I don't own the characters from "In The Heat Of The Night." but I do own the character of Shawna Williams Skinner. This is a POV/Flashback piece written after reading "Bloodguilt" written by Wrestlefan4. This story focuses on Capt. Shawna Williams Skinner, Parker Williams little sister and how she tries to help her husband Bubba come to terms with Parker's suicide. Anything in Italics is borrowed from "Bloodguilt." Any and all feedback is appreciated.



"Those Left Behind."

Shawna had gone to the cemetery to place flowers on her brother's grave like she had every Sunday morning for the past six months. She hadn't seen Parker's father, Roy Eversole, since the funeral. She had gone to his place, but it was empty. She assumed he'd left Sparta to deal with his grief but she wanted to know he was OK, she still considered him her father too even though she was adopted. This was always her time to be alone with Parker, to talk to him, and to think about everything they had gone through growing up, like when Parker's parents adopted her after her own parents had died in a car crash.

She smiled every time she thought about the day she arrived in Sparta, Mississippi to surprise Parker with the news she was transferring from Los Angeles to the small Newman County Sheriff's Department. She also smiled as she remembered Parker walking her down the aisle on her wedding day to Capt. Bubba Skinner of the Sparta Police Department. Shawna thought back to the day when she arrived in town and surprised Parker.

"Hello Bubba," Shawna said as she leaned on the desk counter.

"Excuse me, do I know you?"

"Think back about 20 years ago and I was the cheerleading captain."

"Shawna? Is it really you?" he asked as he came around the counter and gave her a big hug. "What brings you to Sparta?"

"Would you believe a job offer?"

"Really? Where?"

"The sheriff's department."

"You're still a cop?"

"Yes. You sound surprised."

"Well, Parker said you were doing really great in Los Angeles."

"Let's just say I need a change of scenery."

"Does Parker know you're here?"

"No. I thought I'd surprise him. Where is he?"

"Follow me." Bubba came back around the counter and walked to Chief Gillespie's office where he and Parker were talking.

"Excuse me, chief."

"Yes Bubba, what is it?"

"Parker has a visitor."

"I have a visitor?"

"Yes. A very beautiful lady is here to see you." He grunted when she nudged him in the back.

"Well, who would be here?"

"She said she flew about two thousand miles to see you."

"The only person who would do that is Shawna." He smiled when Bubba stepped aside.

"It's me big brother," she replied with a warm smile as she gave him a big hug.

"So what brings you to Sparta?"

"I have a job offer with the sheriff's department."

"No way. You're leaving the big city to come to the Deep South?"

"Well, you seem to be doing pretty good down here, and as I already told Bubba, I needed a change of scenery."

"Hello Chief Gillespie."

"Hello Shawna. It's been way too long since you've been back here."

"Yes sir I know. I hope to catch up on lost time if the sheriff will hire me. I'm supposed to meet with Sheriff McComb in about an hour and I thought I'd stop by here to see Parker first. Do you think you can spare him for a little while so he can show me to the sheriff's station?"

"I think we can spare him," Bill replied with a smile.

"Thanks, chief," Parker replied as he grabbed his hat from his desk, "Come on sis, let's get you over to the sheriff's office."

"Thanks, Chief Gillespie. Bubba." She smiled at them as she turned and walked out the door.

"Now there's going be one beautiful addition to the sheriff's office," Bubba said and then began to blush when he noticed Bill was watching him.

"Watch it, Bubba. She's Parker's little sister and he might be a little protective of her."

"She's a big girl chief. I think she can handle herself."

"We'll see, Bubba. We'll see." Suddenly Shawna was brought back to the present when she felt someone tapping her shoulder. She looked up and saw Chief Hampton Forbes standing beside her.

"Shawna, I didn't mean to intrude."

"It's OK, Chief Forbes. I was just lost in thought," she replied as she wiped away the tear she felt at the corner of her eye. "I was thinking about the day I arrived in town."

"I bet you turned a lot of heads that day."

"You can say that," she said with a smile.

"How's Bubba?" he asked as he handed her his handkerchief.

