Author's Notes: Quick update yay me! Trying to get as much done as possible before I start college again... I realised I don't really know where I'm going with this story. I know I want Sasuke to have another babba (poor Sasu...) but I don't really have an end point it sight! Might end up as one of those fics with 50 odd chapters, who knows!

Anyway back to this current chapter, I tried to do a bit of research. (Because I have never given birth!) I didn't want it to be too graphic (cause I know he can be pretty graphic in real life heh..) but I wanted it to be believable.

BTW Some people might be confused by the term 'nappy', it's what we english people call a 'diaper'!

Thanks to xXNaruSasuXx, kuzon234ray. saruke101. moopad, shane, rao hyuga 18, 'me', Ichigo123663, Wolf B, Harco8059, 'XoX' and QuesoPwnz!

You guys encourage me to update quicker, and put a smile on my face *blushes* heheheee

Chapter Six - When Sasuke Uchiha Lost His Dignity

"You're on your own with this one mate." The Naruto bunshin looked at him apologetically before poofing away.

"Oi you cheeky little shit! But Sasuke I don't-I don't know how!"

Sasuke doubled over in pain and Naruto rushed to his side. "Ok just take a deep breathe and lie down on the table."

"We don't have another choice."

Naruto paused for a moment, as if trying to think of another solution before he reluctantly tugged on Sasuke's dirtied sweatpants. "I guess you better take your pants off." With a dark look on his face Sasuke raised his hips to allow Naruto relieve him of the item of clothing. "Going commando eh?" The blond's lips curved in amusement at the absence of undergarments.

"Shut it and don't you dare say anything about-"Sasuke began through gritted teeth.

"Holy shit, I can see your vagina!"

"Naruto…" Sasuke's voice was low and dangerous.

"This is wrong on soooo many levels."

"If you ever want to see this child, you will shut the fuck up now."

"O-Ok Sasuke, just deactivate the Sharingan."

"My contractions are about 2 minutes apart. Put on those gloves, and bring some blankets over here."

Naruto put on the gloves, the plastic snapped around his tanned wrists. Next he grabbed the small stool and placed it at the end of the table Sasuke was lying on. The raven grumbled as he drew up his knees, granting Naruto access. The tall blond brought one of the larger blankets and draped it over Sasuke's hips, so he could maintain his dignity, (which considering his current predicament was highly unlikely even with the aid of an appropriately placed blanket). He also retrieved several smaller blankets, all were of which purple in colour. He shivered with disgust at using the snake bastard's property, but like Sasuke said, they didn't have a choice right now. He plopped down on the stool and peered in between Sasuke's pale thighs, "I think I see something?"

"Is it crowning?" Sasuke propped himself up on his elbows, but he couldn't see anything as his huge bump was obscuring his view.

"Is it what?"

"Why are you so fucking stupid! Can you see the fucking head?" Sasuke snapped, suddenly wishing he had used the sperm of someone with more functioning brain cells.

"I don't know!"

"Arghhhh" Sasuke groaned, heat prickling on his neck, sweat beading on his forehead.

"Just…Just calm down…"

"I am fucking calm!"

"Ok…take deep breaths…"

"This is all you fault, next time you can give birth!"

"What! You where the one that wanted-"

"Shut the fuck up, when the baby is out I'm going to rip your fucking dick off!"

Naruto swallowed, he was glad that Sasuke didn't go into labour often…
"Yes I can defiantly see the head now…I think you might have to push now?"

"Well done genius!" Sasuke screwed his eyes shut, trying to focus of regulating his breathing and not the excruciating pain burning in his groin.

The blond ignored other's remarks, it amazed him how Sasuke could still insult him in a situation like this, when there was a baby coming out of his...

"Just a few more pushes"

"I can't do this."

"You're doing really well. Sasuke you can do this, I believe in – OH MY GOD ITS COMING!"

Sasuke grunted, using all of his muscles to squeeze the baby through his temporary birth canal.

"That's it Sasuke, come on!"

"Shut….up….Remember… stroke downwards on its nose and mouth…clear fluids…" Sasuke said in between pants.

"Got it" He looked down at the little head coming out of Sasuke's jutsu induced vagina. To a lot of people this might have looked like something out of a nightmare, but this was his baby. He delicately ran his finger down the curve of its little nose till he reached the start of its little lips.

Sasuke couldn't remember pain before this, "Auuuughhhhh" His hands gripped the edges of the table.

"The shoulders are coming. Keep going" Naruto reassured Sasuke, keeping calm and focused even though the echos of Sasuke's screams were resounding in this small cave.

Soon the top half of its torso was out and Naruto cradled the baby's head to allow all the fluids to be drained. "Nearly there Sasuke." He stroked Sasuke's thigh gently. "I can see that cordy thing."

"Don't cut yet…." He managed to get out through laboured breathes.

