Desperate for some Chair fluff, so I figured why not write some? =)

Chuck looked up from the book he was reading when his hotel room door opened. He hadn't expected Blair to come by tonight since she had that slumber party still going on but he never minded a surprise visit. He wondered though what her mood would be. She had been rather unraveled earlier in the evening.

She looked tired and a bit defeated when she walked inside but had a hint of a smile on her face. She set her bag down on the table and took off the light jacket she was wearing, letting it fall to the ground as she walked over to the bed.

"Hey" she said.

"Hey" he answered. "I wasn't expecting to see you again this evening. I thought you had a slumber party to host."

"Which is exactly why I can't go home" she said. "You were right. How low did I stoop to throw a slumber party for a bunch of freshmen who are below Jenny Humphrey in Constance hierarchy?"

"So why not go to your dorm?" he had to ask.

"Fear of running into the evil roommate" Blair said. "I know she's supposed to be out of town but I wouldn't put it past her to read about my humiliation on Gossip Girl and come shooting back to annoy me."

"Are you okay?" he asked softly.

"Yeah…" she said, not entirely convincingly.

"I meant what I said before" he said as she slowly got up on the bed. "You got me to tell you I love you. How hard can it be to have the rest of the world eating out of your hand?"

She smiled tiredly and moved closer to him on the bed, leaning over him to give him a kiss. He took his hand from the book and ran it through her hair before letting it rest by her neck. She made herself comfortable lying as close to him as she could, resting her head on his shoulder with a sigh.

"I'm just not used to this" she complained. "I've never before been at a place where people don't recognize their betters when they see them and act accordingly."

"A blind person can see you're so much better than them" Chuck argued, wrapping his arm around her. "But my love, this is NYU, school of commoners. They're probably busy telling themselves that they're making a stand against social hierarchy and refuse to fall in line over some principle or other. They'll come around."

"What if they don't?" Blair pouted.

"They will. Once they realize that you're not better than them because you were born a Waldorf on the Upper East Side. You're better than them because you're Blair Waldorf, the smartest, most cunning, sexiest and all around most fantastic person who ever set foot on that campus. You've got me, one of the most closed-off people in the world and certainly the pickiest, wrapped around your little finger. Your charm and charisma will have them falling in line sooner or later."

"You're biased" Blair said, still pouting.

"I'm right." He placed a finger on her chin and tilted her head towards his for a kiss. "And when that happens you will discover a new side of me."

"I know all your sides" Blair said and kissed him back.

"So you might think. Just wait until the lowlife men at NYU start seeing how amazing you are and start to think they can be good enough for an Upper East Side queen. I'm not proud of the fact that I might get jealous of commoners but I prefer it if men know that they can never measure up to what you and I have and refrain from trying to woo you. It would be a little insulting if one of them thought he could rival me."

"You're crazy" Blair said with a smile. "Those morons at NYU probably think I'm stuck up and snobbish and would never find me interesting."

"So you'd think but ultimately they all fall for the allure of the unobtainable woman" Chuck generalized.

"I just wish I could have gone to Yale" Blair complained, resting her head back against his shoulder. "I would have been so much better there. My kind of college with my kind of people. An Ivy!"

"At least now you don't have to commute from New Haven" Chuck said. "Or, I don't have to commute from New Haven."

"You would have never gone to New Haven" Blair snorted. "You get anxiety attacks if you're away from larger cities for more than a few weeks at a time. You would never have lasted four years in Connecticut."

"I'd be more likely to get an anxiety attack if I was away from you for more than a few days at a time."

She laughed a little.

"I don't know if I believe that but thank you for saying it."

"Believe it" Chuck said, kissing the top of her head. "If I had my way I'd only be away from you while I was in the bathroom."

"That's… both gross and cute."

"You know what I mean" he smirked.

"Yeah I do…" she said, slowly drawing circles on his shirt with her index finger. "We should go away together. For a weekend. Go someplace away from the city where nobody can call us and bother us and we can just… be together. And go out and have fun and do whatever."

"With you it's more fun to stay in" Chuck said. "Though I suppose that depends on what we would do when we went out."

"Chuck I'm serious" Blair said. "Can't we just… go to Europe for a weekend?"

"Just say when" he smiled. "Although… Maybe we can wait until I've gotten things underway at the Empire?"


"It's going to be a lot of hard work at first."

"I know" she said with a nod. "But I wouldn't worry too much. You can excel at it."

"I appreciate your faith" he said.

"I know you" she said with a little shrug. "You wouldn't have bought the hotel if you didn't think you could do it. And besides…" She lifted her head and looked at him. "I'm Blair Waldorf and I believe in you. So if you ever doubt your own ability…"

"I should just remember that you're Blair Waldorf" he finished the thought. "And you believe in me."

"Exactly" she smiled.

"At least that slumber party of yours wasn't a total waste" Chuck said in a musing tone when they had been quiet for a minute.

"How so?"

"Since it drove you away from your own home it gave me the luxury of your company tonight. In fact, maybe you should throw slumber parties more often."

"How about I throw a private slumber party for just the two of us?" she asked, slowly moving to straddle him.

"Do I have to eat cookie dough?" he asked, running his hands up her thighs to rest on her waist.

"No…" Blair said, leaning in slowly and brushing her nose against his. "But you do have to play Spin the Bottle."

"And have a pillow fight?"

"That comes later, when we're in our pajamas."

Without taking his eyes off her he reached over to the nightstand and pushed over a bottle of perfume. He then grabbed it and spun it, eyes still fixated on her.

"I think it points at you, Waldorf" he said.

She grinned widely.

"I think so too."

Thanks for reading. Reviews are always welcome =)