Jake stared at her. He glanced down at her stomach, awe strewn across his face. 'What…? Now?'

Neytiri smiled through her giggles, 'No, skxawng, I am going to have a baby!'

Jake shook his head stupidly, 'What? I… I… How do you know?'

It was Neytiri's turn to look stupefied. 'What do you mean?'

'How… How do you know you're…you're going to have a baby?'

'I know.' She said, looking rather confused. What was he talking about, how could you not know you were going to have a child?


'I can feel it.' She smiled at him, white teeth shining as the last of the sun disappeared.

Jake still looked as if he had been slapped with a wet kipper.

'Feel it.' Was all she said, and he put his hand on her stomach, only feeling its smooth warmth.

'No.' She giggled again, 'Through tsahaylu!'

'Oh.' He was still completely lost, not having a clue what she meant by 'feeling' it and 'knowing'.

The bonds intertwined and connected; he shuddered at the sudden rush of pleasure. Then…

'You're going to have a baby!' He said very, very quietly.

'You…we're going to have a baby!' He said breathlessly, laughter spilling through his voice. When the bond had formed he was suddenly filled with the unexplainable fact that Neytiri was with child, he didn't know how, he…he just knew.

'Yes.' Was all she said, staring at the mixture of shock, awe, love, confusion and joy that had flooded across his face.

Suddenly he was filled with the urge to protect her and cherish her and…and… he didn't know what but he would never, ever lose her. Ever. He pulled her into a massive bear hug and she clung to him, laughing with the joy, feeling every emotion that was flooding through him.

Suddenly, all around them the plants began to luminesce as the last rays of sunlight disappeared from the tops of the mountains. The ground beneath them glowed, and leaves shone with pale, beautiful pastel colours which lit the twilight with their own pearly glow. Polyphemus hung above them, its azure radiance filling a quarter of the sky and Pandora's shadow made an obscure shape on its surface. Jake and Neytiri drew apart and he knelt down in front of her, looking as solemn as when he had leapt down from Toruk, he said, 'Oel ngati kameie, hí'i 'awpo, I see you, little one.'

Neytiri giggled again, 'Shush, we must come and tell the others!'

He kissed her belly button, making her giggle all the more, 'Stop it! We must tell sa'nok, Mother.'

At this he stood up, suddenly looking very serious, 'She doesn't know?' For some unexplained reason she could feel nervousness emanating from him, through tsahaylu.

'Yes, of course.'

He hesitated, 'Okay.'

They released the bond, and Jake suddenly felt the feeling of the child disappear from his mind, and he longed for it again. But it was considered terribly vulgar to be bonded in front of others; it would be like… like walking through the streets naked.

Then hand in hand they walked back down the path that led up to the rocky pinnacle, back down to the caves below.

Mo'at was already waiting for them, a knowing smile on her face. 'Mother…' began Neytiri, but she interrupted.

'I know, my child. I am so happy for you!' She enfolded her daughter in a loving embrace and then Jake broke his rule about always being formal around Mo'at and hugged hem both, hell, we're family now, right? They stood like that for a minute, then they turned and Mo'at led the way into the caves.

Awkey's immediate suggestion, having congratulated them, was to have further celebrations for the child of Toruk Makto. Jake, however, who was still feeling slightly out of sorts declined, saying that life needed to return to normal at some point and that the Omaticaya really did need to find a new home. Hundreds of Na'vi appeared as the news spread; all wishing Toruk Makto and his mate congratulations and praying to Eywa for the health of the child.

Mo'at stayed close to Neytiri for the rest of the evening; whenever Jake glanced in her direction he saw that the severe demeanor she usually kept had fallen away to be replaced with smiles and laughter. Neytiri too, seemed to be a fountain of joy, and Jake caught himself staring at her midriff several times in wonder before he realised and was drawn back into conversations about their future home, what he would name the child, did he think it would be a boy or a girl and a hundred other questions.

He had just removed himself from a group of elders to check on Neytiri, when Awkey approached him and clapped him on the shoulder, 'Eyktan, leader, are you ready?'

'For what?' Jake frowned.

'For the Five Trials.'

'Trials? What for?'

'For your leadership of the Omaticaya, of course!' He pronounced, looking incredibly pleased with himself.

'I hadn't given it much thought…'

'So you will be olo'eyktan?'

