Author's note. I'm REALLY sorry for such a long wait, I was writing this story on a notebook and I lost it. But now I've found it so here's the long awaited update.

Suggestions are welcome.

Enjoy and please review.

"How...did Megatron seem?" Starscream asked as they approached the communication room. His tone boarded on insolent, he was in a bad mood.

"He was in his usual good mood," Optimus replied sardonically, ignoring the Seeker's tone. "But he was very...insistent that I allow him to see you."

"He would be," Skyfire said darkly as they entered the room.

Starscream pushed himself out of Skyfire's arm, to face the viewscreen which showed Megatron impatiently tapping his fingers. His optics narrowed at the sight of his second while his lips thinned.

"Starscream," he rasped out. "How nice of you to show up."

Starscream straightened his back and replied.

"I came as soon as I knew you wanted to see me."

Megatron's lip curled as he sneered.

"Did you enjoy yourself last night, Starscream? I hope so, because it's going to be the last frag get for a very long time."

As Starscream blushed, Megatron continued.

"You will be grounded as soon as you come crawling back here. I'll leave the rest of your punishment up to your Trine mates."

Starscream had been about to hotly protest before blanching at the mention of the Trine mates. He swallowed before saying.

"You have no right to punish me; it wasn't my fault I was taken from the Nemesis. And you hurt my son," he added shrilly, real anger in his tone.

"Your son?" Megatron repeated slowly and coldly. "Would this be the son you deliberately concealed from me? The one you've been secretly visiting while you consort with Autobots, our enemies?"

"I...," Starscream briefly stuttered before saying strongly. "He's my son, I have every right to see him and ensure his wellbeing. This is precisely why I didn't tell you about him; I knew you'd over react."

"Over react?" Megatron hissed. "You have been happily going behind my back and fragging that damn Shuttle."

"How dare you!" Starscream gasped. "I have been doing no such thing, I have only ever come to see my son."

Sadly for Starscream, Skyfire chose this moment to come up right behind him and start nuzzling his neck. Starscream jerked away from the touch, still glaring at Megatron. But this didn't deter Skyfire who just kept at him, now light stroking a wing.

"Yes, I can see that," Megatron retorted sarcastically.

"Get off," Starscream hissed, swatting at his mate before focusing on his leader.

"I demand compensation for what my son went through Megatron," Starscream now said, raising his chin high.

Megatron let out a bark of mocking laughter as Starscream glared. He swatted again at Skyfire, whose hands were starting to slip lower. Megatron stopped laughing and sneered at his second.

"You demand compensation, when it is you who owes me?"

"Owe you?" secreeched Starscream, making everyone winced. "I owe you nothing Megatron, nothing!"

"Little brat," Megatron snarled back just as Skyfire's hand slipped between his mate's legs causing the Seeker to squawk.

"I said leave it," Starscream snarled, half turning to push at Skyfire, while at the same time slapping his mate's hand away.

Skyfire only pouted at him, a teasing glint in his optics. Megatron was looking grumpier than ever. Optimus was trying not o laugh at the situation, it would only worsen Megatron's temper.

"I can't imagine why you would want to leave," Megatron now growled sarcastically. "You and your mate clearly can't get enough of each other."

This caused Starscream to snarl and forcefully show at Skyfire before turned to face Megatron. His brilliant red optics were flashing as he snarled.

"This is all your fault, if you hadn't felt me up, he wouldn't be like this."

As Megatron snorted, Optimus said disbelievingly.

"I cannot comprehend how you expect your men to remain loyal if you abuse them so."

"Abuse? Hah, that's a good one Prime. Clearly, you can't tell the difference between abuse and a little discipline."

"Trying to force yourself on your own SIC is hardly a little discipline," Optimus snapped back as he and Megatron started one of their arguments.

Skyfire smiled, by now he was used to them and knew they would last for a while. So he gently took hold of Starscream and before the Seeker could protest, took him out of the room.

"I wasn't finished," Starscream snarled angrily as Skyfire scooped him up.

"I think you were," Skyfire said firmly. "Megatron clearly wasn't changing his mind on anything. Besides, since you're not going back there, it doesn't really matter."

Starscream glared at him as he hissed.

"You can't keep me locked up all the time Skyfire."

"I don't intend to," Skyire said softly. "I am hoping I can convince you to make the right choice."

"And what makes you think that you know what the right choice is?" Starscream demanded hotly.

"Yes, I think I do," Skyfire said coolly. "And that choice involves being with you son. Not just when you can escape Megatron's clutches all the time."

Starscream growled and turned his head away. Skyfire sighed; his mate was certainly a stubborn one. He just could not admit when he was wrong and he was always getting in trouble for it. He wasn't the only one who could be stubborn however, if it was the last thing he did, he would convince Starscream to stay.

"Where are we going?" Starscream snapped after a few minutes of silence.

"To see Ratchet," Skyfire replied casually.

"What, why?" Starscream exclaimed shrilly.

"In order to get a proper check up," his mate replied. "Especially if our love making resulted in something."