"Moment of truth…Is it gonna be a boy or girl? I'm thinking a boy, just got this feeling you know. What about you?" Naruto blabbered, drowning out the sounds of Sasuke's grunts and cries.


"Heh…Guess you're not really thinking about that right now…That's it, one more push!"


"Ok maybe one more!"


"Sorry one more, but I really think this-SHIT!"

The baby's hips, legs and feet slipped out and Naruto only just had time to grab the towel on the table, and catch it.


"What! Is everything ok!"

"There is a penis!" Naruto wrapped him up in the blanket. He noticed the colour of his blood-matted hair was dark, like Sasuke's, and that he had 10 tiny fingers, 10 tiny toes and not a fury tail in sight, perfect!

"It's a boy… Wait, why isn't he crying?"

"I don't know he looks alright to me?"

"They all cry when they come out!"

"He's fine. They are supposed to be covered in all that blood and stuff right?" He asked using a finger to wipe his son's face.

"Yeah…Can I see?"

"Oh sure…sorry…" He stood up and walked around to Sasuke's side, being carefully not to pull the umbilical cord, fortunately it was long enough to reach. He lowered the baby into Sasuke's arms and perched on the edge of the table, watching Sasuke's face as he met his son for the first time. He knew Sasuke was probably exhausted and maybe in some pain as well, but there was still a genuine smile on his face. "Feels weird don't it? After all this time he's finally here…"

"Yeah…" Sasuke's voice cracked. He never though he would feel this emotional, he put it down to all the hormones and fatigue. He felt Naruto's arm creep round his shoulder, but even that couldn't piss him off right now. This amazing little life that had been growing inside him, that had been a part of him. He had nurtured him and carried him, and now he was finally here, staring back at him with glassy grey eyes. He pressed his lips against the baby's head. "Minato."

Naruto felt his eyes well up and a lump in his throat which made it hard to swallow. "Thank you Sasuke…For giving me a family."

For a few moments there was just a comfortable silence, unsaid words hanging in the air. There were times when talking wasn't necessary,

It was then that Sasuke began to feel somewhat strange. "Naruto…I can't change back."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't release the jutsu."

"Well after 8 months, maybe you're body doesn't want to go back to being all male?" Naruto chuckled.

"This is serious you idiot! Cut the umbilical cord now, it should have stopped pulsing. Clamp it first, there is one on that other table." Sasuke gestured vaguely to his left.

Naruto did as he was told and got the strange piece of equipment that Orochimaru had placed there and clamped it down firmly around the cord, just above Minato's navel. He reached for a kunai, (obviously not thinking about hygiene), and attempted to cut through the grey-ish tube. It was tougher than he expected, but his kunai was sharp and a clean cut was made about 2cm from Minato's umbilicus. "Done."

"I still can't change! Is there something wrong down there?"

"There was a bit of blood when junior came out but it didn't look that bad…" Naruto took another glance under the blanket and saw blood pooling there. "Shit you're bleeding!"

"It feels numb down there." Sasuke informed him weakly.

"You need help. Let's go back to the village." Naruto grabbed another one of the larger blankets and covered Sasuke, trying to make sure he retained as much body heat as possible. "Are you alright holding him?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Ok I'll carry you." He gently lifted Sasuke and started the short journey.

It didn't take them long to get back into the village, but by now Sasuke looked very pale, this in itself wasn't an unusual occurrence, but along with his half-lidded eyes, he looked sick, very sick.

"Just stay with me Sasuke…"

"Naruto…don't let me die…" Sasuke muttered as he drifted in and out of unconsciousness.

"Damnit Sasuke, you're not going to die! Stop being such a drama queen" Sasuke had lost a lot of blood and he knew if they didn't get help soon, there would be a chance he would die. A hospital may have been where any normal ninja would have gone to but, being Naruto, he went straight to the Hokage.

He ignored the weird looks from various ANBU guarding the building, and climbed the stairs to the top floor.

Sakura and Tsunade were discussing a hospital report when a red chakra fist punched through the doors, sending metal fragments flying in every direction

"Naruto, you better have a good reason for breaking my door down." Tsunande's eye narrowed as she observed the motionless Uchiha and the small baby in his arms.

"Sasuke just gave birth and now he can't change back to a man, he's bleeding a lot down there, he's really cold, he's lost so much blood, I think-"

"Naruto shut up." Tsunade got to her feet immediately. "Lie Sasuke on the floor and take the baby, Sakura get some blankets."
Naruto placed Sasuke's body on the floor, and prized their son out of his arms and cradled him.
The pinkette rushed out of the room and Tsunade got to work. She took a quick peek at the bloody mess between Sasuke's legs, "You've got quite a big tear here…" Her hands hovered over the raven's lower abdomen, a greenish light emerging from her fingertips. Her hands drifted over his groin area, speeding up the blood clotting process that was taking part and gradually stopping the bleeding.

