Disclaimer: Heroes and all related material are copyrighted trademarks of Tim Kring and Universal, all rights reserved. This is a work of fanfiction. No copyright infringement is intended.

Summary: All Peter and Claire had were memories of long-ago stolen moments, of glances that spoke of more feeling than thought possible, of a dark night when a promise was made.

Set: Anytime, really.

Author's Note: Written for Drabble Challenge #30 at Pairechallenge on LiveJournal. So, this is a new pairing, for me at least. I tried to write the story based off the atmosphere I got while reading the poem. I like it, though I know it won't be everyone's cup of tea. It's canon Peter/Claire, so yes, they are related. I'd advise you to stop reading if you have any issues with that.


He's been alone for such a long time, he thinks.

Standing on the green grass, looking at the crowd of mourners and watching the solid cherry casket being lowered solemnly into the ground, he briefly thinks that his days of being alone are over, finally.

Rest in peace, Monty.

"This isn't fair, Peter. We didn't choose this," Claire said.

Peter smiled sadly as he held her, taking comfort in the one person he knew would always exist alongside him.

"No, it's not. It never is."

"Don't we deserve to be happy, too?"

He kissed her desperately. It was all they ever had – stolen kisses that should never have been stolen… moments hidden away from the cold and judgmental eyes of the world. Declarations of love made in secret, in the few times they'd been able to be alone, together.

"We will be, Claire. Someday. Then you won't have to cry anymore."

"Promise?" She looked up at him with trusting green eyes, welled with tears that never seemed to go away when the hopelessness of their reality was upon them.

"I promise. One day we won't have to hide anymore. No one will be around to know, to care about us."

It was all they could promise each other at the time, and in the dark of the night they sealed the promise with kisses and caresses until their bare skin met and they collapsed, spent, sweaty, and somewhat hopeful.

In the years that passed some would comment that it wasn't right for Claire or Peter to be alone all the time, that they could at least try to find someone to make each happy. Every time, they'd simply smile, not letting on that each had already found the one who made them happy, and simply reply that it didn't matter, they had all the time in the world.

So Noah and Sandra got their grandkids from Lyle and his wife. Angela doted (in her mind it was doting, at least) on Monty and Simon. Life went on.

One by one, everyone that Peter and Claire knew, who know them, eventually aged, failed, and died, burying piece by piece the secret that needed to be buried before Claire and Peter could ever be happy.

In that time, all Peter and Claire had were memories of long-ago stolen moments, of glances that spoke of more feeling than thought possible, of a dark night when a promise was made.

He glances over and sees the familiar blond hair of Monty's half-sister, who doesn't look a day over twenty. The tears running down her face are every bit as genuine as the tears she'd shed for her brother Lyle nearly ten years ago.

Their secret is safe; they can finally be happy together, but it's only at the cost of the lives of those they've loved and held dear. So they promise not to forget.

Later that night he gently wipes her tears away and kisses her and for the first time, they're free.

I hope you enjoy! Questions, comments, and constructive criticism are greatly appreciated!