To Many

By Wolfa Moon

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Just had an interesting idea. Watched ST: TOS 'The Empath' thought wouldn't it be great to have Bones have that, but keep his wonderful drawl. Reading a lot of great fics. Awesome job to every writer out there. Please be kind.

Summary: Empathic McCoy and the Destruction of the fleet. Star Trek 2009.

To Many

They had just ran onto the bridge and the crew focused on them.

The three, Spock, Kirk, Pike, were arguing about what Kirk was telling them about. Pike playing mediator.

Bones stood and watched as his friend confronted the captain and the Vulcan. Then it hit like a wrecking ball. To much. Pain. To Much.

"Jim." He cried and began to fall back. Spock reached as did Uhura.

"Len!" Uhura exclaimed. Jim turned quickly to grabbed him. Bones went all the way to the ground with a thud. Uhura knelt cautiously cushioning his head in her lap. Jim knelt down beside him grabbing his friend's hand.

"Full Stop." The ordered obeyed Captain Pike came over and knelt. Spock stood and watched the scenario. "Leonard? Kirk what is going on?"

"I don't know." McCoy screamed and arched off the floor. "Bones!" Kirk held him down and his right hand. Pike grabbed the left and steadied the doctor. Uhura stroked his forehead. His body went limp and his eyes opened blanked. "Bones."

"To many, to many." Shacking his head as if to clear the fog away. "They're all dead."

"Who?" Jim asked. Bones didn't look at him. He looked up at Uhura.

"Ny," She smiled. "You weren't suppose to be here." She smiled. Bones look to Spock and nodded. Jim watched the full unspoken conversation. What did his friend know that Kirk didn't.

"Len." She stroked his forehead again. "Who's gone?"

"Everyone." He began to try and sit up. Jim tried to set him back down but Pike tried to get him up. Jim looked accusingly at Pike at his actions toward his friend. Pike eyes ordered.

"Let's get him in the chair." Jim confirms as they help McCoy up and into the only chair quickly available, the captain's chair. Bones smirked up at Jim saying I'm in the chair before you. Kirk smiled back.

"McCoy report." Jim glared at PIke. This was his friend. Jim had an inkling what was going on but this was a major big bang to effect his friend this badly.

"The fleet. They're gone."

"What bases do you have this on? We can't raise the fleet." Spock said determinedly unfeeling as he helped Uhura up. McCoy bent forward again. James knelt right in front of him. Everyone is watching the scene and Bones feels it and groans again. A new wave passes over him. Jim wants to bark at him to leave him alone but Pike holds him back.

"He's an empath. He knows." McCoy shakes his head to clear it. Locking his hazel eyes on blue. So much deep pain their. So much concern.

"Jim can you get my kit." Kirk knows what he is asking for. A suppressant, which Jim whole heartily believe his friends needs. Pike stops him as he is about to inject McCoy.

"McCoy, There anyone else alive?" He shakes his head. The fog not clearing away yet. Pike takes everything in stride. He was informed the first year of them to keep Kirk and McCoy together. Never to separate them. Now he knew what the ambassador Troy meant. They grounded the other.

"If there is it's getting masked by all the pain surrounding them. But that's not the even more important thing," he paused and looked up. "Somebody is very happy about what he did and revenge is making it even sweeter." Bones began to stand. They both steady him as he sways. "You better get in your chair."

"Ok, stay on the bridge." McCoy nods weakly in confirmation.

"Captain, raise shields, arm weapons, and emergency evasive, starboard." JIm stares at his friend and confirms the notion. His senses picking up off his friends abilities. Kirk looks to Pike and nods.

"Understood." Pike takes his chair, Jim takes McCoy and lead him back from the center of the bridge. McCoy's head is killing him and sways. Spock grabs him. Bones looks at him funny.

"It's you." Not accusing but realization. As if he felt more than what was said. Felt a different presence along the same aura. His eyes rolled. Spock took a firmer hold and lead him to his chair at his science station. McCoy immediately bent forward. Jim knelt immediately in front of him, concern radiating off him. Spock placed his hands on McCoy's neck and applied pressure.

"What are you doing?" Spock stared at the two as they conversed. Vulcans are touch telepaths. He wanted to help the doctor but also wanted to confirm what he was told. He felt the true pain that was inflicted upon the doctor as he felt the fleet die. He simply stared at the man wondering how he was still functioning for he had no training in the area of mental focus. But then he realized Kirk was the helping factor. For KIrk had not relented his hold on his friend.

"He applying pressure to pressure points."

"And it's helping." A sacastic accusation at what the Vulcan was doing.

"Yes, thank you."

"You are welcome." Spock removed his hand.

"Bones are you sure." Bones just tilted his head and glared. "Of course you are." Jim began to rub his friend's back. He wished his friend could shut it off but knew it was near impossible. Kirk had scored hi on his psi rating while his best friend scored hi on the empath scale. Together they got interesting results which scared some betazoids when they interacted together. A professor had even given them trouble for supposedly cheating when they didn't know what they were supposedly doing. That was when they got tested finally. Kirk looked up at Spock. Spock raised his eyebrow at that. "Bones don't move."

"Buckle up." Kirk nodded to him rising. A little saying meaning so much. Kirk held onto the railing. He wanted to see what had happened to the fleet. Spock followed. Bones just kept his face in his hands. Here it comes.