Sakura returned with the blankets, "Naruto here is a cloth to clean up your baby. Wow it feels weird saying that. I can't believe you're a dad now!" He gave a weak smile at her words. "He's going to be alright, don't worry. May I?" She gently dabbed the wet cloth on the baby's face, wiping away all the muck that clung to his skin. "He's beautiful. What's his-"

"I've almost healed the tear, he should come around soon." The Godaime interjected and sure enough, colour flooded back to Sasuke's cheeks, not that there was much colour there to begin with. "He needs rest, Naruto take him to the hospital."

"Do you want me to hold him?" Sakura asked softly. Naruto hesitated, even though this was Sakura-chan, whom he trusted his life with. It was just too soon to hand him over to someone else. "It's ok, Naruto." The medic-nin reassured him, Naruto nodded and handed her the little bundle. Sakura wrapped the baby in a fresh blanket as there was blood and what smelt like urine on his other one. (Minato's first wee!)



"You were going to ask me his name…It's Minato." Naruto paused for a moment. "Baa-chan, can't he rest at my house?"

"hmm fine, but you have to keep and eye on him."

Scooping Sasuke up and nodding he turned on his heel, following his pink-haired friend.

"Oh and Naruto?"



Even with an unconscious Sasuke in his arms, he couldn't keep the grin off his face.

"Oh and I want a report of what happened with Orochimaru by the end of the week."

Naruto's grin abruptly disappeared, way to ruin the moment Baa-chan.

Once Sasuke was tucked up in bed, Sakura handed the boy back to his father. "He's very healthy, you and Sasuke did a good job."

"I guess we did." He said bringing the baby to his chest and rocking him gently. "He never cries though, isn't that a bit strange?"

She looked thoughtful for a moment, "Perhaps he's a quiet one, just like his other daddy."

"Yeah maybe."

"Well I best be going, you know where I am if you need me, I'll be round later in the week with some more milk and for a check up."

"Thanks Sakura-chan."

"Its just you and me buddy." He said at the sound of the closing door. "Guess we should put some clothes and a nappy on you." He went through to his bedroom, where Sasuke was in a deep sleep. He held Minato with one hand, using the other to rummage though the backpack on the floor. He retrieved a sleep suit, mittens, a hat and several nappies. He went back to the other room and carefully put the baby on the sofa. "Ok I've never put on one of these before…so you put this here" He raised Minato's legs in the air and place the nappy under his peachy behind. "…and then…where do these go?" He frowned, pulling at the flaps. "Ah, I've done it!" He said proudly after minutes of struggling. "Wait…It's the wrong way round, shit!"

Once the nappy was on, and on the right way, it was time for the clothes. He slipped on the white all in one sleep suit, doing up the poppers on the inside legs and then put on the mitts of the same colour. When he picked up the hat he noticed there was a small Uchiha symbol on the right hand corner, and Naruto's signature orange swirl in the left corner. This brought a smile to his lips as he placed it on his baby's head, wondering where Sasuke got this from. "Hey how do you like that?" Minato waved his limbs in approval. "Yeah you look good. I don't know about you, but I'm starving."

He picked his son up again, walking over to his small kitchen. To his surprise the cupboards were fully stocked with Ramen. "Heh looks like your mumma went out and got some presents for me last night after our little tiff." He selected the pork flavour. "Unfortunately you're too young for ramen, don't worry, it won't be long before you can have some. Do you want some milk?" He put the ramen on the counter and opened the fridge, taking out one of the bottles of milk that Sakura had brought them. "Here you go." He said, bringing the teat to Minato's lips. He remembered to hold the baby at an angle, so he wouldn't choke on the milk. He chuckled as Minato suckled desperately. "I guess you were hungry." He removed the bottle when most of its contents was gone. "Now I've gotta burp you, right?" He lifted Minato so his head was peering over his right shoulder, and with his other hand he patted the baby's back firmly. Minato emitted a series of burps and after a particularly loud one, he proceeded to vomit down the back of Naruto's black shirt. "Thanks for that son." His nose crinkled as the smell hit him. He put the baby on the sofa again, and peeled of his t-shirt, discarding it somewhere on the floor. "Just gonna make this ramen…"

After adding boiling water, his meal was now complete, he grabbed a pair of chopsticks and joined his son on the sofa, who was sleeping contently.
He devoured his food quickly, eager to get some sleep. He didn't realise how much energy today had taken from him. "Ok I'm finished, let's go to bed." He left his bowl on the table and picked Minato from the sofa, who started wailing at being rudely awoken. "Hey shhhhhh. I was beginning to think you couldn't cry…You don't like being woken up huh? Just like your mum…" He rocked the baby until his cries quietened.

Sasuke was still sound asleep, curled up on his side. After undoing his trousers one handed, he slipped in beside the sleeping man. He settled Minato in between them and turned to face him. For a while he just listened to the soft sounds of his breathing, before his own eyes fluttered shut and sleep took over.