Starscream stared at him in complete and utter horror before shrieking.

"That is what this is about? You were trying to make me pregnant just so you can keep me here? You complete and utter slagger Skyfire."

"My only intention last night," Skyfire said sternly. "Was to make love to you. If however, it has caused you to be pregnant then I will be the happiest Mech on the base next to Ironhide."

"Hah, you probably planned this all along," Starscream sneered as they approached the Med Bay. "Well, it's not going to work and if you think I'm letting you near me again, you are sorely mistaken."

"We'll see," was all Skyfire said as they entered.

"Skyfire? What brings you here?" the Medic questioned as the Shuttle walked over to him.

"I want Starscream to get a check up," Starscream replied, placing a very reluctant Seeker on a berth. "We need to know if there's anything that needs taken care of."

Starscream growled at this as Ratchet spared him a glance.

"Well, as long as he behaves himself, I'll give him a look over."

"Oh, he will," Skyfire said firmly as he went to sit behind his mate, wrapping his arms around him to hold him in place.

"Let me go," snarled Starscream angry at being treated in such a fashion.

"Once Ratchet's finished," Skyfire replied calmly, not letting go.

"I'd better take care of the most important aspect of your examination," Ratchet said dryly.

Starscream just growled at him but with Skyfire firmly holding the Seeker, Ratchet felt safe to thoroughly scan him. The scanner beeped and the readings scrolled down the screen. Ratchet carefully examined them, analysing all the data. He shook his head slowly.

"There are no abnormal spark readings...he's not pregnant."

"Hah!" Starscream cried in triumph. "You failed Skyfire, I'm not pregnant."

Skyfire just kissed his head, murmuring. "Never mind Starscream."

This made the Seeker pause as he realised that he wasn't having another Sparkling with his mate. The idea seemed to make him pensive, his wings drooped slightly. A moment later, the mask of arrogance was back in place but Ratchet knew Starscream was secretly disappointed even if he couldn't admit it.

"His systems are a little stressed," Ratchet now said, breaking the silence. "But that's to be expected, he just needs rest and Energon."

"I'm sure we can handle that," Skyfire said with a small smile. "Is there anything else?"

"Hmm," Ratchet said thoughtfully as he examined the remains of Starscream's injuries. "There's some localised infection, keep an optic on that and keep it clean. This planet is full of microbes and bacteria...speaking of which, you'd better bring Icefire along later. Wouldn't surprise me if he picked something up in that mouldy old wreck of Megatron's."

Starscream immediately looked outraged but before he could say anything, Skyfire said.

"I will thank you for reminding me Ratchet."

The medic nodded, now coming closer to Starscream whose wings hitched up in response to this. Skyfire rubbed his arms, trying to calm his mate down. Starscream just growled, he was not willing to cooperate. Ratchet gave him a stern look and said.

"Don't make me strap you down."

"You wouldn't dare," Starscream exclaimed in outrage.

"I will if you don't behave," Ratchet said with a grim smile.

"Starscream," Skyfire said warningly. "Ratchet is trying to make sure you're fully functioning, don't be difficult."

"I am not having an Autobot quack messing around with my systems," Starscream shot back acidly.

"He took care of you last night," the shuttle said in exasperation. "And he has successfully attended to me since I found out I was expecting Icefire."

"That's different," Starscream said mulishly.

"Personality chips might need replacing," Ratchet muttered sarcastically, causing Skyfire to chuckle and Starscream to scowl.

"I will not put up with such disrespect," he began before Ratchet suddenly held up a hand, he was receiving a comm.

"Alright, I'll tell them," he said at last, ignoring the Seeker's furious look.

"Apparently, there are two Seekers on the edge of our defence range and they're not going away," he informed Skyfire as Starscream stiffened.

"Is it who I think it is?" Skyfire questioned and Ratchet paused before nodding.

"Yep, its Thundercracker and Skywarp, non threatening but not leaving," Ratchet stated.

"They're here to see me," Starscream said flatly, his wings quivering.

"That is probable," Skyfire agreed, remembering that the seekers had rescued his son from that awful crate. "We should go and see them."

Starscream stared in surprise at this but also looked hopeful. No doubt he was hoping this would be an opportunity to escape. Wryly, Skyfire said.

"We'll go and meet them...and take Icefire with us."

"What?" Starscream exclaimed in astonishment.

"Why not?" Skyfire said lightly. "They should be properly introduced to our son."

"Yes but..," Starscream stammered, knowing it would be much harder to get away with Icefire there.

"Then it's settled," Skyfire declared, scooping Starscream up and saying to Ratchet. "Thank you for checking him out."

"No problem," Ratchet said as Starscream glared at him.

Sarscream hiss a vosian curse at Ratchet who only chuckled. Skyfire decided to overlook it since Icefire wasn't there to hear said curse. As the large shuttle walked away, Starscream glared back at the Medic and saw that he was typing something into a data pad. Optics widening, he exclaimed.

"What's he doing?"

"Updating your file I imagine," Skyfire said with a shrug as they left the Med Bay and started heading for the Rec Room where Chromia and Icefire would be.

