Hello everyone ^^;;;….

As you can see, I'm currently quite ashamed to be speaking to you through the author's note as I just realised that I haven't updated this fic for…. I don't know =_= I'M SO SORRY! I shall be totally honest with you and confess – I got off onepiece for a moment . and decided to quit writing fics permanently. BUT. I was reading some of the latest OnePiece manga, and I just couldn't help but remember this T^T… HOPEFULLY, I WILL BE UPDATING A LITTLE MORE NOW! And thank you for ALL your lovely, amazing, and continuous support!~~!

Disclaimer: OnePiece belongs to me, and me only.

.. jk.

Marco was more than just annoyed. Many reasons added to this simple thought, but the biggest of them was that Ace was GONE…. The small jump through that tiny window had done something historical: actually get Marco MAD enough to be fuming in public. He had also disobeyed him directly and had attacked him in front of the subordinates; something that he would eventually come round to when he finds him. He had to admit though, his main cause for his annoyance was that Ace would most likely die if left at the grand line in his current condition – and event that he had to prevent at all costs, even if it meant for him to be searching the corners of the grand line to find him… But, he didn't need to do that; he knew where he would go…

He scratched his head and sighed.

A vice-commander ran up to him. 'First commander, Marco, sir! Where do we head to?'

'It's not really a question of WHERE, it's the question of WHO…' Marco said dismissively. '….We're going to kill black beard.'

Ace had been traveling for almost 2 full days without stopping, and he felt his body begin to tire at the continuous laboring work. He frowned and urged himself to keep going, focusing on his breathing to coax his body into summoning more energy to fuel his boat. He began to see the outlines of an island, and he instantly forced himself into a full-run, anxious to get there as soon as possible.

He had gathered information through a hacked marine denden mushi that there was an extremely good chance of BlackBeard being situated in the closest island in an exact bearing of 067 degrees to the ship. The moment Ace heard this, he had instantly sped away in the direction, determined to find the traitor and kill him.

He jumped off his boat the moment he got in the 5 meter distance from the island shore, and was infinitely grateful that his body wasn't ruined enough to prevent him from jumping short distances. Without bothering to look carefully at his surroundings, he started to follow the most recent looking tracks through the thick forest, estimating several people to have hacked through the huge trees and plants.

After following for almost an hour, he decided that he might as well take in the surroundings for future reference. He scaled the tree next to him efficiently, looping through the massive needle-like leaves and branches in instinct. When he reached the top, he gasped automatically at the sheer size of what he saw. The distant horizon in front of him was barely recognizable, with all the green and fantastic rows of plants stacked on the ground without a single visible gap, the edges of the forest wasn't even visible to him. He looked back and groaned. The coastline was just in front of him; and if that short distance was an hour's worth of walking…..

Ace sighed tiredly. This was going to take a long time….

Luffy was hungry. Hungry with a desperate passion and longing. Sanji was refusing to give him any more food after last night's raid, and everyone was too busy to keep Luffy distracted from his stomach. His round face scrunched into a dissatisfactory frown – He was bored and hungry, and the only option for him currently would be to find something to amuse himself while dinner was being prepared. He frowned further and started to think on what to do. But when nothing special came to his mind, he pouted and dragged himself towards Nami's cabinet. He shoved his hands inside his pockets and grumpily opened the door to her room.

'Naaammiiiii….. I'm bored….' He whined, looking around for the orange haired navigator.

'I'm tired Luffy… Go and bother someone else for a change….'

Luffy blinked as the voice came from no where. He could swear that the navigator was not in the room, but her voice sounded as clearly as if she was standing right next to him.



Luffy blinked again, this time, looking around frantically to find the source of the voice.

'… Where are you?'

'What?' Her voice started to pick up the familiar annoyance. 'I'm right here you baka!'

Luffy walked into the centre of the room slowly and frowned. 'Mystery Nami….'

'What are you talking about? I'm right in front of you!'

'Uh uh, you're not.' This time, Luffy heard the voice coming from the table.

'YES I AM. Are you getting blind Luffy? I'm just here, look, I'm even waving my arms-'

Nami's voice was interrupted with a sharp intake of breath as Luffy lifted an orange compass in wonder.

'… Nami?'

Haha… yes.. sucky ending, but I so WANTED TO FINISH A CHAPTER BEFORE I GO TO SLEEP w lol….. I CREATED THIS IN A SHORT PERIOD OF 1 HOUR, so please don't bash if it's kinda bad T^T Many loves to Na-Chan00 her story inspires me so much~! PLEASE REVIEW 3333333 kisses to people who do ;)