~~~~~NOT EDITED~~~~

MOON SAYS: Okay guys, this is the last chapter! Oh boy, I was almost crying at one point and now I'm dead tried. I hope you enjoyed the ride and thanks for sticking with me! Next on my list, is to finish Let Go!

Pages: 7

Words: 3, 508


~Love After Death~

Chapter 5

Sasuke was always one that if he wanted something, he would get it no matter what. If he wanted to say something to you, he would. If he wanted to kick your ass he would. He was one of those quiet pushers. But he knew me, just as I knew him.

And for that I was thankful.

Uchiha was a genius after all. That fucker knew when to push and when to just sit back. And that was what he did.


We both knew he wanted to get to the bottom of all this shit between us; but he knew that I had to be ready for it. If not, the same thing that happened when we met again (at Orochimaru's lair) would happen again. I would ignore him.

But he didn't make it easy for me.

Why should he? Kyuubi chuckled in my head. Uchiha wants you and you want him; yet he is giving you the time you need to come to terms with everything.

Fucker, if I want your opinion I'll get my ass in that cage of yours and beat it out of you.

Fucker laughed again. What cage? We are almost merged completely and said cage is gone.

Two seconds later said cage was back up and annoying the shit out of its inmate. Course, it was making my day, what with all the curses that were being shouted in my head.

A week went by before I could catch Madara and kick his ass. Zuki had taught me how to get past his Time and Space Jutsus. As soon as I caught him, it seemed everyone was actually there in a split second. Oh well, I guess my skills were being put on for show.

Dara-chan tried to get out of the fight, and either forgot that I knew how to get past his stupid Jutsu or never knew it in the first place.

"Please, Naru-chan! Don't be mad!" Dara-chan pleaded. Freak actually pleaded. Zuki must have been on his ass too.

"Don't be mad?" I hissed. "You went behind my back, you know what he did and yet you let him near me? If Kisame or the others knew you would be very much dead."

"What don't I know?" Kisame thundered as he glared at Madara.

I smirked as Madara actually cringed. "And don't forget Zuki…"

As I trailed off I launched myself at him. As a habit when we fought, he didn't use his Jutsu because how am I to learn when we couldn't hit each other? He couldn't age my strength and form much when he was transparent.

I roundhouse kicked him with my right leg and before he hit the tree two foot behind him, I was there my left foot waiting for his back to connected with it.

And when it did I heard something breaking; but I didn't care. I was out of it. I was all instincts now. I had been wanting to beat the shit out of Sasuke for so long because of what he did to me; but I couldn't. For various reasons that I didn't really want to know.

It took two minutes for Dara stopped the fight. That bastard gave me enough time to vent and then stopped it. Ass ran off to Zuki for comfort and healing. It seemed I hurt him good; but of course, he gave as good as he got.

There was blood running through my hair—I don't know how it got there. I had a few cuts on my face, my arm was broken a few places; my right leg had every bone broken. My right arm and left leg were okay thought, besides a few scratches and cuts.

I sat against a tree and waited until I healed. It would be at least an hour; the more Kyuubi merged with me, the faster I healed. So, if I was lucky, it would take less time.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but certain memories always took over when I did. Know I knew why Zuki didn't sleep either.

When I woke from my past, I felt him next to me before I even opened my eyes. Minutes passed and I still hadn't opened my eyes or spoke. I didn't want to do the former, I didn't want to see him because if I did, then I would start thinking things that I knew fangirls thought of and I would rather kill myself then be one.

So I settled for talking, with eyes closed.

"What the fuck do you want, Uchiha Jr?" my voice was surprising neutral. I had thought anger or some other negative emotion would take over, but it didn't. Go me!

"I know you're not really stupid, Usuraronkatchi," Sasuke bastard said in a smug sort of voice; he always talked like he was better than everyone else. I could also hear that damn smirk in his voice too.

I sighed and just wanted to give up. For once since I got back I was tired of all this shit; I was tired of the game that the two of us seemed to be playing. For once I wanted to finally die. Would it have been too much to ask for it when Chidori number two went into my chest?

I opened my eyes and dropped my mask. I let Sasuke see everything, the pain, the love, the agony and I knew he could see how fucking tired I was.

The raven looked shocked, his mask slipped as well. Like always, he could see between the lines, he could read anything off me. Right now he knew I didn't want to fight, I just wanted to die. And I wasn't sure how he was going to take it? Would his madness return? Would he try to kill me, even if he had the Mangekyou Sharingan now?

"Really?" was all he asked.

I snorted. "Of course I want it; I'm tired of everything." I let it out in my voice and he looked like I had slapped him. "I just can't do this anymore. In some ways I am tired of living, but mostly, I'm tired of fight, of betrayal, of my endless struggle. As you can see, this time around, I chose the darkness. If only I had known everything I knew now what I did then. I would never have let people close."

Just looking at the bastard, I knew he saw what I didn't want him to see. He knew my struggle was mainly with him. He knew that I loved him even after all he had done to me. I bet the bastard saw even deeper than that.

"Are you tired of falling?" he asked so quietly that I almost didn't hear him.

