A/N: Hey guys...guess who's back, after totally pulling an Alice Kingsley and disappearing for what feels like thirteen years (of which it was thirteen years that she was gone, not ten or seven like I've read in some magazine reviews)

So I got busy with school and being the gloriously unorganised person that I am I forgot all about this, until I got an email two days ago from Fanfic saying that someone had added my story to their alerts list. I was so shocked that people were still actually reading this and liking it that I decided to kick back into action.

This chapter relies a little on the geography of the Ascot estate, and seeing as I'm not quite sure exactly how everything is set out, just take where I say things are with a grain of salt.

'Tis All, enjoy :)

P.S. There's a Tim Burton exhibition in Melbourne that opens this Friday! Any Aussies in that area, go see it! It looks so awesome!

Eloise Scarlett was the daughter of Felix and Eleanor Scarlett, who had no relatives in the entire world, but had forged a strong friendship with the William family. They were of similar background, the two men shared similar interest of trade and finance, and the women seemed to get along just fine. The only thing the Williams had that the Scarletts couldn't share was a child; their daughter, Hannah, betrothed to the second Ascot son.

But alas, one evening, when Summer was creeping away over the horizon, Eloise graced the world. Fine haired, curly and blonde, with red wine lips and wide eyes, she was the image of daintiness. But no matter what, the first thing anyone ever thought of little Eloise was, "My, doesn't she look like a little Alice Kingsley?"

Oddly, Alice and Eloise never quite met. The Scarletts lived on the other side of town to them. Until of course, another Summer night.

"Eloise?" the merchant mumbled. "Eloise may I come in?"

Eloise sat perched like a statue on her bed, holding her favourite teddy bear to her stomach and staring into the wall like it wasn't even there.

The merchant crept into the room and pulled up a chair beside her bed.

"Eloise, I'm afraid I have some grave news,"

Eloise bit her lip, she knew what was coming. She'd known for hours; her parents hadn't returned for dinner. Eloise knew they weren't going too.

"Eloise," the merchant said, as if her name was the only safe thing he could say. "Your parents were found, their carriage had been robbed, do you understand what I'm saying?"

Eloise ventured to answer, but clutched her bear tighter instead.

"Your parents were killed," the merchant almost whispered. "I'm sorry,"

Eloise closed her eyes and breathed slowly. She didn't want to hear anything else. The merchant sighed, adding "I'll be in the lounge if you need me,"

Outside the door, Eloise could hear the maid and the Merchant whispering.

"She's barely seven, she can't stay here,"

"But, Miss Finery, where do we send her?"

"Mr. Weller, I think I know a place, but first, we must find their will,"

"Perhaps they have a plan,"

"I knew them well; I think I know what their plan was,"

No, Eloise thought. Not them. Anywhere in the world, but them.

Eloise ran through the forest behind the Ascot Estate once more. She trailed something that had caught her eye. That forever rushing little white bundle of neurotic rabbit.

"Where have you gone?" she muttered, leaping over a log.

Eloise glanced back at the estate; she knew she ought to be back with the Hatter, but curiosity overcame her and she bound after the rabbit. A little dash of white fur appeared and then disappeared behind a tree, and Eloise bolted towards it. The white rabbit caught sight of Eloise and collapsed from fright.

"Oh, Mctwisp," Eloise sighed, picking him up. "Wake up, we have to get back to the Hatter,"

She nudged his cheeks, which had, like every Underlandian, taken the form of something dully normal. A white rabbit indeed, was all he was.

Mctwisp roused awake, and sat comfortably in Eloise's arms. His red eyes opened wide with nervous tension, his nose twitching like a wad of itchy fur was floating right before it. Mctwisp suddenly thrust his head around behind him, and without a breathe to spare, he leapt out of Eloise's arms and back into the forest.

"Wait!" Eloise cried. "We have to find the Hatter!"

She once more bound after him, racing through the forest. She dodged trees, logs, leaves, bugs and everything until she could barely see where she was going anymore. Ahead of her was nothing but the dull forest and occasional bright glimpses of Mctwisp. She caught sight of him leap to the right and cower behind a tree, but before Eloise could call out to him, she saw what he was hiding from.

The most terrifying, strange looking and menacing woman she'd ever seen. And such a large head!

"No," Eloise thought. "Surely not..."

She dived behind a tree, and sneaked another look. The woman marched steadfastly in the direction of the estate, flanked by a tall tall man, a few rugged looking people, and what looked like...playing cards?