"My file?" Starscream said in outrage. "How dare he, I will not allow my specs to be kept by the Autobots. Tell him to destroy that file."

"And what happen if there's a problem and he needs that file?" Skyfire questioned.

"I don't care, get it destroyed," Starscream commanded but Skyfire simply said "No."

"I hate you," Starscream snarled, trying to hit his mate but failing.

"Stop that," Skyfire told him. "We're almost there, do you want your son to pick up bad habits?"

"Anything he picks up from me can't be worse than what he gets from you," was Starscream's snappy retort.

"Is that so?" Skyfire asked as they entered the Rec Room where Chromia was playing with a giggling Icefire.

"Who's a little flier?" she asked, lightly tossing him up into the air and making him shriek with laughter. "Yes, you are."

"I thought he was supposed to be sleeping," Starscream said grumpily.

"He was, just not for long," Chromia chuckled. "This little guy's a fan of power naps, aren't you?"

Icefire just giggled and attempted to flap his little wing nubs which quivered. Starscream's scowl turned into a fond smile as he watched his son's antics. Skyfire also smile, his Seeker did love their little Sparkling, he just needed to drop his stubborn attitude and stay with his family permanently.

"He takes after his Sire," Skyfire chuckled as he leant down to allow Starscream to pick up the giggling Sparkling. "He hated having a proper recharge when he had a project on so he took power naps instead."

"Did they work?" the blue Femme asked slyly, relaxing back on the couch.

"To varying degrees," was the reply which made her grin.

"Good to know," she said before stretching. "I think I'll have a proper nap, the twins have been partying on and off today."

"What does she mean by that?" Starscream asked once they'd bid her goodbye and left the Rec Room.

"Her Sparklings will be moving about and kicking," Skyfire explained. "Because of my size, it didn't feel like much to be but for a Femme with two Sparklings, it really will feel like their throwing a party."

"Hmm," Starscream mused, briefly wondering what it would be like for him to fall pregnant. No doubt he would feel it a lot more than his mate had.

"Almost there," Skyfire murmured as Icefire eagerly snuggled against his Sire, purring with pleasure.

"I know," Starscream said flatly, starting to wonder how his trine mates would be. Would they be angry over what happened or just relieved to see him? Who knew?

The two Seekers were indeed waiting in the distance and Skyfire lightly activated his thrusters and soared across to them. Icefire shrieked with delight, loving the sensation of flying while safe in his creator's arms. The two Seekers serious faces broke into smiles at the sound and sight of such a happy Sparkling.

"Thundercracker, Skywarp," Skyfire greeted as he landed and allowed Starscream back on his feet. "It is good to see you."

Thundercracker nodded, saying. "Your son looks much better today."

"He's doing wonderful," Skyfire said happily. "Would you like to hold him?"

"Would I!" Skywarp exclaimed in delight and Starscream offered the Sparkling to his trine mate who eagerly took him.

"Hey, aren't you just the cutest little Seekerling?" Skywarp asked, holding the giggling Sparklings high.

"He's beautiful," Thundercracker agreed before asking quietly. "Why did you not tell us?"

There was a pause and then Starscream said. "I didn't want Megatron to find out."

"So you didn't trust us," Thundercracker said in a cool tone as Skywarp cuddled the tiny Seeker.

"No," Starscream said quickly. "I knew you'd be delighted but I thought you might accidently let something slip. And then that damn Soundwave would have pounced on it and taken it to Megatron."

They didn't seem to be buying it so Starscream said.

"Look, I didn't know Skyfire was carrying. He didn't tell me when he found out and I only knew when he was finally giving birth. I...I was overwhelmed, all I could think of was trying to spend time with my son, something you both know Megatron would not have allowed."

"You still could have told us," Skywarp said mulishly. "We're your trine; we're supposed to be able to tell each other things like this."

"Skywarp's right," Thundercracker stated. "We're disappointed in you Starscream."

Starscream stared at him, guilt in his Spark.

"We could have helped you," Thundercracker continued quietly. "We would have understood your need to see your family but instead you closed us out. That hurt."

"I know, I'm sorry," Starscream said, suddenly sounding earnest. "I can't explain it; maybe this is the kind of thing that only makes sense when you're a creator. I just somehow couldn't tell you, I was too focused on Megatron not finding out."

He paused, looking at Icefire in Skywarp's optics.

"I made a mistake," he said softly. For Starscream that was very close to asking outright for forgiveness he hated admitting to mistakes.

The two Seekers paused as they considered his words.

"Alright," Thundercracker finally said after glancing at his trine mate who nodded. "This time we'll forgive you but don't keep something like this from us again."

"I'm not likely to get pregnant any time soon," Starscream stated as Skyfire smirked which in turn made Skywarp laugh.

"Sure you aren't Screamer," he sniggered, making everyone but Starscream laugh.

Things were once again peaceful.

Author's note. Can Starscream make any decision or will he attempt to return to the Decepticon base? Will Megatron try to force him? Find out next time, until then.