{This is only made for fun, it is set as a companion to any and all other wonderland adventures, a silly three-shot about a girl who ends up in a funny world, and who is dreaming who?}

Nonsensical Thoughts


There was nothing so very queer in how Alice found herself waking up. Except, she could not recall falling asleep, and especially not on the ground! Surely, if she closed her eyes and reopened them, she would see the familiar walls of her room? The golden-haired girl tried it, but no matter how she wished, her fair head never met soft pillow. Instead, she seemed to only tangle her curls worse in the dirt.

"Oh, how peculiar." She cried as she pushed herself up off the sodden earth. From her position she could just make out what looked to be a forest, and a path that she appeared to be lying on.

"Peculiar? Why my dear, but you've not yet seen the half of it." A voice from above piped up, chiding gently, "There is so much more to pique your curiosity – but lo – you choose this to cry out about?" The speaker laughed incredulously.

Now, as far as Alice knew, she was the only one present. However, if one hears words, then there must be one to speak said words. She turned her head around her to seek the source of the speaker, but could not come across anything or anyone of the sort. Since they did not seem to be on the ground, Alice settled on standing to looking up.

Shielding her sensitive eyes from the sun, she timidly scoured the sky; only, it wasn't sky that met her eyes. It was the many stalks of a cluster of sunflowers, and at the top was a flower with a mouth. "Strange," She gaped as she made the connection (For Alice it wasn't very odd that a plant might talk, only that it might possess a mouth with which to talk, understand).

"ME?" The flower asked, leaning in to meet Alice face to face. "Silly girl- you are what is strange here. Glance about you, you don't belong, see? This is the garden, and you are the doll that was left wrongly. Though you don't seem like much of a doll." It snorted.

This made Alice a little angry, what had she done to irk this individual so? "I am no doll, I am Alice." She proclaimed proudly, hands on hips and stance strong.

The sunflower raised her eyebrow at this, and seemed to consider the small child thoughtfully. "The Alice? Dear, do you understand the implications of making such a statement here?" Her voice lowered to a whisper as she asked, for added dramatic effect.

"Of course I don't! I am Alice, I've never been not Alice, I wouldn't know how to be. There shouldn't be any implications- only that it is my name. Begging the question though, where exactly is here?" Alice couldn't remember ever seeing such tall flowers before, ones that could even talk. Come to think of it, how had she even gotten here? She would have liked to have been left to her pondering, but the ever-present sunflower brought her back to reality.

"Goodness gracious girl! This is Underland!" The sunflower turned to a neighboring flower and gossiped to it as it came awake. "You think she would remember, seeing as it's only been a few months."

"Oh, yes, unless she is the wrong Alice." The drowsy flower answered.

"No,no, we already went through this last time, she's the right Alice." The sunflower retorted unhappily.

"The right Alice, with the wrong memory." The second flower, a male, added in.

"She'll remember in time." Lady sunflower sighed.

"Oh… Tarrant will not be happy with this…" He groaned.

"He should know by now! Love-sick fool that he is." A bit of attitude mixed with annoyance were mixed in with her words.

"And she has to cope with it, Poor Alice." The boy sympathized, completely ignoring his friend's tone.

"Poor Tarrant." They both agreed.

While the two flowers were rambling on about someone Alice knew naught, the child was busy trying to find a way, well, away. She had brushed off her blue dress, re-tied her boots, and was in the process of walking south when the two finished and realized her movement.

"Wait, Alice!" The sunflower called. "You are going quite the wrong way, and at quite the wrong size."

Alice stopped in her tracks in order to turn around and head the other way, but she had no such intention of talking with the flower. That had proved unproductive, albeit interesting.

"Here," The boy flower said right as Alice passed him, and he brought out a small cake from the ground behind him. Handing it out to her on a leaf-like arm, he gently stopped her strut.

"Thank you." Said the girl tartly, sparing only enough time to curtsey and take the gift. She did not mean to be mean, but she really did need to figure things out. She was about to start off again, but some writing on the cake caught her attention and confused her. The icing on the treat clearly read 'Eat me'

"Please wait until you are out of the garden." He stated without need of provocation.

Alice nodded, a bit miffed. She then walked off into the horizon to the north, out of the flower garden and the sight of the inhabitants.

"Well, I know one thing for certain," The sunflower huffed, "She's ruder than last time I saw her."


{This one is just a start, second part is explaining a bit more thouroughly how, or rather, when, this story takes place. The third story is about who dreams who}

Hope you have or are enjoying, and I'm sorry if nothing makes sense (In truth, it all makes perfect sense to me; but then again, I am me).