Sasuke bolted upright, heart racing. The last thing he remembered was Naruto carrying him back to Konoha because he was bleeding heavily. What happened to Minato? As if to say, 'daddy I'm here' he heard a little cough, too delicate to come from Naruto's mouth. He reached an arm over to rub his stomach and Minato gurgled contently. He smiled softly, so caught up in his baby that he didn't notice Naruto stir and blue eyes watch him.

"He's perfect isn't he?"

"Of course, his my offspring."

"Yeah mine too."

"Don't tell him that."

Naruto chuckled. "Glad to see your feeling better bastard, I was a bit worried back there."

"You think I would die and let you raise Minato alone? That would be child abuse." He smirked, enjoying the return of their banter.

"So have you got your dick back yet?" This earned a scowl from the other man.

"I should try changing back now…" His eyes narrowed in concentration and there was a small cloud of white smoke. "Now let's see…" He peered underneath the covers and let out a sigh of relief. "I've never been happier to see my penis."

Naruto was about to say that he was pretty happy to see it too, when a disgusting smell wafted up his nose.

"Naruto, that's absolutely vile. You could have warmed me at least." Sasuke pinched his nose.

"It actually wasn't me!" He protested his innocence. "It was him!" He point at the little angel between them.

"I guessed that, I was just joking."

"You were joking? That's weirder than me not farting!"

"Whatever idiot. Can you get me some underwear?"

Naruto groaned as he got up and riffled through his draws, pulling out his most hideous pair of boxers he could find. They were orange with green swirls. He snickered as he threw them in Sasuke's direction, "There ya go!"

Sasuke eyed them with plain disgust but put them on anyway, deciding to rise above Naruto's level of maturity. He scooped Minato up in his arms.

"Hey Sasuke, why are you so skinny? Women are always fatter after they give birth."

"Well I'm not a woman." It was true, after reverting back to his normal form, he was the same size as he had been before he became pregnant. Although a lot of muscle had turn to fat after months of no training. That was something he intended on changing as soon as possible.

The blond shrugged his shoulders and followed Sasuke into the other room. "You know we really need to go shopping. We have no cot, no pram, not enough clothes, nappies, etc etc"

"Yeah let's go to town later." He agreed.

"Are you feeling up to it?"

"Yes I'm fine" Sasuke undressed Minato and changed the nappy, quickly and efficiently.

"Have you been practising that?"

"It's not exactly difficult, only a real dumb ass would find this hard."

"Yeah..heh…heh….So what time is it?" Naruto asked, swiftly changing the subject.

"About 6:30, we'll head out at 9."

"Yes sir! I'm gonna jump in the shower." He bent down to give Minato a kiss, and squeezed Sasuke's shoulder, oblivious to the annoying fluttering that his actions gave the brunet,

'Stupid idiot.'

"Sasukeeee my arms hurt"

"I thought I only had one baby? Naruto you're used to throwing 'rasengan shurikan'. 5 bags of shopping should be no problem for you."

"But they are so heavy!"

So far they had stocked up on nappies, bottles, clothing and bought necessities such as a crib and pram. Gama-chan was feeling noticeably lighter. They had decided to use the push chair now as it was easier than Sasuke carrying the baby for the whole duration of their outing.

"Sasuke? Naruto?"

"Sakura!" Naruto chirped, waving his bag-laden hands.

"Imagine bumping in to you two on my break. I'm kind of in a hurry actually, I'm meeting Lee. See you around." She smiled warmly at them both, taking a quick glance at the sleeping newborn in the pram. "Remember to rest Sasuke. Oh I forgot. Next week I'm having a gathering at my place, I have an announcement to make." She added with a note of mystery in her voice.

"Oooh do I hear wedding bells?" Naruto teased.

Sakura opened her lips to say something, but pursed them shut again, deciding not to comment. She gave a cheerful wave before walking in the opposite direction.

"Come on Naruto, we're nearly done."

"Can't we just go home…."

"No we need food and before you say 'we have ramen', I mean real food."

"Meh fine…" Naruto muttered, dawdling as Sasuke sped off ahead. As soon as he entered the grocery store, someone called his name.


"I'm beginning to feel like a celebrity or something…" Naruto jested, turning round to see who was there. "Iruka-Sensei?"

"Never thought I'd see you in a place that sells vegetables Naruto."

"Yeah it's all Sasuke's fault…"

"Where is Sasuke-kun? And Naruto….are those nappies?"

"He's in here somewhere…Um yeah they are…"

"Why would you be buying such things?"

"Naruto there you are, are you going to help me or what?"

"Sasuke-kun?" Iruka's brown eyes widened at the sight of the pram, putting two and two together in his head. "Is there a baby in there?"

"Yes." Sasuke returned curtly.

Naruto started fidgeting, wondering how his former sensei would react.

"Is it your baby?"

"Yes and its not an 'it'. He is a 'he'." Sasuke informed him.

