Quantico." Diana said sympathetcally.

Hotch and Reid are leaving.

" this really happening?" Reid asked

"It depends...are you really on drugs?" hotch replied.

Chapter two: The team knows

On the way back, they both were thinking of different things and making jokes.

"Hotch...Does Morgan, JJ, and the rest of the team know?"

"They do. They're the ones who thought of taking you to a therapist."

"figures Morgan would do that to me!"

"Reid, JJ thought it was a good idea...besides, your the one doing drugs. I was going to report you but Morgan told me not to and that he doesn't want you to get fired." Hotch told Reid not looking away from the road.

Reid gazed out the window hoping this nightmare would soon be over, that none of it was real.

"Hotch, why don't you just fire me? Why are you going to try to help me?"
Reid asked curiously.

"Because you're an excellent profiler and the BAU needs you...on the other hand, you can't do your job as good when you're on drugs." Hotch said sincerely.

Reid smiled, then looked back out the window.

Back at the BAU

"Hey, pretty-boy. How'd it go?" Morgan asked smiling.

"Well, my mom's pretty upset, I have to deal with hotch up my back for who knows how long...and I just want this to end soon. Reid said annoyed.

"Well, at least your not fired, right?"

"Yeah, thanks." Reid replied.

"Thanks for what?"

"Hotch told me you were the one that didn't want me fired." Reid said.

"That was supposed to be a secret! I feel sorry for you." Morgan said sympathetically.

"For what?" Reid asked.

"For having to deal with Hotch 24/7." Morgan joked.

"Shut up!" Reid joked along. "Don't remind me!"

Day coming to end:

"Reid, time to go." Hotch said.

"Okay, just a minute."

At Hotch's house:

"Okay, Reid, you can go ahead and go to bed, or shower or whatever. Just don't let me catch you doing drugs!" Hotch said like he meant it.

"C'mon Hotch, trust me for a change!" Reid said in a whine voice.

"I mean it Reid!" Hotch replied.

As soon as Hotch went to bed, Reid carefully tiptoed to the bathroom. He reached into his pocket and took out dilaudid he'd hid in his shoe. He accidentally bumped into something and knocked things off a shelf. It wasn't long before hotch got in the bathroom and saw him with the dilaudid.

"Reid, I told you not to, and what's the first thing you do? Do you have any more?" Hotch asked angrily while checking his pockets and shoes.

Hotch concluded Reid didn't have anymore ON HIM, so he checked his bags, but didn't find anything.

"Reid, it's hard to help somebody who doesn't let anyone help them. Do you want help?" Hotch asked eyeing Reid, who was stairing at the floor.
He didn't answer.

"Get some sleep. If I catch you with drugs again, you will be suspended for two weeks. Am I clear?" Hotch asked.

"Yes sir." Reid spoke in a whisper while he was still stairing at the ground.

Next morning:

Hotch wakes up to Reid in the same spot since last night, still looking at the ground.

"Reid, were you up all night? Reid...Reid!"


"Were you up all night?"

"I couldn't sleep." Reid said still looking at the ground.

"Why?" Hotch asked having a clue.

"I don't really know...but every once in a while, I'll get a feeling...a feeling that my body's telling me to take drugs."

"You're having cravings. It's because you haven't been taking any drugs...that's a good sign."

"I don't like it. I just want it to stop."

"It will soon as you get over your drug addiction. But you can't do that if you keep doing drugs." Hotch said.

"We better go or we'll be late." Reid said changing the subject.

Chapter three: flash from the past

At the BAU:

"Hotch, we have a case, it's a bad one so I'll brief the team on the jet." JJ said.

"Okay, wheels up in ten." Hotch said.

On the jet:

"Okay, this UnSub is strangling people and leaving messages on their backs asking for help. He is choosing victims randomly. They've had similar cases a while ago, but then, the murders stopped. The last similar murder was around the time of the thing with Tobias Hankle..."

"Do you have to bring that up JJ?" Reid said annoyed.

Wait, did I miss something?" Rossi asked.

"It was a case that we had before you came back. Tobias had dissociative identity disorder. He was himself, Tobias, Raphael, An archangel, And his father, Charles. Tobias was on a witness list because he needed to know how long it took the police to get to a crime scene after a 911 call. But the rest of us didn't know that, I sent JJ and Reid to ask him a few questions. When they got there, they soon figured out he was the UnSub. Reid followed him into a corn field. Tobias knocked him out and took him to South Bend, Georgia. Reid was tortured and drugged for two days straight. Tobias beat Reid to the edge of death. We found him because of the clues he gave us. Tobias sent us live feed of what was happening." Hotch explained.

"Why do you have to bring up the worst part of my life!?" Reid said angrily. "Reid-" Hotch started.

Reid got up and walked to the other end of the jet and sat down facing the other way and looked out the window.

"What's the matter with him?" Rossi asked.

"First, he's going through withdrawl, he's gonna be having some mood swings here and there. Second, that was a bad time of his life, after we found him, he was addicted to dilaudid for a while. Making him relive it is worse than when it really happened because before, the drugs made him forget, this time, he can't forget." Hotch explained.

"Oh, I see." Rossi said looking in Reid's direction.

"Did anything new happen last night?" Morgan asked curiously.

"Nothing big, just caught him in the bathroom trying to do drugs."Hotch said.

"Really!? What'd you do?" Morgan asked.

"I Checked him for any other drugs, then went back to bed, when I woke up, Reid was in the same spot as he was last night...sitting down, stairing at the ground."