"Outlanders" Eloise muttered. Playing card men, dirty looking people...and the Queen who had said to have been banished. Eloise gulped.

She needed to find the Hatter now. Suddenly, there was a high shrill.

"STAYNE!" shrieked the voice.

"That has to be her," Eloise thought

"I smell wabbit! Find it at once!"

"Yes, your most graceful highness," a mans voice said obediently. "Find it!" he yelled at the men.

Eloise could hear the clunk of some metal, and assumed it was the playing card men. "So they're soldiers," she thought. Out of the corner of her eye, Eloise could see Mctwisp behind the tree. She hoped to hope he wouldn't try to run.

The clunk of the soldiers grew louder as one of them neared Eloise's tree. Looking over at Mctwisp, Eloise could see another soldier, him too closing in on the rabbit. She had to act...she couldn't let those awful Outlanders take Mctwisp.

The things they did...she remembered the Hatter saying with the most unsettlingly grim eyes.

Near to where she was sitting, Eloise spotted a small branch. It looked big enough for her to pick up, and crouching forward, she gingerly took it from the ground. The soldier near her tree heard the branch move and marched over. Eloise closed her eyes, held the branch up and listened.

Clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk.

Just a little more...

Clunk- CLUNK!

Eloise whipped around the tree and smashed the branch as hard as she could into the thin playing card soldier. It toppled over backwards and cried out loudly, screaming "I found it! The crazy thing hit me!"

Eloise looked at Mctwisp and yelled 'RUN!', before desperately bolting for the estate.

"CATCH THAT GIRL!" she heard the Red Queen shrill with anger. "AND THE WABBIT!"

As Eloise ran towards the estate she could hear in the distance, the cries of the Red Queen.


"No," Alice frowned, placing her hands on her hip.

"Oh why not!" Tarrant whined, dragging out the why.

"Because that man you say has a 'dreadfully boring hat' over there was one of my father's business partners and I won't have you scaring him by offering him hat choice advice!" Alice leaped into a rant.

"Alice, dear, are you alright?"

Alice closed her eyes and put her forehead to his shoulder.

"No," she mumbled. "We should be doing more than waiting,"

Together with the anxious Thackery and a napping Cheshire Cat, the Hatter and Alice stood in the patio awaiting orders from Mirana. It had been decided that Alice stay with the Hatter and protect the Underlandians they'd found while Mirana and the Tweedles went looking for Eloise.

"I have reason to believe my sister is behind this, so you are staying right here, Alice," Mirana had said. "And Hatter, I trust you to take care of her,"

"Of course, m'lady," the Hatter said with a bow. Now it had been about half an hour and Alice was becoming restless.

"I don't like standing still," she said.

"Oh neither, Alice dear," Tarrant said. "But eh, p'rhaps some things ar' for the best now ey,"

"Still got the brogue," Alice mumbled, a smile perking up the corners of her lips.

Their attention was diverted when Chesh began hissing. Turning to look at him, they found he was batting madly at a tiny white mouse.

"Chesh, no!" Alice cried, rushing over and grabbing the mouse. Alice knew at once who the mouse was. "Can't you see!" she hissed back at Chesh.

Holding the tiny mouse up to Tarrant's face, she said, "This is Mally!"

"By Gryphon, it is!" Tarrant cried. The tiny mouse jumped for joy at seeing the Hatter and then turned back to Alice. Chesh sat in the corner, waving his tail unhappily.

"You're mad," Alice said to him, suddenly smiling. "You growl when you're happy and wag your tail when you're angry..."

Chesh narrowed his eyes and let out a quiet mew.

She turned her attention back to Mallymkun, and her smile fell away. "Otherland got to you too I see," she mumbled. Suddenly, Alice broke into tears. The Hatter quickly snatched up Mally and placed her in his pocket so that Alice would let her hands move to her face.

Wiping her tears, Alice sobbed, "I'm sorry, I just can't stand that this is happening to all you,"

She looked into Tarrant's grey eyes. "I miss the madness,"

Tarrant leant forward and whispered, "Don't fret,"

Alice smiled broadly at him. She turned to look at the party crowd, all who where deeply enveloped in their party gossiping and tea cups. Only the occasional few would look over at Alice and the Hatter, their eyes quietly wondering, "Who is that odd man with Alice? And why are they harboring a cat and a hare?"

