Suddenly, a Wartortle leaped in front of Vulpix and shot a stream of water from its mouth. The flames turned into instant steam. At first, I thought it belonged to some random stranger trying to help me out, but I was wrong.

"Good job, Wartortle!" Jim stood right across from me. Even from afar, it wasn't hard to spot him, with his signature blue hair and his signature Pokémon standing loyally beside him. "Magnemite, Houndour! Don't let them get away!"

Both Pokémon dashed from their trainer's side and locked in on the Smeargle. Wartortle aimed another Water Gun attack at Green-tail and knocked it down. Pretty soon, the rest of the Smeargle were either electrocuted or burned to a crisp.

Jim called back his Pokémon into their Pokeballs. A smug grin had now formed on his face.

"You're such a show off, Jim!" I called out, smiling.

"You're welcome, Jones," Jim answered. Then his grin turned into a frown. He started to panic. "Jeremiah! Where is he?"

Jim hurried towards me, and for a while there, we looked frantically around, like a pair of Spearow looking for worms. But just when we thought he got away, we saw Jeremiah. He was in the middle of a crowd of people not far from us.

And his hair was on fire.

"Help! Help!" He ran in circles, desperately clawing at his hair to put the flames out. The tourists just gawked at him with their mouths open. Finally, someone called out a Poliwag. The tadpole Pokemon attempted to put out the fire by shooting bubbles from its mouth, but it kept missing its target.

"Hurry! Hurry! My hair! My beautiful hair!" he screamed hysterically at the Poliwag.

I felt something brush up against my leg and looked down. Vulpix was wagging her tail, her head tilted up at me. *I was aiming for the vest, but I guess the hair will do.*

"You did a fine job, dear Watson," I replied.

Jim just got off his Blueberry and looked at me. "They're on their way. We got him."

Antonio De Vega had dyed his Mohawk maroon and I couldn't help but stare at it.

"So we can have the same hair color," he explained.

I just nodded, trying to keep myself from freaking out and running away from there. In front us was a handful of reporters, journalists, photographers and cameramen. One reporter was interviewing Officer Jenny. Once in a while, Jenny would glance at me and give an approving smile that seemed to say, "Good job, Jones. It wasn't a waste of time after all."

Next to Jim, a journalist was jotting down notes on a clipboard. The journalist had pencils behind both his ears, and was talking a mile a minute. "What about 'Amateur Detectives Nail Down Notorious Art Thief'? How does that sound? Sounds amazing, eh?"

"One more shot," the elderly photographer in front of us said and positioned his camera. I picked up Vulpix and, although De Vega was creeping me out, I tried to smile. It wasn't everyday you get to be in the same picture as a renowned artist. I wanted to look decent.

When that was over with, De Vega turned to me. "Ah. I guess I talked to the right person."

"I guess I did, too," I said. It was because of this eccentric artist that I was able to solve my first mystery.

Author's Note: Thanks to everyone who took the time to read and write reviews. I had fun writing this, and I hope that you had enjoyed reading this as well. Anyway, I'm thinking of turning Heather Jones into a series, but I'm also thinking of writing a Trainer Fic. Let me know what you think!
