A/N So, last chapter! The epilogue! I really hoped you enjoyed this story! It certainly helped me improve my English and my writing skills, so after this story, I'll certainly start another iCarly story! And, you guys, can help me chose! Here are my ideas:

1. Freddie, Sam and Carly are trying to break the world record again, and this time they are making a show of 50 hours. What will happen when they are all sleep drunk and playing truth or dare on camera cause they ran out of ideas.

2. Freddie and Sam make a bet (big shock here), Freddie can't use his laptop, camera, cell phone and pearpod for 3 days. Sam can't speak for 3 days. Who loses has to be the other ones slave for a day. (There won't be lemon in this one, I'm not ready to write a lemon.)

3. Freddie gets Sam pregnant after a really stupid night (drinking involved) and they don't know what to do. Basically a Seddie is pregnant story, but I always love reading them.

4. I maybe want to write an iCarly crossover with Percy Jackson or Harry Potter.

So, that were my ideas, tell me which you like, which you hate, which you love! Now, I no longer will bore you with this author note and let us move on towards the epilogue! Hope you like it!

One thing, this chapter is based on the dream Sam had when she was out, based, so it's not completely the same!


Who said dream's couldn't come true?

Sam's POV

"Sam, are you ready?" Carly asked me.

"Yup," I said, twirling around in my white dress, my hair dancing around my face.. (picture for the dress and her hair on my profile)

"I still can't believe you insisted on wearing your converses!" Carly said in disbelieve, I lifted my floor length dress and revealed my bright red old converses, they were worn, written on and they almost fell apart, they were mine.

"Do you want me to fall down the aisle?" I spotted.

"Well, no," I cut her off before she could say more.

"Then quit complaining!" I smirked, and I dropped my dress towards the floor again. The door opened and it exposed Freddie. Carly immediately started complaining the groom couldn't see the bride before the wedding but I just ran towards him.

"Fredward!" I said, smiling, and throwing myself in his arms. Hey, cut me some slack, I haven't seen him for 2 days.

"We're 25 and about to marry and you still insist on calling me nicknames?" he asked.

"What did you expect?" I smirked and pulled him in for a kiss. After a certain amount of time, I really don't know how much, I heard Carly cough and I quickly pulled away.

"Freddie, you have to go now! They are waiting for you in the church," Carly mentioned.

"Yeah, your right," Freddie said, he kissed me again till Carly pushed him out.

"And hurry!" She yelled after him, and she closed the door.

"And now, lets do your make-up!" Carly cheered.

"Can I convince you only mascara and a bit of eye-liner will do?" I asked hopeful, though I knew I had no chance.

"Absolutely not," Carly simply said.

"Than, start to torture," I sighed and sat down. After about half an hour of torture Carly announced she was finished. You can say much about Carly, but she's an amazing make-up artist. I looked amazing, on my eyes were like 9 different shades of earth colours, a really thin black line surrounded my eye. My lips were a mat red colour.

"Carly, you're amazing!" and I hugged her.

"I know I am," she smiled, "now, it's time to go!" and she grabbed my hand and dragged me in the elevator. "Are you nervous?" she asked.

"Weird as it is, not even a bit," I told her, she smiled widely. The elevator arrived downstairs, we stepped in the lobby, where an now bolding Lewbert was sleeping on his desk. We stepped outside and hurried towards our limo. We drove towards the small church I picked out, I wanted to keep the wedding small and private. My first choice was going to Vegas, but I knew Freddie would never been okay with that. So I decided we would marry in this small church, with just our closest friends and family. Luckily, Freddie was okay with that. After a 15 minute drive the limo stopped in front of the church.

"Sam, come on, it's almost time," Carly said when she jumped out of the car, she took my hand and pulled me out of the car, and hurried to the backdoor of the church.

"Carly, slow down! I have problems with keeping up with you, and I'm wearing converses, you're wearing 2 inch heels, you're gonna break your leg!" I said out of breath, when Carly only started running faster. "Carly!"

"I don't want anyone to see you!" she said, when she pulled me inside a little chamber, "that'll ruin the element of surprise!"

"Than," breath "you," breath "could've" breath "at least let the limo stop in front of the door!" I cried out.