'Wait… I haven't even thought about being olo'eyktan!' He had almost completely forgotten about Mo'at and Neytiri's. With the mourning, the celebrations, releasing Toruk, having a child, and thinking about the future any thought about being a leader had been driven from his mind.

'But you are already leading the clan; organizing a search for the new Kelutral, the mourning, the celebrations… You are best warrior the Omaticaya have, Toruk Makto. And you are mated to Eytukan's daughter, what more could a clan ask for of a leader?'

'Someone who has an idea of what he is supposed to do?'

'You have already taken care of that!'

'Yes, I can stay calm in a crisis, but… even then, I could have organized the battle so much better; split our forces, kept Trudy's ship as an infiltrator, Partisan tactics could have worked to our advantage…'

'I do not understand Party'saan or infilitrayt'or but you have proven yourself. You united the clans, peace time is always easier for the People.'

'Well, I will think about it once we have found a new Kelku, home.'

'Very well, my friend. But remember, if ever you need my help, our help; call and we shall answer.'

With those words he turned and disappeared back into the crowd. Jake thought about his words for a while and then headed towards Neytiri, hoping to get to take her to bed; he was exhausted and he wanted to be up before dawn to organize search parties and to ask Eywa's help in finding a new Hometree, as well as wishing the clans a swift journey to their homes. In a week, he hoped, the Vitraya Ramunong would be as quiet and isolated as it had once been.

Neytiri did look exhausted when he reached her and she looked up at him with pleading eyes that simply read: too much. Jake smiled and took her hand, squeezing it gently before breaking up the conversations around them, 'We must go; it has been a long and tiring day, and tomorrow will be the same.'

With that he said his farewells and they left the central caves to wander back to their alcove, his arm tucked around Neytiri's slim waist and her tail brushing his leg as they walked. How in hell did I get this girl, was all he could think as she leant her head against his shoulder, looking up at the stars and trusting him to guide her.

They reached the alcove and ducked inside, removing the ornamental necklaces they wore during the day and a minute later they lay beside one another on the fern mattress they were using temporarily. Neytiri sighed in his arms and pressed her face against his chest, she ran her hands lightly down his back and felt him shiver at her touch. She daringly took hold of his queue, something only very intimate couples did, and bonded with it. They shuddered against each other and they were each filled with the other's joy, they fell asleep like that; to wander hand in hand through dreams of laughing children and gurgling babies.

Jake rose out of the unconscious depths and his eyes flickered as he breathed deeply, scenting the dawn air. He opened his eyes to find Neytiri watching him, 'You look so serious when you are asleep.'

'That is because I have a very serious task to do…'

'What is this task?'

'To stop you getting into trouble again!' He said, grabbing her, rolling over, tickling her and pinning her down. She giggled delightedly and struggled a little, but not seriously until they stopped rolling about, Jake was on top and grinned down at her. He leant down to kiss her and her breasts brushed against his chest, they kissed passionately and Jake would have gone further but Neytiri broke away saying, 'Stop.' Jake continued to kiss her neck. 'Stop, we have work to do, and you will be setting a bad example if the future olo'eyktan is the last one to wake up! Jake!' Finally he stopped kissing her neck but planted one last kiss on her midriff, making her giggle again. He was like a child again in his fascination with her tummy.

He sighed and stood up from the mattress, 'Come on then, get dressed!' He said, picking up his necklaces and arranging them over his chest.

Awkey's clan was the last to depart; it would take them less than a week to reach their village and they were looking forward to returning home. Jake was preparing to leave on Títx with a few of the hunters to look for a suitable Hometree, and Neytiri would be staying at the caves around the Vitraya Ramunong for the moment. She wanted to take Iknimaya with some of the other hunters who had lost their ikran but Jake had asked them to wait until they had moved to the new Hometree, and to his surprise they had all acquiesced immediately. No grumbles, no complaints. Neytiri had scowled at him but he knew she wasn't being serious.

Those who stayed behind would hunt for the clan, while those who had ikran would search the forests for a new Kelutral. With everyone organized and Awkey's people ready to depart, Jake found Awkey and thanked him for all his clan had done; they had suffered most as they had been the core of the mass charge against the AMP battle line. Once again Awkey repeated is promise, 'Call, and we will answer, Toruk Makto.'

'Irayo, may Eywa guide you home safely.'

'And may she guide you to a new kelku.'

