After Sawyer came back into their lives, they slipped into a small, quiet life. Living with Haley and Nathan was a blessing that they cherished because they got to have the family that none of them had before except Haley. Lucas made it through with a Lit degree and Peyton with just a Business degree, opting for the safer bet and just one major while toting a small infant around.

The summer between their Junior and Senior years at Gilmore, Lucas and Peyton got married, earlier than they said they would, but too late by their own standards. White flowers, a beautiful four year old flower girl in their daughter Sawyer, and words that showed how much they cared for each other.

Years later, you wouldn't even know the amount of heartache and drama the couple had suffered.

"Sawyer, you've got to get going… especially if you are going to drop your sister off like you promised her you would."

"Mom, I'm moving as fast as I can! I promise that my dorm is still going to be there when I get there."

"I understand that, but you still need to hurry up." Peyton says, washing some dishes in the sink while arguing with her nineteen year old daughter up the stairs.

"Seriously…" a little boy, nearly eight says, stomping into the kitchen.

Peyton just wraps her arms around him giving him a kiss on the top of his head, and then reaching for a bowl and the cereal for him. "Have breakfast."

"You guys are so loud! I don't want breakfast, I want sleep." He says, ignoring the bowl and placing his head on the table instead.

"I would have woken you up to say goodbye to your sister anyways, Aaron, so there will be no complaining at my breakfast table. Besides, your dad was up earlier than all of us, so you shouldn't be complaining."

"Only because Uncle Nathan makes him go play basketball in the morning on Saturdays. Otherwise, I bet he'd still be in bed." He says, to which Peyton says nothing, knowing that the young boy was right, and the exact temperament of herself at that age.

"Okay, is she coming down anytime soon, because I'm going to be late for practice if she doesn't." Anna says, running down the stairs.

"I told her, and if she's not ready in the next 5 MINUTES" she says, yelling the last part up the stairs, "I will drive you to basketball practice."

The middle Scott shrugs her shoulders before plopping down next to her brother, "Dude, what's wrong with you?"

"Mom and Sawyer woke me up." He says, not moving from his spot with his head resting on the table.

"Tough on you my friend."

"I blame it on you anyways…"

"How am I to blame? I'm not the one yelling."

"Okay, then I blame dad." He says, sitting up finally and looking between his mom and his sister.

"Your dad isn't even here…" Peyton says to her son.

"Yeah, but it's dad's genes that made Anna a basketball star, which means that she has to get up early on Saturdays, which means that Sawyer was going to offer to take her this morning, which because of mom's genes means that she's going to be late, which then results in the screaming, which means that I wake up."


"Yup, I blame dad."

"Well, you got that from me." Peyton says, smiling at her frowning son as she leans against the sink.

Just in time to say goodbye to their eldest daughter, Lucas came through the door, sweaty and carrying a basketball.

"How was your game?" Peyton asks, kissing him as he reaches past her to grab a glass of water.

"It was great actually. I'm glad that Nathan is in town more often." He says, then turning to his middle daughter, "Which reminds me… why are you not on your way to basketball practice?"

"Because I'm waiting for my SISTER!" she says yelling up the stairs.

Then Sawyer Scott came down the stairs, bags in both hands as she moves to hug her brother before moving to her mother and father. And yes… Sawyer Scott, no longer Baley. Just a year after they got her back, she officially became theirs for good, with Social Services approving of them taking her back into custody. And just a year after they got married, they changed her name to Scott.

When she was older, the question eventually came out about why her younger sister had so many more baby pictures than her, and who were those people holding her as a baby when she knew that they weren't Grandma or Grandpa. As much as they could, they explained it to the twelve year old, who then became even more confused considering they just brought home a brand new baby brother. Many months after it came out, the young girl decided that she wanted to spend some time away from home, asking her parents to ship her off to Grandma Karen's for a week or so. Considering she lived just a few minutes away, they were perfectly content on letting her do that.

Karen was the one to explain it to Sawyer in a way that she understood, making her realize that her parents giving her up was probably one of the best things they had ever done. Two days later, she came back home and she asked all the questions she could to understand what happened and be okay with it.

Even during that time, they couldn't have asked for a better child. She grew up, graduated high school with honors just like both her parents, and got into UNC for school. However the fact that she was majoring in Journalism was still something that Peyton razzed her for. Her daughter also got her musical love, singing and playing the piano like no one she'd heard. Peyton told her that the mother daughter duo could be the next best thing. Sawyer could sing and record and Peyton could produce her albums. Sawyer just smiled at her mother and turned to asker her father about his undergraduate Lit classes.

Nevertheless, they were proud of their daughter and of the choices that they had made long ago. Maybe they would have been okay back then. Maybe they could have kept her and all would have been well. But they always think of that year and a half that she wasn't with them and how it could have changed drastically if she had been, for the better or worse. Maybe they wouldn't have gotten into Gilmore and lived with Nathan and Haley. Maybe they would have gotten married earlier or later. Maybe they never would have had Anna or Aaron. But they did and their lives have been the best that they could have been, all because of the choice they made.


Okay, so that is the end… yay for me actually promising to finish a fic and actually finishing it!! Good job me… Now, I hope that you liked it. I thought that it would be something to get everyone through this Leyton fanfic dryspell… I mean seriously people. I NEED my fanfic. I can't read my own, I mean I could, but that would be weird. And I can only read and reread fanfics from smc-27 (my favorite author, if you haven't checked her out you should) so many times (actually I could probably continue to do that…). But COME ON!!!

Read and review… and when you're done… write some Leyton fanfic… PLEASE!!!