My eyes opened back up and I looked directly into his eyes. He was sitting on the ground in front of me; his onyx eyes darker than usual with so many emotions that it made my head hurt trying to separate them and figure out the reason behind them.

I laughed at him darkly and a small smirk found it's way to my face. "I have been falling since I was conceived; and I will continue to fall even after my death." Then as an afterthought I added, "My true death, that is."

That made him flinch, I knew he regretted killing me with every ounce of his being. I knew he loved me; but I also knew the madness was still inside of him. It always would be.

"I hated you after you killed me; I wanted to return the favor. You killed a child, one who wasn't even born yet." My voice was a sheer whisper and I saw the agony on his face, but I kept going. I knew this hurt him, but he needed to hear it.

So did I.

"But you also gave me the chance to start over; to find where I really belonged. I found Zuki soon after I came back and she took me to be trained. She took me to Madara and he was very interested in me; so he trained me as well. Once I was twelve we came back, Zuki did her stuff and made me a Gennin. I was actually happy; but all good things must come to an end." I muttered the last part.

"I was confused by you; at times you would make me scared that you came back with me; but at other times you made me love or hate you more. I was very confused, believe me. I tried to ignore you, hoping that if I did I would lose interest in you; that I wouldn't love you anymore. I lied to myself, something I promised I wouldn't do anymore; I tried to hate you, I tried not to love you. But you fucked it up after you got bit again." My voice held a tone of bitterness and something I couldn't identify.

"I tried distraction, other lovers, but nothing could keep my mind off of you. Then when I found out that you were my Sasuke; everything came tumbling down. I had thought it was you, but I didn't want to get my hopes up. I was always scared around you. It's always been you who could hurt me the most. And without fail you always did.

"Then you killed Itachi, a repayment of a debt, and joined Akatsuki. I wanted to tear Madara apart for letting you join—since he knows everything that happened. And now you won't leave me alone; you've never left me alone!" I cried as tears started to form. "No matter where I go, who I fuck, you are always there. Whether in my face or in my dreams."

Tears started to run down my face, but my voice was clear. "You can't stop hurting me, can you? Why won't you stop torturing me?"

He was always torturing me, whether with his love or with his hate. I could never get away from him. Was this a sign that I can't? That I belong with him?

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't feel him move behind me and hold me in his arms. My raven didn't say anything, he didn't have too. My body and heart recognized that he was there, giving me silent comfort like only he can, and started to calm down almost immediately.

I loved Sasuke Uchiha so much that it would rip me around; yet I hated him just as much. That combination was killing me, slowly but surely.

And he knew it.

I figured it was the same with him. He hated me for various things. Not telling him I was pregnant, not fighting back, for giving up, for hiding who I really was; for having everything he wanted, for loving him; the list was almost endless…just like mine.

Time passed: seconds, minutes, hours, I don't know exactly how much.

He hissed my hair as I leaned back further into his body. It was something we used to do before his madness took him away from me.

I knew I had to break the silence; for I was just as much as the victim as the one who was guilty. We were both at fought for what had happened; just as much as we were the one who got hurt.

"I hate you," my voice was barely audible. But the emotion in my voice told him that I was giving up, that I would let it take me.

More time passed between us before he spoke for the first time in a long time.

"I love you," his voice matched my own.

We were both giving up the fight; we would never forget what we had done to each other, but we could move past it. We would stop fighting and just be.


One by one we sent out missives to our undercover operatives; most of them were the Jinchūriki. We put a date on their messages that said when they should attack.

We had specific orders; try to convert (Hidan was quite disappointed that it was convert to Akatsuki not Jashin) and ask for a surrender first; the latter first, then the former; if they didn't then we were to attack.

Sasuke was on the Konoha team with me; as were around twenty or so underlings. We didn't have many senior members (aka the powerful S Class) so it was two per Village with many underlings. We had almost an endless supply of them.

We disappeared, him in Fire and me in Wind, into the Hokage's office.

Tsunade almost shit herself when she saw us.

"Naruto?" she almost whispered. Her attention was on me, until Sasuke moved. She hissed at him and he looked indifferent. But I knew better. The bastard liked it; he liked when people were afraid of him, or pissed at him.

I could swear he got off on it, seeing as we almost always argued before we fucked. And even that was quite violent.

"Naruto, what's going on? Is it true? Are you really with Akatsuki?" her voice sounded like it was going to break.

"Tsunade of the Sannin, I am giving you a chance, join us." My voice almost had a pleading note to it, and Sasuke raised an eyebrow at it.

Tsunade's face went from sadness to anger. "I will never join! They killed Jiraiya!"

I narrowed my eyes. "So, just because of one death you are going to forsake and abandon me?" my voice was hard as steel.

Tsunade's eyes softened, "Naruto, come back to us. We will even take Uchiha back."

I glared and so did Sasuke. "Take him back?" I hissed and was about to hurt her, but Sasuke put a hand on my arm to stop me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm myself down. IT helped that he was rubbing my arm…oh my, wasn't that what he did that one time before all of a sudden it threw me up against the wall and took me?