"Sorry, no time," Carly said, and she sat me down in a chair, "now, let me make you perfect!" she cheered, and she placed a few lost strands of hair in the right place, perfected my make-up and my dress. After that she quickly fixed her own hair, make-up and dress, she was my maid of honour after all.

"Mommy, mommy!" A little, brown haired, blue-eyed girl entered the room with Spencer, who was giving me away, and Melanie, who was my other bridesmaid.

"Lauren, you look so beautiful!" I told my 3-year-old daughter, and she smiled widely. She was wearing a white dress with a bow on her side. Normally I wouldn't like a frilly dress like this, but she just looked so cute in it.

"You do to, mommy," she said in her adorable voice, I picked her up and hugged her, after a few seconds I carefully set her back down.

"Lauren, do you still know what to do?" Carly asked her.

"Yup, I walk towards daddy and I throw this coloured leafs on the ground," she smiled.

"Very good," Carly said, and she handed her a small basket filled with flower leafs.

"Pretty," she said when she touched she leafs with her tiny fingers. Outside the wedding music started playing, giving us the sign it was time. Lauren was the first walking trough the doors, and she was followed by Melanie and a few seconds after that Carly also walked trough the door. Spencer offered me his arm, and we walked to the doors, entering the room. All the eyes were on me, but this time it wasn't because I made a rude comment, this time it was because I was getting married. Lauren now arrived at the altar, and she went to sit in a chair next to my mom. Melanie and Carly also arrived and went to stand at there place. Spencer let go of my arm, kissed the top of my head, and then left me to stand behind Freddie, he was also his best man. I took the last steps, and then I stood in front of Freddie. The priest started talking, but I didn't hear him, I just got lost in Freddie's eyes, like I had done so many times before.

"You may now say your vows," the priest said, and the words vows got my attention. Writing my wedding vows was some wicked job, it was one of the hardest things I had to do in my live. The priest announced Freddie could say his vows first.

"Sam, when I first met you, I thought you were kind of pretty, but you made sure I wouldn't get to close by hurting me, with words or fists, every time I tried, so I gave up. But after a while I decided I couldn't pretend I didn't like you, you were just amazing, even if you hit me all the time, and insulted me, and called me nicknames," when he said this a small, guilty smile crossed my lips. "And then you lost your memory, and I saw, the hitting, insulting and calling nicknames was just you, and I was perfectly fine with it. Sam, I have dated you since we were 15, we had a child when we were 22 and I proposed to you when we were 24. I'm certain I want to spend the rest of my live with you, and I love you more than I ever loved anyone else." Freddie ended his vow, and my eyes were beginning to water. The priest turned to me, announcing I could begin.

"Freddie, well, writing this was some hard chizz. I couldn't think of anything to say to you, so I'm just telling you why I love you. You put up with me, all those years of physical and emotional pain, you just were willing to put up with it, cause that was how I am. You cook for me, every day, though I almost eat all the food and you often end up having nothing. You are willing to go to the store at 4 AM just because I'm craving bacon and we ran out. You never complain, though you have all the right to. Fredward Benson I love you more than all the meat in the world, and I'm completely sure I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I said, my tears now rolling down me cheeks. I looked around and I saw I was not the only one who was crying. Gibby was blowing his nose in a tissue, my mom and Freddie's mom both had rolling tears down there cheeks, Carly, Spencer and Melanie were sobbing and Freddie was wiping his eyes.

"Than you may now give each other the rings," the priest said, and Lauren jumped of her chair, grabbed the rings from the bottom of her flower basket and gave me mine and Freddie his, after that she went to sit down again.

"Sam Joy Puckett, do you take Freddie Carl Benson as your lawfully wedded husband, do you promise to be true to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and honour him all the days of your life?" the priest asked me.

"I do," I almost whispered, and Freddie slowly slipped the ring on my finger.

"Freddie Carl Benson, do you take Sam Joy Puckett as your lawfully wedded wife, do you promise to be true to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and honour her all the days of your life?" the priest asked Freddie.

"I do," he said loud and clear, and I carefully slipped the ring on his finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride," he finally said I was longing to hear all day, I took a step closer and Freddie kissed me. It was my first kiss as his wife, but certainly not my last.

A/N So, that's it, I really hoped you enjoyed my story! Leave a review for which story you want me to write!