Disclaimer: All of these characters belong to Ally Carter!!!

The day started as any other days of school would, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that something different was going to happen this semester. As the first day of the new semester approached, I had no idea what the first day of school was going to be like, it was spy school after all, but I knew one thing for sure, I would never forget what happened last semester. It was all still perfectly clear in my head, thanks to my photographic memory, the coven, the fight, and most of all…Zack. I could not get him out of my head as hard as I tried, but even worse, I knew I would never find out what he was keeping from me, from everybody. As bad as I wanted to know, he was a spy and he was never going to tell. Still, I was determined to figure out what he was hiding, but I just could not piece it all together. I know I am a spy and all, but this was way beyond what my extraordinary IQ could figure out. Most of all I was nervous. This was not ordinary for me and actually quite dangerous. Spies are never supposed to be nervous; it can cause mistakes which can result in death.

The first day came and went as fast as a snail running a marathon thanks to the wonderfully horrible news that we received. "Welcome back to Gallagher Academy," my mom said as she started she usual welcome back feast, "this year will prove to be quite different for you girls this year, but will bring great experience to all of you." Whispers of question rose throughout the dining hall as we all gave her questioned looks. "This year we are very pleased to announce once again we will be the home of our brother school Blackthorn Academy." My mind went blank at this news. I was in shock for approximately 3 minutes and 21 seconds before Bex punched me. "I expect you all to be as gracious and welcoming as you were last time. They will be arriving here first thing tomorrow morning. This way you can all get a start on your studies before you become distracted. Which I should remind you that we teachers are spies and we know what goes on here, so please be on your very best behavior." My mom finished as she went to sit down.

The rest of the day all I walked around in a total daze only hearing girls talking all about the next day. Meanwhile, I was dreading it. This meant that I had to see Zack. Not that I didn't enjoy his cuteness and all it's just that I was still angry at him. As we went through our classes, I noticed something unusual about all my teachers. They all looked at me as if I were a fragile doll about to break. I hated this feeling! They all knew that I could kill a man with my own hands, but yet they still looked at me in this way.

When we got back to our room my best friends all cornered me. "Cammie what is up with you today?" Liz asked in worried voice. "Nothing I am totally fine I was just surprised about the whole Blackthorn boys coming back thing." I lied. "She's lying" I heard Macey say in French to Bex and Liz. "Cammie come on we know something is up you can't hid this from us forever." Bex said in her still heavy British accent. "Fine, it is nothing really, well it is Zack." I whispered in Farsi even know I knew no one else was around. "What about him?" Macey asked in Portuguese. "I just don't want to see him right now." I replied. "WHY?!" they all asked in unison. "He is hiding so much from me and from everyone that I just can't take it anymore!" I belted out. It was true I was just done with all of his secrets, lies, and his spying on me! Right then, I decided that this time it was going to be different. When he arrived tomorrow with the rest of the Black Thorn Boys he was going to be in for quite a surprise.