I raised an eyebrow at him and he smirked. "You know you'd like it."

I rolled my eyes, but a little smile stayed on my face.

I turned to Tsunade and let out a breath. "You have a few choices. Join us and no one gets hurt; the Village doesn't have to burn and hundreds die. Or you could fight and we kill most of you."

Tsunade's eyes hardened and narrowed at me. "You aren't my Naruto! I will never join Akatsuki; you won't win."

I gave a dark chuckle. "We already have. I've taken down a few of your best already and scattered the organization that would have be a pain the ass for us."

Sasuke looked impressed as he put everything together; it took Tsunade a few more seconds and I knew she knew because her eyes grew big and tears leaked out.

"You killed Kakashi and Sakura!"

Sasuke laughed. "I knew you had it in you," he murmured in my ear. "You know, killing the fan girl is such a turn on…"

I smirked and just told him later. We were quite sadistic and masochistic Ninjas. I wasn't even sure we could make it half way through this battle before we jumped each other. And here I was getting wet just thinking about us fucking…

Sasuke smirked; he knew what just went through my head.

I turned back to Tsunade. "I also killed the Elders and Danzo," I turned to Sasuke. "That was for you bastard."

A flash of his eyes told me that he liked what I did for him and he was going to reward me greatly in a few minutes.

I gave him an 'eat shit' grin and turned to Tsunade who was crying her eyes out. "Also, just to twist the knife in your back further, I saw Jiraiya moments before he was killed. Actually, I was going to kill him, but he was too pathetic so I let Pein do it. I told him how he failed me and how disgusted I was with him. He kept the truth from me: who my real parents were and how he abandoned me as my Godfather. And you, bitch, were my Godmother."

She collapsed. "I didn't know," she kept saying over and over.

I nodded. "I knew you didn't know, but you still loved me. So I gave you a chance. Too bad you threw it back in my face."

Not even a second later she was dead and I was thrown against the wall.

"So," Sasuke purred. "You killed my betrayals for me. Such a devoted lover you are."

I chuckled. "Well, are you going to reward me or not?"

He gave a dark chuckle as he turned me around and slammed me frontward into the wall. He ripped our cloaks off of us and used his knee to part my leg. It only took him a few seconds to free his hard cock and start pounding into me.

That fuck was quick, very hard, fast, rough and painful. Exactly how we liked it. Though sometimes we liked it to be longer, but we were on a schedule. And here I thought we would have made it at least halfway through the battle before I started getting fucked.

But hot damn, did I not like it.

We finished, after killing a few people who tried to disturb our love making; which just made him fuck me harder. I guess we needed to try that more often while fucking.

After we were done, we cleaned up and found Shizune. I told her to gather everyone in front of the Hokage Tower within a few minutes and she did.

I looked over the railing and someone started to point. A stupid Gennin no doubt.

I nodded to Sasuke, who threw something in the air while I made the exploding tag exploded. That got everyone's attention.

"Alright, listen up and listen good!" I told them. "I am Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, quiet! I am taking over Konoha as of this very second! I am the Sixth Hokage. The council is disbanded and Konoha is now a colony of Akatsuki."

There was an uproar, but I they were silent once I yelled at them again.

"You have no choice; if you go against me I shall kill every one of you fuckers."

Someone screamed for Tsunade and I chuckled. I turned to Sasuke who disappeared and got her body. He handed it to me and I threw it to the crowd below.

"Tsunade is dead! She denied me and so I killed her. Now is your choice, surrender or have this Village razed to the ground." I located a few others in the crowd that were looking at me expectedly. I smiled and went on. "It is time, join me my friends!"

The Konoha Twelve were behind me in a second, minus Sakura of course. I turned back to the crowd. "I now have the most powerful Ninja in the Village on my side, what is your choice?"

A few were stupid and tried to attack me; but mostly they realized that they can't defeat me.

That night one fourth of the Konoha Shinobi tried to kill me while I slept. Sasuke and I killed them all and then had a fuck-a-thon. Sex had never been as good as it was that night. Of course…we left a few of the Rookie's in charge and went to a few other Villages to help. Those fucks were just a good.

And that my friends, is how I loved before and after I died. Of course, years late we still loved each other, still had fights, and still fucked like crazy! I ended up merging with Kyuubi and became the new Lord Kyuubi, as such, I was technically a demon.

Which meant I was going to live thousands of years; and so was my fellow Jinchūriki; but what about Sasuke, you ask?

Well, apparently knowing the Queen of the Demon World has it's perks. Since Sasuke was my mate, it was allowed for him to become a demon as well.

After that our sex life was almost insatiable. We, the Jinchūriki, ruled the world. There were fights, wars, and such that broke out, but we took them down and peace came back.

Peace didn't make us weak though, far from it. We trained every day, and fought with both demons and humans. Since we were Lords and Ladies of the demon world we had to rule it too; just like the human world. We got many work outs and many fuck outs.

Life was good. And I was still glad, years later, that a Chidori was shoved into my chest…twice, that and the Uchiha madness. It was because of those two things that I was able to be with the love of my existence happily.

And that folks, is all!