Mrs. Kingsley however, and Lord Ascot had spoken nothing of it for nearly an hour, so everyone knew to keep their noses out. The gossip however, still flew.

"Is that her new fiancee? Who is he? She turned down a Lord for an apprentice job and a man no one knows?"

"Perhaps she is with child,"

"I expect that to be the case, little tart,"

Alice frowned. "They're talking about me, I know it,"

The Hatter occupied himself by playing with Mally, who ran about his hands jovially.

"Alice, dear, was it not you who said you do not mind what they think"

"Well I don't," Alice said. She folded her arms and began to ponder. Surely it was safe to go wondering, especially with Tarrant by her side. The worst that could happen is they could run into the Red Queen, Alice thought, but even then she was banished. She'd have no one but Stayne.

Alice knew they would be safe...

"Come on then," she said to Tarrant, picking up Chessur and stepping down from the patio. "We're going,"

"Alice, dear, no we had specific orders from her High-ness to stay, r-right here," Tarrant managed, knowing that Alice was just as stubborn as she was beautiful. Wait..

Had he just thought that? She certainly was a pretty girl but...yes, beautiful. Mesmerizing and beautiful.

"Hatter!" Alice hissed.

"I'm fine, sorry, my mind was else where,"

Alice giggled. "Isn't it always?"

Tarrant smiled awkwardly, and picked up Thackery. Slinging the hare over his shoulders, Tarrant followed Alice as she marched through the party. Weaving in and out of guests they searched, Alice's eyes prying for any sighting of Eloise.

"If I was Eloise...where would I go..of course!"

With that she took off, out onto the small plain just before the forest. As she neared the plain she dropped Chessur, and broke into a run. Tarrant tried to keep up with her, devoted to protecting her no matter what she did.

Suddenly, Alice stopped. Her gaze was transfixed forward and her mouth fell open. The Hatter caught up with her, and he too gaped.

Running towards them, followed by a number playing card soldiers, was Eloise and what appeared to be a white rabbit.

"RUN!" Eloise yelled at them. "GO!" Alice turned around and made for the estate, taking Tarrant's hand and practically pulling him forward. They ran through the party, disappearing into the Ascot's house.

"Swords swords," she mumbled quickly. "The gaming room!"

Leaving Tarrant at the door and dashing into the gaming room, Alice retrieved two swords that the Ascots kept safe in a cabinet.

"I'll apologise later," Alice said. "Right after they thank me,"

She threw Tarrant one of the swords as she ran out of the room and together they dashed back through the party (with the swords, at which point Lady Ascot, realising what they were carrying shouted "Honestly, what is going on!") and towards the field.

"Remember the Frabjous Day, Tarrant?" Alice breathed, buckling the sword sheath to her waist and drawing the sword. She could see the playing card soldiers marching about, Eloise having disappeared from their sights, now hiding behind a hedge. Alice nodded to the little girl and mouthed "STAY".

"Cer'ainly, m'dear," Tarrant grinned, taking his own sword. "Ey, love a good sword fight, no doubt,"

"Certainly," Alice repeated, and with that they ran at the soldiers.

"Helen, I demand to know what has gotten into your daughter!" Lady Ascot shrieked.

"Calm down, Agnes, please," Mrs. Kinsgley tried.

"I organised this party, I called everyone here, I..I organised the food!"

Mirana hovered nearby with the Tweedles. She had been sifting through the party hoping to hope that Eloise would show up sooner or later. Drifting daintily around, she was even stopped by a few guests, them reeling her into their conversation.

"I do apologise, but I am pre-occupied," she would say before scurrying off.

"We gotta find Alice," Tweedledee announced as they stood by some roses.

"No, its Eloise, not Alice," Tweedledum corrected.

"But we already found Alice,"

"Don't you mean Eloise?"

"Yeah, Eloise, we already found her,"

"Hush, boys," Mirana said, trying to listen in on the Ascot's conversation.

"Agnes," Lord Ascot said. "I'm sure there's an explanation,"

"Well let's go find out, then!" Lady Ascot hissed, and stormed off in the direction Alice had been running. Having caused quite the commotion, Lady Ascot gathered quite a following, all anxious to find out what was really going on. They walked down the the edge of the plain, and as soon as they saw what was going on, cried out in shock.