'Irayo, Eywa ngahu.'

Awkey turned and leapt onto his waiting pa'li before riding to the head of the column of travelers, he turned and waved his hand once before disappearing into the forest.

Jake nodded to himself, well, we have a least one set of allies for the future. Major Anderson's words still rang clear in his mind, "Enjoy it while it lasts, but we will be back. They can't let this go." Jake still reckoned they had twelve years at least before humans would appear on Pandora again, so he swept the thought from his mind and went to find Títx.

It seemed that Jake had been optimistic when he ha reckoned on a week to find a new Hometree, they had been searching for five days and had seen nothing suitable; there was always something that turned into a major factor that was missing from any they had seen so far; a permanent water source, hunting grounds, proximity to other tribes and myriad other reasons had led him to reject every tree they had found so far. He could see an approaching rider almost a mile away, flying at some speed. As the rider drew closer he could see it was Ey'tok, one of Tsu'tey's closest friends and he looked excited. As he came within hearing range he shouted and Jake caught the words, 'Kelutral' and 'pxan', worthy. Jake swooped towards him and Ey'tok gestured back towards the mountains he had emerged from.

'Toruk Makto, you must see this! We have found and amazing site!'

Jake gestured that he would follow and they both circled towards the mountains, anticipation grew in Jake's heart; if Sa'caya had sent Ey'tok to find him then it must be a decent site. They had only begun to look in the Hallejuah Mountains the day before, as they were a dangerous place to start a home, with all the moving rocks and inevitable collisions. Suddenly Jake had a feeling he would be disappointed.

For once, however, despite his dark mood as they approached the mountains the usual mist had lifted leaving a clear view for many miles in every direction, waterfalls sprayed down from the trembling mesas and vines swung gently in the breeze. Great bushes and trees capped the floating mountains as they drifted along their paths, shadowing the land below and whistling quietly in the wind. They flew for several hours and it was late in the afternoon when Jake spotted the gigantic crater in the side of one of the grounded mountains, like a huge crack, and he knew he was going to see something spectacular. As he saw it, Ey'tok turned to look back and point it our to him, Jake just nodded as they flew on.

Rounding the side he saw that the crack in the mountain was only the end of a huge rift valley that in turn opened out onto a huge expanse of forest. Below him was a large lake, a waterfall spilling down from the mountaintops, a valley that extended for miles, and rising out of the forest was a huge tree; dwarfing one end of the lake. It actually spanned the river at the far end of the valley, creating a huge platform over the lake and although obviously shorter than the old Hometree this was a much more extensive network of branches and roots.

They flew towards it and Jake could make out two tiny figures waving from the platform as they swept across the lake. Strangely there were no floating monoliths above this valley, and suddenly Jake realised that the mountains around it were too high for the floating mesas to pass over. This was indeed a sheltered paradise, and Jake hoped this would be the last time they would look over a kelutral to see if it was inhabitable. It seemed perfect; the lake, the secluded forest, the waterfall, the mountains, if there was prey in the forests then they would have the perfect, defensible home deep in the Hallejuah Mountains, deep in the flux. Evidently even Sa'caya hadn't even known about this place or they would have come here immediately, how had they found it? It was days away from the path of iknimaya and beyond any usual reaches of hunting territory.

They drew closer and Jake could see Sa'caya, an older female warrior, waiting for him and Ey'tok to arrive, Títx landed on the ledge and Jake leapt down, looking around and marveling at his surroundings. Evidently two trees had grown up on either side of the river and had somehow become joined over the centuries, which had created the great platform they stood on, then the trees had grown outwards once more making a huge bowl that was open to the sky above but protected from the worst of the winds by the outer branches. The main trunks had grown further upwards, separately and twin pinnacles rose above them, high over the lake and forest.

'Oel ngati kameie.' Sa'caya greeted him as he approached, 'Is this not the most beautiful place you ever seen?'

'Oel ngati kameie, Sa'caya. I believe that you have found our new kelku, have you checked the forest?'

'Srane, there are as many fruit trees and animals as you could care to count, Eywa has provided for us!'

'Well, I believe it is decided then. We must leave now to arrive tonight and announce such amazing news to the clan, I am grateful to you Sa'caya for finding such an amazing place for us to live.'

She smiled at him, 'Irayo, eyktan. It is always a pleasure to serve my people.'