"But-but how did you two-"

"It's a long story Iruka-sensei... Sorry I should have told you before…"

"Don't be silly Naruto. I'm just so surprised…" He paused for a moment as if collecting his thoughts before lurching forward and pulling the blond into a tight hug, causing Naruto to drop his bags. "Congratulations."

After released Naruto, he turned to Sasuke, "Can I have a look?"

The young man nodded, pushing the pram further towards the teacher. "He's sleeping at the moment."

"What's his name?"

"Minato Uzumaki!"

"Usuratonkachi, don't you mean Minato Uchiha-Uzumaki?"

"Hey if he's gonna be double barrel, it's gonna be Minato Uzumaki-Uchiha!"

"My name comes first alphabetically."

"Ah anyways…I best be going…" Iruka said, sensing a fight was about to break out. "Don't forget to invite me over sometimes."

"Bye Iruka-sensei!"

"Now lets get back to the shopping before we bump into anyone else."

Sasuke's eye twitched in annoyance, he could always count on Naruto to fuck up the simplest of tasks. Said blond was currently putting together the crib, using the end of a kunai to hammer the nails in place. He seemed to use too much force to fix the nails in place as the wood began to crack around the head of the nail, sending small splinters of wood flying. A string of curses followed and for a moment Sasuke thought Naruto was going to make a rasengan and aim it at the already crippled frame of the supposed crib.

"Naruto, it's ok. Minato can just sleep with us for a few more nights." Sasuke took pity on him, he tried his hardest. It wasn't his fault that it didn't come with instructions suitable for Naruto's level of intelligence, and that his pride made him refused help from Sasuke.

"No, I'm nearly done. Just this last nail." He persisted using his faithfull kunai to attach the last two pieces together. "There!"

The both eyed the piece of furniture suspiciously. It looked unstable but vaguely resembled a cot. Sasuke was about to acknowledge Naruto's efforts when there was a creaking sound and the whole thing fell to pieces on the ground.

"Fuck this I'm having a shower." Naruto grumbled running fingers through his hair.

It was rare to see Naruto stressed, very uncharacteristic, Sasuke pondered. "Looks like you will be sleeping here for a couple more nights" He informed the newborn, placing him gently on Naruto's, well their bed. He lay down next to him, on his side facing his son. "You're my only family now." He told him. : My brother, your uncle, he killed my whole clan. But I don't want you to hate him, like I did. I despised him after that incident, I lived my life for the sole purpose for killing him, and I did, but it didn't change anything, there was still that emptiness." He paused listening to the light snoring of the sleeping baby. "Naruto doesn't have any relatives either. His father was the 4th Hokage, that's who you're named after. He died protecting this village. And Naruto's mum, she was a jinchuuriki, just like him." He idly stroked the dark mop of hair. "Your other dad is an idiot. He hardly ever thinks before he says or does something. He wears far too much orange. He's abnormally happy, all the time. He has an unhealthy obsession with ramen. And he's obnoxiously loud. But it's ok, because that's why we…that's why we love him…"

The sound of someone clearing their throat alerted him, much to his horror Naruto was standing in the door way. An orange towel slung low on his hips. "The shower is free."

'Shit did Naruto hear that? Why didn't he say anything?' His eyes were wide, and his mouth was hanging open slightly in a very un-uchiha like expression. "Naruto…How much did you hear? He enquired once he had regained control of his emotions.

"Oh not much, just the last part." He replied nonchalantly. "We don't have to talk about it now though…" He grabbed a pale wrist as the other eagerly strode past him to the solitary confinements of the bathroom. "But we will talk about this…" he added, his voice low and gravelly. "We can't just keep pretending…"

"I'm going to have a shower." Sasuke informed him, matter-of-factly. He tried to pull his hand free, but Naruto tightened his grip.

"You bastard, this isn't about you and me anymore. We have a baby, together." Naruto's eyes were blazing and he edged closed to the Uchiha, closing the gap between them.

"I fucking know that." Sasuke snarled, his dark eyes matching Naruto's in intensity.

"And you know how I feel about you."

"Do I? You're always making a big laugh and joke out of things, how do I know when you're being serious?"

Naruto's eyes softened. "Iruka was right, you're not really the sharpest kunai when it comes to these things…"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'll make it simple for you." His other hand reached up to cup Sasuke's face, he bent down slightly to press his lips against the shorter man's. It was sweet and chaste, nothing like their previous encounter. When he pulled his lips away, he rested his forehead against Sasuke's. "All I want is you and Minato, you're my family. Don't shut me out, please."

Sasuke stayed silent, partly because he had no idea what to say, but also he was afraid what would come out of his mouth if he opened it. Was he ready to admit to his 'feeling' for the blond? Did he even know what these feelings were? No was probably the answer to both those questions, so he decided in this instance that actions were better than words. Reaching up on his tip toes, inwardly cursing the idiot for being so abnormally tall, he brushed his lips against Naruto's. "I'm going to have a shower now." He repeated, leaving Naruto opening and closing his mouth, doing a good impression of a goldfish.