"You think he's gonna be alright, Hotch?" JJ asked.

"It depends on if he keeps doing drugs or not." Hotch said.

After the case is over:

"Good work everybody, go home get some rest." Hotch said smiling for once.

Reid had barely talked during the entire case.

At Hotch's house:

"Are you going to sleep tonight, Reid?"

"Maybe, maybe not." Reid answered without making eye contact.

"Well, Goodnight then." Hotch said as he walked into his room.

Hotch couldn't sleep. He had a feeling something was wrong with Reid. He walked into the living room and saw Reid lying on the floor not breathing. He called 911 and did CPR.


"Is he alright?" JJ asked Hotch.

"The doctors said he should be waking up soon." Hotch answered.

"What did he do?" Morgan asked.

"He overdosed himself...he tried to KILL himself!" Hotch said almost crying.

"Dr. Reid is awake. You can see him now." A doctor said.

Hotch and Morgan walked in Reid's hospital room.

"Hey, kid, how ya feelin'?" Morgan asked.

Reid didn't answer. He stared at the ceiling. His face was more pale than ever, his eyes deadlike, his body almost looked paralized.
Hotch sat by his bed.

"Why did you do it?" Hotch asked sympathetically.

There was a long moment of silence.

"...Because I-I couldn't stop." Reid answered then caught his breath.

"You couldn't stop what?" Hotch asked.

"My-my add-iction, I couldn't stop...I'm all alone." Reid was crying.

"Morgan, I need to talk to Reid alone for a minute." Hotch said quickly.

"'Kay, take all the time you need." Morgan said as he left.

"Reid, obviously 24/7 supervision from me is not enough. I'm going to have you stay at a mental hospital until you get better." Hotch said surely.

"Wait, what, you wouldn't do that to me!" Reid was surprised.

"I'll have you scheduled for therapy six days a week." Hotch decided.

"Hotch, you can't do that to me!" Reid screamed.

"Well I'm certainly not going to let you come right back to work to let you try to kill yourself again." Hotch exclaimed.

"You should've let me die!" Reid was almost yelling.

====\====/====\====/==== Chapter five: Attacks

After therapy at Hotch's house:

"Reid, are you alright?'

Reid was shaking.

"Hotch, I need narcotics...Please!" Reid was sweating.

"Reid, I can't do that. You know that. Calm down, Reid."

"No, I need narcotics, please!" Reid was very angry.

"No, Reid, what you need is to calm down, now!"

Reid jumped at hotch, but Hotch pinned him down easily.

"Get off me!"

"Not until you calm down!" Hotch was yelling.

Reid started crying and Hotch grabbed Reid in his arms and tried to calm him down.

"Reid, tomorrow you're having a drug test." Hotch said.

"You don't actually think..." Reid started.

"I don't know what's going on with you, besides that, you haven't had one in a few weeks." Hotch said thinking that what he'd just said would lead to a fight.

"You think I have drugs. Fine, if you can't trust me, either send me back to that crazy hospital or fire me and let me go home!" Reid was really angry.

"Reid, why don't you go into your room and cool down." Hotch said calmly.

"Now you're treating me like a kid?!"

"If you're going to act like one, I'm going to treat you like one!" Hotch said pointing to Reid's room.

Reid slammed his door. Hotch went back to bed.
Hotch woke up and Reid was still in his room. He knocked on Reid's door, but he didn't answer. Hotch walked in and Reid was on his bed just sitting there, staring away from Hotch.

"Looks like you're clean, I'm surprised!" Hotch said to Reid who was very angry.

"You're surprised?! Did you think I was on drugs? I've been clean for almost two months now!" Reid was almost yelling.

"Reid, please calm down." Hotch demanded.

"You're surprised?!" Reid was steaming.

"Well, with the way you acted the other day, yes I thought you were on drugs."

"I can't believe this!" Reid looked as if he was going to tear the house into a bunch of pieces.

"Calm down! I'm not going to tell you again, Reid."

"Or else what?!" Reid asked.

"Go cool off Reid, now!" Hotch demanded.

"I'm leaving for a while." Reid walked away.

"Be back by five." Hotch said calmly.

"I don't have to listen to you, Hotch." Reid said.

"I don't have to let you leave, you know." Hotch reminded him.

"Watcha gonna do Hotch? Ground me?" Reid asked.

"That could be arranged." Hotch said.

"I am not a kid, Hotch, I'm an adult." Reid said.

"Then act like it." Hotch dared.

"Me?! How about you!" Reid was yelling.

"Fine, I'm not letting you leave without somebody with you for a week!" Hotch said.

"This isn't happening!" Reid yelled.

"Go calm down in your room if your going to vent by yelling please." Hotch said in a provoking tone.

"!!!!!!!!" Reid yelled.

"What is it Reid?" Hotch asked with a big yawn.

"My nightmare came back." Reid was breathing heavily.

"Hotch...I need them! I really do need them. Just this once...please!" Reid said in the most serious tone.

"Reid, you know that's not the right thing to do." Hotch said slowly approaching him.

"Stay away from me! Stay back!" Reid yelled.

"Reid, calm down please."

Reid grabbed the gun on the table in the living room and pointed it at Hotch.

"Put the gun down...don't do it, Reid."

Reid pointed the gun at his head.

"Okay Reid, I'm going to get them, just put the gun down."

Reid put the gun down and started crying. Hotch quickly grabbed the gun. He sat next to Reid and hugged him. A few minutes later when Reid had finally calmed down, Hotch guided him into his bed.