disclaimer; I don't own Fruits Basket or Catch Me by Demi Lovato.

a/n; I've recently fallen in love with this pairing, but there isn't nearly enough fanfiction for it.

every hello ends with a goodbye

So now you see

Why I'm scared

I can't open up my heart

Without a care


"Sometimes," I said casually, leaning back on the colorful blanket I'd thrown on the sand and closing my eyes to the bright sunlight. "Sometimes, I really hate myself."

The boy sitting beside me let out a surprised laugh - not because it was funny, but because of the randomness of the statement. "Why do you say that?"

"Well," I yawned, sleepy from the heat of the day. "Here I am, at the villa like I wanted, and I'm not even having fun." Wanted? I'd practically forced my family to accompany me on this summer trip.

He laughed, really amused this time, and I squinted up at him to see his smile. The sun was directly overhead, the sky a perfect blue - but I was focused on the way the sun made it look like there was a halo around his golden head, how the blue of the sky matched his swim trunks.

I knew myself well enough to know what was happening. I was falling for him. Fast.

It started a month or so before, when he was the only one to remember my birthday - he brought over Thai food and the newest Mogeta movie. He'd smiled and said, "Are you free tonight?" and I'd chosen that moment to notice how white his teeth were, how contagious his smile was.

I felt the same way now, staring up at him. Our family members were all either inside or playing in the water. Nobody was bothering us. The desire swelled in my gut - the need to have him lean down and kiss me, right here, right now -

"Kagura, you're just weird that way." He grinned down at me, and I gave him a half-smile in return.

Right. He wouldn't kiss me. Not here, not now, and probably not anytime or anywhere else. Not to mention, what would I do if he did? I wasn't ready for a relationship, not so soon after -

"Momiji! Kagura!" a voice called from the water. He turned, and I raised myself up on my elbows to see who was yelling at us. Hiro. Of course. "Don't just sit there being lazy asses, get out here!"

"Be right there!" Momiji shouted back before turning to look at me. "You coming?"

I shrugged. "Nah. I'm good."

He stared at me and nodded slowly. "Okay." Then, without warning, he stood and reached down, scooping me up in his arms like I weighed nothing. I squealed in protest, but he ignored me, running for the ocean.

"Momiji!" I shrieked as he threw me into the freezing water. I broke the surface and spit salt water out of my mouth, glaring at the laughing ex-rabbit. "Oh, you're getting it now!"

I lost track of everything - time, other people, my own name - while we played in the water. I was laughing, really laughing, and so was he, and everything was pretty much perfect. I couldn't remember the last time I'd laughed this hard.

Over by the edge of the sand, Rin and Kisa shared a knowing smile while Hiro looked pleased with himself and Haru chuckled at the sight of us.

Maybe I'd be okay with this, us, soon. It seemed like everyone else already was. Now it was just...up to me.


If this is love please don't break me

I'm giving up so

Just catch me