Naruto stared after the retreating figure, feeling more confused after then conversation than before it. Sasuke had kissed him. What did this mean? Was Sasuke his…boyfriend now? Fortunately he knew someone who was well versed in relationships.

'Hey daddy.'

'Don't call me that Kyuubi, it's fucking creepy.'

'Bet you'd like it if that Uchiha bitch called you it'

'I can't imagine those words ever coming out of his mouth…'

'Maybe you need to put something in his mouth instead?' He suggested innocently whilst wearing a perverted leer on his face.

'What!" Naruto spluttered feeling heat rising to his cheeks as certain images floated into his head, no doubt courtesy of the devious Kitsune.

'Come on brat get some balls, the fucking snake in there has more guts than you.' He gestured a clawed paw in the direction of the cage and the dark abyss within.

Naruto cleared his throat. 'Has he been behaving himself?'

'Most of the time, but if he's naughty I make sure he receives punishment.' A rumbling laugh rang eerily though the plane of Naruto's mind.

'Anyway I came here to ask you what I should do about Sasuke.'

'Take the advice I gave you last time, fuck that skinny ass emo bitch.'

'Some proper advice!'

'Ok fine. You should woo him, in essence, show him you're a viable mate and that you can look after him and your kit.'

'My what?'

'Kit. It's what we foxes call our young.'

'How am I supposed to 'woo' an Uchiha exactly?'

'I dunno buy him flowers or something.'

'Yeah I'm sure Sasuke will love that…'

'What will Sasuke love?' Naruto and Kyuubi turned their attention to the intruder, Sasuke.

'What are you doing here?'

'I came back from my shower to find you staring off into space, still in the exact position you were when I left, I figured you would be here talking to that…thing.' His eyes darted over to the fox, crouched down, 9 tails swaying proudly behind him.

'See what I mean about attitude? You boy gotta learn some respect.'

'I save my respect for those who actually deserve it. Let's go Naruto.'

'I'd watch yourself Uchiha, especially your ass.'

Sasuke glanced at Naruto, who in returned grinned at him awkwardly.

Naruto blinked and he was in his bedroom, Sasuke was already dressed in a pair of loose black tracksuit bottoms, towelling his damp hair. Naruto looked downed and realised he was still only attired in an orange towel, which was dangerously low. He was sure he saw Sasuke looking at him, or rather at his exposed body. He could have sworn he saw his dark eyes follow the trail of golden hairs that began under his belly button and disappeared beneath his towel. Naruto decided on this occasion to let it slide, he knew he already had asked too much of the Uchiha today. Naruto went over to his draws and dropped his towel, giving Sasuke a rather pleasant view of the blond's toned behind.

Sasuke forcibly averted his gaze. "Naruto just because of …earlier doesn't mean you can expose yourself to me at free will."

Naruto wriggled into a pair of grey boxers and flashed Sasuke a bright smile. "I think it does."

Both shinobi got into bed either side of their sleeping son. Naruto tickled his chubby cheek softly. "Night Mina-chan."

Sasuke gave an almost-smile.

"Goodnight Sasu-chan!" Naruto sing songed, in the same, playful voice he used to talk to Minato.

"Don't call me that usuratonkachi."

"Hehe fine bastard,,," Naruto pulled the covers over his naked torso, carefully making sure he didn't smother Minato in the process. "You know I was thinking…"

"Naruto don't start sentences like that, you know it scares me."

"Oh ha ha very funny Uchiha…anyway like I said, I was thinking, would you be opposed to having any more kids in the future?"

"I hope you're fucking joking"

"No I'm not!"

Sasuke paused, formulating a suitable answer. "No I would love for Minato to have a brother or sister," He saw the other's face quickly light up. "But you will be the one doing the jutsu next time."

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Naruto screeched.

"Shut up you will wake Minato!" Sasuke hissed.

"I am not being a chick for 9 months! And I'm sure as hell not pushing a baby out of my vagina! Besides I can't!"

"Oh and why is that? Please enlighten me."

"Well during birth a jinchuuriki's seal is weakened, and you know my mum used to hold the Kyuubi? When she was giving birth to me, Madara Uchiha came along and stole the Kyuubi and that's when all that shit went down."

"Right but the Kyuubi is no longer sealed anyway right?"

"Yeah but would you wanna risk it? Madara Uchiha is still out there… Besides most jinchuuriki die when their demons are removed… You don't want to risk that do you?" He asked, his blue eyes wide and innocent.

"Puppy dog eyes won't work on me."

"So you would be willing to carry another one of Naruto Uzumaki's great offspring?"

"You idiot, I gave birth yesterday. Going through that all again is the last thing on my fucking mind!"

"Ok ok! Just think about it..."