"Alice! Kingsley!" Lady Ascot cried. "I have ha enough-"

"Sorry!" Alice cried. She dodged a spear jab from one of the soldiers, and swung at it with her sword, putting a large dent in its side. The soldier toppled, but not long after did Alice have another one to contend with. The Hatter was much the same, battering off soldier after soldier.

The crowd stood agape. They weren't sure what was more surprising; the playing card men or the fact that Alice was fighting them...and winning!

"She fights like a natural!" one man cried.

Alice and the Hatter backed up to each other, each with only one soldier to go.

"One, two," she whispered. "three, four, five,"

"Six!" the Hatter cried. "Now go!"

They swiftly beheaded the remaining soldiers, and without a second to hesitate they ran back to where Eloise was hiding. Ignoring the crowd, Alice crouched down and asked Eloise how she was.

"I'm fine," Eloise muttered. "I-I found Mctwisp,"

The white rabbit crept out from underneath Eloise and shivered without its waist coat.

Alice sighed with relief. The Hatter began marching Chessur and Thackery back to the patio to wait, oblivious to the whispers of the crowd as he carried one of the Ascots swords.

Alice however, could not escape them. No sooner had she picked up Nivens and begun walking him over to where the Hatter was standing did Lord and Lady Ascot, not to mention Hannah, Hamish and just about everyone there, lay their expecting eyes on her and demand to know what was going on.

"Alice...I simply do not know what to say anymore!" Lord Ascot said. "You...you are truly your father's daughter!"

"Thankyou," Alice said cautiously. She moved to put her sword back into its sheath when she heard Eloise cry, "Alice, it's her!"

Alice snapped her eyes back over the plain, and in the distance could see a bright flash of red hair and the lanky armor of a tall tall knave. Mirana saw them too and dashed over to Alice.

"Your majesty!" Alice cried. "Sorry, I shouldn't have left the-"

"There isn't time, Alice," Mirana said, her eyes wide. "I was thinking, while I was searching for Eloise. My sister was bound to show up eventually, and we have no means of protecting ourselves here, but I know a way that we can stall,"

"Stall, why?" Alice said.

"You and Tarrant must go back to Underland, you must figure out why this is happening and quickly! She mustn't see you!"

Mirana ushered Alice off towards the Hatter.

"In my castle," Mirana called to them as they ran off. "There's a potion that will bring you back, without the side effects!"

Alice nodded and ran towards the forest with Tarrant. Avoiding the plain, they ran past the patio and into the garden. Alice felt the curious tingles of deja vu; running from Hamish, through the garden, finding the rabbit hole.

"Okay then," Alice said. "Down we go,"

She took Tarrants hand and together, they jumped into the rabbit hole.






down they fell,

past pianos,

jam jars,

a skull or two...

...until they landed back into the hall of doors.

"Tarrant!" Alice cried, throwing her arms around him. She was delighted to find him back to his usual state of absurdity, with his pink ribbon hat, torn jacket, colourful socks, pale face and those crazy emerald eyes.

Again, she felt his thin figure and began to worry. Putting on a smile, she said to him, "Ok, we haven't much time, we need to get to Marmoreal,"

She wondered over to the table, and looked for the keys, slightly confused.

"I was sure they were here,"

"The keys? Oh yes, those, Her Majesty had those placed there for your if you ever returned, you see we have many doors in Underland and so many many places to visit. The gangly gardens, mushroom forest, Outland (never go there though, my dear), Thackery's garden of course, the whirlpool, the mock turtle used to be there but-"

"Tarrant," Alice hissed.


"No no, I don't mind you I mean I remember where the keys are!"

Alice dove her hand into a pocket on her skirt and pulled out six little keys.

One tiny key, one with a snowflake, one sprouting mushrooms, one made of china, one old and rusty, and one silver with red engravings.

"I believe the one you're looking for has the snowflake on it,"

"Yes but which door," Alice mused. It didn't take her too long however, to work it out. The most gloriously white, shining, beautiful door embellished with light pink butterflies and a rose for a doorknob. Alice unlocked the door and quickly pocketed the keys.

Opening the door, Alice gasped and smiled in amazement.

"Welcome back," Tarrant whispered, and they stepped inside the grand halls of Mirana's castle.

Whew! Long chapter! Hope you like my various random references to Carrol. Does anyone know how I can get the formatting to work so in the part where they fall, I can have the "Down"s cascading? Know what I mean? I tried to space them out but they just reverted back to normal. Any help would be appreciated :)