"He's not handling this really well and I'm really worried about him. Every since Parker died, Bubba has withdrawn when he's not on duty. He's drinking every day and he will barely speak to me. Then we he does speak to me, we end up fighting. I think he thinks I blame him for all of this."

"Do you?"

"NO! I knew something was wrong with Parker but he wouldn't talk to me. When he came to Los Angeles to see me, I decided then to come back to Sparta. About seven months ago he started becoming distant with me. He kept telling me he was fine and not to worry about him. Then he goes and does this." Shawna said as she placed her hand on the cold headstone and began to cry.

"Shawna, why don't you let me take you home?"

"No, thank you Chief Forbes," she said as she wiped the tears away. "I have to be at work in a little while. I want to know why he did this. I want to know what made Parker decide to pull his service weapon and take his own life instead of talking to someone. The only one who really knows why this happened is Bubba and he won't talk to me or any one else. He even refused to see the police psychiatrist who flew out from Los Angeles and now he crawls into a bottle when he's off duty."

"Shawna, has Bubba ever,"

"Ever what? Laid a hand on me in anger?"


"No, Hamp, he's never raised a hand to me since all of this happened or even before any of this happened. I just know I'm scared for him." Hampton walked Shawna over to her patrol car and talked to her for another minute or so.

"Shawna is Bubba home now?"

"He was when I left. He was passed out on the sofa. I'd say he's still there. Why?"

"I'd like to stop by and talk to him if you don't mind."

"Be my guest but let me warn you, he might not be real friendly."

"I think I can handle him."

"Good luck." Shawna and Hampton parted ways, she heading towards the station and him towards her house to see his captain.

Meanwhile, back at Bubba's house, he was passed out on the sofa and still having the same nightmare which had haunted him for the last six months. He and Parker were in the station talking on what seemed like the muggiest night of the summer. He kept going back to the final few moments of their conversation.

"Parker Williams you ain't one of those.."

"Who are you to tell me what I am and what I'm not? I shouldn't have said anything."

"You're a cop, you're a Vietnam Vet for the love of -"

"And I'm 'one of those' types!"

"Parker, listen you need to calm down. How 'bout I go to the break room and get us a soda pop. Maybe see if there's something to eat. Then we can..figure this out. Ok?"

"OK," came the soft response and the pitiful look on his tear streaked face.

Bubba left him for a few seconds but that was all it took. The shot rang through the station causing Bubba to drop the bottles of soda. He raced back towards the squad room, weapon raised and ready, but he saw no one.

"Parker! Parker!" A groan was the only answer he got. "NO! Hell no." I knew he was dead from the amount of blood pouring out of the wound. He slipped his arm under his neck to move him, he didn't know why but he did. He finally managed to get to the radio to call for help.

Suddenly, Bubba was hearing the doorbell ring and someone calling his name. It took him a minute to realize someone was at the front door. He woke up with the same cold sweat he always had after reliving the horrible night when his friend and co-worker killed himself. Bubba finally made it to the door and opened it to see his boss standing there.

"Chief Forbes, what brings you by here?" he asked as he squinted from the bright sunlight.

"You do Capt. Skinner."

"Come in," Bubba offered as he stepped aside. Hampton followed him into the living room. "Would you like a cup of coffee? I think Shawna made a pot before she left for work.

"Thank you. Bubba I want to know how you're doing."

"What do you mean how am I doing?"

"Well, you look like hell."

"Well, thank you Chief Forbes. Let me guess, Shawna put you up coming here to check on me. She just needs to mind her own business," Bubba replied angrily.

"Bubba you are her business. She's worried about you."

"Well, she doesn't need to be. Look Chief Forbes, I'm fine."

"Really? You don't look fine to me Bubba. Look at you, you're sweating and it's winter, you look like you slept in your clothes, drinking while off duty."

"That's right, Chief, I'm OFF duty. So I can do what ever the hell I want to do."

"Not when it threatens to interfere with your job and your family."

"You don't get it do you. I walked away from Parker the night he died. I walked away from him for one minute. ONE FREAKING MINUTE! Don't you think Shawna blames me for Parker's death?"

"She says she doesn't blame you."

"She does. I see it in her eyes every time she looks at me."

"You're wrong, Bubba." They both jumped when they heard Shawna's voice.