"G'night Sasuke…"

"…Good night"

The next few days went past uneventfully. The new parents had settled into some form of routine. Sasuke was on night duty, and Naruto did the morning feeds, (because Sasuke was crankier than usual if he was awoken before 9am). They took turns changing nappies, Naruto was quickly becoming an expert in the art.

There were no further advancements in their relationship. Naruto took Kyuubi's advice and made breakfast for Sasuke every morning, offered the bastard foot rubs (to which he politely declined), regularly complimented his appearance and was one step away from buying flowers. Desperate times…

"Naruto we have to go round to Sakura's today, remember?" Sasuke reminded him. Sakura had an 'announcement' to make, thought his instincts told him the pinkette was up to something.

"Shit yeah. What time do we have to be there?"

"She said around 1pm, so let's just finish lunch and get ready."

"What do you mean get ready? Can't I wear this?"

"No orange. I have a shirt that will look good on you." Sasuke coughed in attempt to cover his mistake. "I meant…"

"Don't worry Sasuke, I know you think I'm sexy!" Naruto took this opportunity to strip, pulling the orange top over is head and letting his shorts pool around his ankles.

"Why do you always insist on getting naked?"

"If you've got it, flaunt it!" Naruto returned, throwing a saucy wink over his shoulder as he went into the bedroom.

Sasuke pinched the bridge of his nose, hoping the blush he knew was on his face would go away before the blond came back. 'That idiot is going to be the death of me.'

Sakura heard the heavy banging on her door, and she knew immediately it was Naruto. She smoothed her pink skirt and signalled to the others in her house. "Positions everyone" She said in a low whisper.

Once everyone was concealed she headed for the door, "Hello boys!" she greeted, leaving her door wide so Sasuke could fit the pram through the entrance. "Looking unusually smart today Naruto."

"Yeah blame Sasuke." Naruto stuck his tongue out at the other, but Sasuke ignored the childish gesture.

"Come through to the living room guys."

"SURPRISE!" Several familiar faces popped out behind various item of furniture, including the rest of Konoha 11 and Yamato-sensei. Kakashi was no where in sight, no doubt he would arrive late.

Sakura giggled at the look on Sasuke's face. "I lied, I don't have an announcement, this is a party for baby Minato." She reached a hand into the pram and rubbed his blanket-covered belly affectionately.

"Thanks guys! Isn't this nice Sasuke?"

"Yes, how thoughtful of you..." Sasuke said with as much politeness as he could muster. Of course, Sasuke liked nothing more than a good party! Actually he liked a lot of things more than a party, like slitting his wrists with a rusty kunai.

"So it's really true. The two of you…" Neji voiced.

"That's some freaky shit right there."

"Shut it Kiba." Naruto growled.

"We're all really happy for you Naruto-kun, Sasuke-kun." Hinata chirped out, causing a quick smile to split Naruto's fox-like features.

"Sakura and I always knew you two were meant to be!" Ino chimed in.

It didn't take long for the other shinobi to adjust to the situation, the girls (Ino, Sakura, Ten Ten and Hinata) were busy cooing over little Minato.

Sakura cradled the baby in her arms, it was the first time she had seen him fully awake and alert.

"He's got Naruto's eyes." Even thought she didn't harbour a crush on the hyperactive blond anymore, Hinata knew the colour well.

"And Sasuke's sexy hair!" Ino claimed.

"Who would have thought Sasuke Uchiha would be the first one of Rookie 9 to have a baby?" Said Ten Ten.

Naruto, Kiba and Lee were talking animatedly in the corner. Chouji was no doubt in the kitchen and Shikamaru was outside having a cigarette. Mean while Sasuke, Neji and Shino were sitting in silence on Sakura's pink sofa, Sasuke had his eyes pinned on the girls fondling his child, poor Minato, Their lack of conversation was interrupted by a knocking at the door.

"Finally he's here!" Sakura went to the door and returned with a certain silver-hair Jounin. "Now we can start opening the presents!"

Ino and Sakura disappeared into another room and returned moments later with various shaped packages stacked in their arms.

Naruto looked like a 6 year old boy who had woken up at 7am on Christmas morning. "Sasuke can I open them? Please please please!" tanned hands clasped together in front of his face, eyes wide and desperate.

"Hn fine."

"You two sit on the sofa" Sakura instructed as she cleared some space on her coffee table for the gifts. The other guests found a chairs to sit down on and waited for the unwrapping to begin.

"Oh wait this is from me." Yamato piped up, picking up his very large gift and placing at Naruto's feet. Naruto wasted no time in tearing through the thin paper coverings. "A crib!" Naruto declared.

"We needed one of those…" Sasuke added, sending a glance in Naruto's direction.

It was a fine looking piece of furniture, the frame made from a dark mahogany, strong and sturdy. There was a white mattress and blanked already at the bottom.

"Actually I haven't finished it yet." Yamato admitted, raising his hands towards the crib. Lengths of wood shoot out from his fingertips, twisting into shape. The wood split of into different sections, forming a wooden stans "Now you can put this here." He said picking up what he had made earlier and placing it on the base of the stand.

"It's perfect, thanks sensei! Ok next present!" Naruto hollered, selecting a green covered parcel.

"Yes Naruto-san! That is my gift to celebrate the youth of this new life!" Lee cheered, his dark eyes glistening with unshed tears of happiness.

Naruto frowned as he tore off obnoxiously bright green paper, only find that there was in fact another layer underneath, (and 3 more layers under that.)
This irritated Sasuke terribly, but Naruto seemed to enjoy this game. "Yessss the last layer! I can't wait to see what it is!"

"The anticipation is too much!" Lee cried.

Sasuke felt a migraine coming on.

Naruto held up the contents for all to see. A green spandex leotard, along with yellow leg warmers.

"The material is stretchy, so it should be a percfect fit!"

"I love it! I can't wait to see Minato in this!"

Sasuke's eye twitched at the disgusting garments, before sending a look to sleeping Minato, blissfully unaware of what horrors lie ahead of him. 'Don't worry I won't let him put you in that.'

Naruto went through the pile of presents in seemingly no time at all. They had received toys from Hinata and Neji, a bug mobile from Shino (not a phone, one of those hanging things! Hey are those bugs real? Eww..), a baby bouncer from Ino, Shikamaru and Chouji, some 'play' shurikan from Ten Ten and a baby bath from Sakura, (along with a lecture in health and hygiene).

Later Kakashi had pulled Naruto aside to give his gift, as it was for the blond only. "There's only so many times I can read this." He said almost sadly, his uncovered eye scanning the room to make sure no one else was present. "I am handing this down to you, and with it comes my legacy." He reached into his bank pocket and pulled out the orange hard back.


"Don't say anything, just take it. I know you will do me proud. Let's go back to the party now, we are starting to look suspicious." Kakashi patted him on the back. "Oh on a side note, I think you will find page 134 of particular interest."

"What's on page 134?"

"That's where the gay scenes start." Kakashi informed him casually.

A younger, more naïve Naruto would have screeched in disgust, but this Naruto simply cleared his throat and took the book from Kakashi's grasp, putting it in his own back pocket.

'Kyuubi and I will enjoy reading that later…'

Overall it wasn't too traumatising, Sasuke mused underneath the spray of the hot running water. And Naruto had certainly enjoyed himself. After washing the conditioner out of his hair, (there is nothing feminine about men conditioning their hair! Lots of very manly men do it! Keeps the ends nice and soft…), he turned off the water and wrapped a navy blue towel around his toned waist. He unlocked the door (he had learnt to always do this to ensure perverted blonds don't wonder in unexpectedly), and stepped out into the living room, The sight of the two of them fast asleep, Minato lying stomach down on Naruto's bare chest brought a faint trace of a smile to Sasuke's features. He walked over to the dozing pair and picked Minato up, the baby instantly started crying at the loss of comfort. "Shhh I'm just putting you in your bed." Sasuke rubbed his back soothingly and the cries were muted. He set him down in his new crib, pushing the base to create a rocking motion which soon sent Minato back to sleep.

"We were so tired."

Sasuke turned his attention to the blond leaning against the door way, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah I figured. What happened to your shirt?"

"Junior threw up on me again. Why is it always me?"

"Maybe that's his way of showing he cares."

"Looks like he's going to be just as socially retarded as you then!"

"Oh ha ha, very funny…"

"I'm a funny guy."

It was this moment that Sasuke's towel decided to make him regret the day he was born and fall unceremoniously to the ground. Sasuke tried to pick it up or at least move his hands in an attempt to cover his modesty and perhaps save the small amount of his pride that was remaining, but he found himself trapped in Naruto's gaze.

"It's ok Sasuke, don't be embarrassed." Naruto started approaching him with a feral grin on his face and he couldn't step back. His instincts warned him to stay very still because movement would only excite the predator.

"Don't touch me" Sasuke cursed as it didn't come out as threateningly as he had intended.

"But you can't resist me Sasuke." Naruto continued in that bedroom voice. And he hated it. He hated the way his name sounded in that deep purr and he hated the fact that Naruto was probably right. Was this seductive animal in front of him really the same dense Naruto he knew so well? He figured a certain fox has something to do with this. It was then he became acutely aware that Naruto was in dangerously close proximity.

"Why won't you let me have you?" Naruto whispered in a low tone that hinted at darker pleasures. His tongue darted out to lick the shell of his ear and Sasuke couldn't repress the shiver that tingled up his spine.

He felt suffocated by the intensity of Naruto's chakra that was now pouring out of him, bringing him to new levels of arousal. He let out a shaky breath before he spoke.

"If we're going to do this, we're doing it my way…"
